





给予和接受(Gives and accepts)

发布者: NCE1-Mary | 发布时间: 2009-11-17 12:32| 查看数: 1412| 评论数: 2|

我让自己的微笑,(I let my smile)

在人生荒凉、艰难的海洋里远航。(In the life bleak, in the difficult sea voyages)

然后,就有远远超过我期望的微笑,(Then, has the smile which goes far beyond me to expect,

源源不断地向我返航。(Returns from cruise continuously to me)

当我握着一双低声说“乌云终究会消散”的时候,(When I grasped one pair to say in a low voice “the dark cloud will dissipate eventually” time,)

我觉得从那一天的那一刻起,(I think from that one day-long that moment)

我自己的生命也得到了全部美好的祝福。(My life also obtained completely the happy blessing)

在有伤口需要抚慰的地方,(In has the place which the wound needs to comfort)

我送去关于幸福的想法,(I send to about the happy idea)

很快,就发现欢乐充满了我的房间。( Very quick, discovered that has filled my room happily)

我把自己微薄的积蓄、辛苦挣来的金币和别人分享,(I gold coin which and others share the meager savings, makes laboriously)

但是它们立即增加了一百倍又回到了我的身旁。(But they increased 100 times to return to my one's side immediately)

我帮助别人爬山,(I help others mountain climbing)

只做了一点点的事情,(Has only handled the little matter)

然而却收到了丰厚的回报,(However has actually received the rich repayment)

新的友谊从那一刻开始建立。(The new friendship from that one bites open builds stands)

每天我早上起床,( Every day I get out of bed in the morning)

想着如何获得成功的时候,(Was thinking how to obtain the successful time)

我深深地懂得( I understood deeply)

(服务他人让我继续前进,给予他人的人收获良多!)(Serves other people to let me continue to go forward, gives other people's person to harvest a great deal! )


zhaozhao4292 发表于 2009-11-17 13:35:37
zykenglish 发表于 2009-11-17 20:11:20
本帖最后由 zykenglish 于 2009-11-17 21:19 编辑

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