






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-8-2 14:27| 查看数: 5545| 评论数: 1|

<p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><strong>Text messages 'changing relationships'</strong></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">Mobile phone <strong>text messages</strong> are changing the way people approach romantic relationships, according to a survey published in the British newspaper The Times. </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">More than half of mobile phone users aged 18 to 24 have sent or received an invitation to a date via text message, while a similar number have exchanged sexually-explicit messages, the study by the London School of Economics showed. </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">Just fifty-three per cent agreed that sending a flirtatious message to someone while in a relationship was a form of cheating. </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">"It acts as a kind of <strong>subliminal</strong> zone, an exclusive forum where the normal social rules are suspended," said Kate Fox, director of the Social Issues Research Centre. </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">"eople often say things in texts which they would never say in 'real life'." </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">"When it comes to dating, a text gives you that chance to compose your thoughts, rather than having to speak spontaneously in a phone call with that person," she said. </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">The survey also found that 54 percent of women under 25 used their mobile phone in public to deter people from approaching them. </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">British mobile phone users send an average of 3.6 text messages and make 2.8 phone calls a day. Fifty-one percent of the 16,500 respondents sent at least six text messages a day but only 15 percent made six or more mobile phone calls in a day.</p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">(Agencies)</p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><strong><font color="#ff00ff">Vocabulary:</font></strong></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><strong>text message</strong>: 短信</p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><strong>subliminal</strong>: 潜意识的</p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">英国《泰晤士报》公布的一项调查结果显示,手机短信正在改变人们谈情说爱的方式。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">这项由伦敦经济学院所做的调查表明,在18至24岁的手机用户中,一半以上的人通过手机短信发出或收到约会邀请,同时,另有一半多的人发过色情短信。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">而仅有53%的人认为背着恋人给其他人发挑逗短信是对情侣不忠的一种表现。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">社会事务研究中心主任凯特·福克斯说:“手机短信好比一个潜意识地带,在这个特殊的区域里,正常的社会法则都不起作用了。” </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">“人们常会在短信里说那些他们在‘现实生活’中永远不可能说的话。” </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">她说:“说到约会,发短信可以让你整理好想要表达的意思,不像在打电话时只能临时发挥。” </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">同时,调查发现,在25岁以下的女性中,有54%在公共场所使用手机是为了防止别人靠近她们。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">英国的手机用户平均每天发3.6条短信,打2.8个手机电话。在16500名调查对象中,有51%的人一天至少发六条短信,而只有15%的人在一天内用手机打六个或更多电话。</p>


海伦 发表于 2006-8-3 08:03:50
hehe,every thing is changing
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