






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-7-23 22:17| 查看数: 8588| 评论数: 1|


Cruise Discusses M:i:III
tom Cruise is back in theatres in Mission Impossible III. Cruise seems always in the headlines, but he may be the only one who doesn't read those tabloid1 stories. He recently sat down with our entertainment contributor Jess Cagle to talk about his new movie, his family, and why he tunes out the rest of the world.
You live your life, work hard, and do the best you can. Basically, that's what I'm doing with my life. And ever since you start with actors, the rumors,  this and that2, I can literally predict what people are going to say, because I have been through it for 25 years. OK? And that's the world you live in. For me, I don't even pay attention to it. It's like, “whatever.”
And what Cruise is doing these days is Mission Impossible III, the latest adventure thrill ride that's already taken in over $1 billion at the box office.
I never look to top3 myself. I don't know how to do that. I really look for what interests me. I wanted that personal side of Ethan (his character in the film). I get excited about everything on a movie set. I feel like a little kid every time I get on a movie set. I love it. So that's what I'm looking for.
The story in this one is more straightforward4, not as intricate5 as the first two movies. Was that on purpose?
It absolutely was. I never wanted to confuse an audience. I know, so it confused some people, Mission I, and at times, Mission II—there was a small percentage of the audience. But, really, it is a love story. And it's just rife6 for drama and conflict.
Let's talk about your other project, Suri. You said that you knew right away that was her name, when you saw it in a baby book. Why was it perfect?
I don't know, it just sounded perfect, I liked the name Suri. It had a lyrical7 quality. And when you see her, you see she is Suri.
What was the first thing you did when you got Suri home?
Ah, you know, we're just in lock-down8. We're still in that, just enjoying her. You know, just enjoying her.
While you're having to be on the road (making promotional appearances for M:i:III), is the camera-phone being used a lot?
Oh, yeah, we have, we've got the Blackberries①. We are Blackberrying and calling each other back and forth9. You can't imagine how much I miss them.
For the Early Show, Jess Cagle in New York.
(刘吉  翻译  纳析 编辑)
1. tabloid [5tAblCid] n.小报                            
2. this and that   各种各样                                         
3. top [ tCp] vt. 抵达顶峰, 超越;胜过
4. straightforward [streit5fC:wEd]  adj.简单易懂的,直接了当的                                                     
5. intricate [5intrikit] adj. 错综复杂的, 难以理解的
6. rife [raif] adj.普遍的
7. lyrical [5lirikEl] adj.抒情诗调的, 充满感情的   
8. lock-down   n. 禁闭
9. back and forth   adv.来来往往地, 来回地


13haoliyinbi 发表于 2006-7-31 09:43:54

这么好的东西 居然没有人顶

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