






发布者: twemty | 发布时间: 2009-11-10 13:25| 查看数: 1560| 评论数: 3|


Adolf Hitler was a German football coach, say one in 20 children

An image of Adolf Hitler in history. One in 20 schoolchildren thought Adolf Hitler was a coach of the German football team, a survey said.

One in 20 schoolchildren thought Adolf Hitler was a coach of the German football team, a survey said.

And one in six youngsters said they thought Auschwitz was a Second World War theme park while one in 20 said the Holocaust was a celebration at the end of the war.

The survey for a veterans' charity also found one in 10 thought the SS stood for Enid Blyton's Secret Seven, and one in 12 believed the Blitz was a European clean-up operation following the Second World War.

Scottish-based charity Erskine, which provides nursing and medical care for veterans, said it would now take part in a nationwide scheme to educate schoolchildren about the two world conflicts.

The charity questioned 2,000 children between the ages of nine and 15 about their knowledge of the key people and events of the two wars.

While a quarter admitted they did not think about the soldiers who died in the conflicts, and 40 per cent said they did not know when Remembrance Day was, 70 per cent of all those surveyed said they wanted to learn more about the two wars in school.

Major Jim Panton, chief executive of Erskine, said: "Some of the answers to this poll have shocked us and it has shown that Erskine, amongst others, has a part to play, not just in caring for veterans but in educating society as a whole.

''As we approach Remembrance Day it is hard to believe that 40 per cent of our children do not know when it is. Schoolchildren are the future of the country and it is important that we help them to learn about our history.''

The charity said it wanted some of the 1,350 veterans it cares for every year to share their experiences of the war with younger generations.

Erskine will work in partnership with Their Past Your Future (TPYF) project, a partnership of the Imperial War Museum, the Museums, Libraries and Archives England, the Northern Ireland Museum Council, the National Library of Wales and the Scottish Museums Council, to help schoolchildren learn more about the conflicts.

veteran:a person who has served in a military force, esp. one who has fought in a war(老兵,退伍军人)


twemty 发表于 2009-11-10 13:26:17



这项为一个老兵慈善组织开展的调查发现,十分之一的受访学生将SS(“党卫军”的简称)当成伊妮德•布莱顿的作品《七个小孩》(Secret Seven),12人中有一人认为(1940 年德国对英国的)“闪电战”空袭是“二战”后欧洲开展的一次清扫行动。








习惯 发表于 2009-11-17 06:28:41
正视历史,这个问题的确是不容忽视的~ 好帖子,赞一个~
谷谷 发表于 2009-11-17 07:09:45
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