






发布者: CalmSky | 发布时间: 2009-12-1 09:35| 查看数: 3764| 评论数: 20|


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zykenglish 发表于 2009-12-4 19:24:30
A.My brother-in-law’s trying to convince me to get involved in online trading.

B.Isn’t that risky?

A.He seems to think it isn’t. He’s even got my usually conservative sister doing it. They said they’d done pretty well in the last 6 months.

B.I don’t know, Twisting. I hear some pretty bad things about it.

A.Like what?

B.Well, they dealt a lot of hidden cost with its internet-based stockbrokerages.

A.So if there is any profit, you make, you lose, paying fees.

B.I guess it always pays to shop around for the best price.



参与人数 1鲜花 +50 收起 理由
CalmSky + 50 听写奖励!


jerry168 发表于 2009-12-4 20:10:47
My brother in-law is trying to convince me to get involved in on-line trading.

Isn’t that risky?

He seems to think it isn’t.He’s even got my usually conservative sister doing it.

They said they’ve done pretty well in the last six months.

I don’t know. Tristen. I’ve heard some pretty bad things about it.

Like what?

Well,that there’re a lot of hidden cost with these internet-based stock brokerages so that any profit you make you’ll lose paying fees.

I guess it always pays to shop around for the best price.


参与人数 1鲜花 +50 收起 理由
CalmSky + 50 听写奖励!


christlulu 发表于 2009-12-4 22:12:21
My brother and lawyers are trying to convince me to get involved in on-line trading.

Isn't that risky?

He seems to think it isn't. He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it.

They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

I don't know truth in it. I first think pretty bad things about it.

Like what?

Well, that there are a lot of hidden costs with these Internet based stock brokerages. So that any profit you make, you lose paying fees.

I guess it always pays the short amount for the best price.


参与人数 1鲜花 +50 收起 理由
CalmSky + 50 听写奖励!


linguaphone 发表于 2009-12-5 03:29:36
----My brother-in-law's trying to convince me to get involved in online trading.

----Isn't that risky?

----He seems to think it isn't.He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it.They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

----I don't know, Tristan.I've hear some pretty bad things about it.

----Like what?

----Well, that there are a lot of hidden cost with these internet based stock brokerages so that any profit you make, you lose paying fees.

----I guess it always pays to shop around for the best price.
linguaphone 发表于 2009-12-5 03:37:22

----My brother-in-law's trying to convince me to get involved in online trading.

----Isn't that risky?

----He seems to think it isn't.He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it.They said they've done pretty well in the last six months

----I don't know, Tristan.I've heard some pretty bad things about it.

----Like what?

----Well, that there are a lot of hidden cost with these internet-based stock brokerages so that any profit you make, you lose paying fees.

----I guess it always pays to shop around for the best price.


参与人数 1鲜花 +50 收起 理由
CalmSky + 50 听写奖励!


linguaphone 发表于 2009-12-5 04:06:56
这个听写在外部可以看到.尤其是前面的几个人。 比如,我可以看到zykenglish的错误,他第三行写道,“they said they'd done pretty well in the last 6 months.” 他把B称呼A为“twisting”, 他写道“Well, they dealt a lot of...”而其实应该是“Well, that there are a lot of...”。他把同一人说的那句话“so that any profit you make...”分到了另一个人说。 而且还写错,写成了“so if there is...”而应该是“so that any profit...”

我也可以看到jerry168的错误。比如,“brother in-law” 应该写成"brother-in-law"; "I don't know"后面应该是逗号。Tristen应该拼成Tristan. "...so that any profit you make, you lose profit paying fees."其中她多加了"...you'll...".其中"...'ll..."不要的。

我又可以看到christlulu的错误,她把brother-in-law写成了brother and lawyers 两个人所以她用了are...在第一句。把名字Tristan误解成“truth in it.” "I 've heard some pretty bad things about it" 写成了“I first think pretty bad things about it";"...pays to shop around"写成了"pays the short amount..."

习惯 发表于 2009-12-5 06:34:07
-My brother-in-law's trying to convince me to get involved in online trading.

-Isn't that risky?

-He seemes to think it isn't. He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it. They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

-I don't know,Tristin.I've heard some pretty bad things about it.

-Like what?

-Well,there, there'rea lot of hitting cost with these internet bastes stock brokerages.So that any profit you make you lose paying fees.

-I guess it'll always pay to sharp around for the best price.

那个电脑职业 第一次听说,完全是靠听瞎拼啊


参与人数 1鲜花 +50 收起 理由
CalmSky + 50 听写奖励!


christlulu 发表于 2009-12-5 10:11:59
习惯 发表于 2009-12-6 02:44:39
-My brother-in-law's trying to convince me to get involved in online trading.

-Isn't that risky?

-He seems to think it isn't. He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it. They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

-I don't know,Tristin.I've heard some pretty bad things about it.

-Like what?

-Well,that, there'rea lot of hidden cost with these internet based stock brokerages.So that any profit you make you lose paying fees.

-I guess it always pays to shop around for the best price.
习惯 发表于 2009-12-6 04:47:17
-My brother-in-law's trying to convince me to get involved in online trading.

-Isn't that risky?

-He seems to think it isn't. He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it. They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

-I don't know,Tristan.I've heard some pretty bad things about it.

-Like what?

-Well,that, there'rea lot of hidden cost with these internet based stock brokerages.So that any profit you make you lose paying fees.

-I guess it always pays to shop around for the best price.

查了一本 American name Society大全,Tristan 而非 Tristin !交卷儿!
christlulu 发表于 2009-12-7 09:20:14
CalmSky 发表于 2009-12-7 11:28:25

lulu这次听的很好,那个a lot of hidden costs只有你听对了啊。
christlulu 发表于 2009-12-7 11:59:48
宝宝儿 发表于 2009-12-7 17:37:19
zykenglish 发表于 2009-12-7 21:04:07
回复 7# linguaphone

You are welcome to point out my mistakes made in the dictation. Thank you for your time.
linguaphone 发表于 2009-12-7 21:40:56
按照语法,there are a lot of hidden costs是对的。但是那个美国人确实是没把costs读出来,他确实读成了hidden cost.当然cost也可以是non-countable noun。不过there are a lot of 就一定是复数了。这只能说朗读者并非是完美的。

其次,so that前面跟句号,变成So that。。。的写法不符合语法。 so that一般是从句,没有so that 打头的独立句子的。



参与人数 2鲜花 +70 收起 理由
CalmSky + 20
jerry168 + 50 嘿嘿,讲的好


沙如雪 发表于 2009-12-8 14:02:57
shunitang 发表于 2009-12-9 09:32:26
--My brother Lar's trying to convince me to get involved in long night training.

--Isn't that risky?

--He seems to think it isn't.He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it.

They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

--I don't know twisten,I've heard pretty bad things about it.

--Like what?

--Well,there are a lot of hidden cost with this internet based stark broker wages.

so any profit you make,you lose pain fees.

--I guess it'll always pay the shop around for the best price.
shunitang 发表于 2009-12-9 13:03:40
--My brother-in-law's trying to convince me to get involved in online trading。这里怎么没听出来 in-law 还以为后面是个人名,

--Isn't that risky?

--He seems to think it isn't.He's even got my usually conservative sister doing it.

They said they've done pretty well in the last six months.

--I don't know Tristen,I've heard pretty bad things about it.

--Like what?

--Well,there are a lot of hidden costs with this internet based stock brokerage.

so any profit you make,you lose paying fees.我以为是要付血本,在paying 跟pain选择 最后还是选了pain.

--I guess it'll always pay to shop around for the best price.

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