





[讨论]What time do you usually go to sleep?

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-8-11 08:46| 查看数: 42251| 评论数: 52|


ferly 发表于 2006-9-4 18:28:08
<p><strong>&nbsp;I usually go to bed in one o'clock, but sometimes I go to bed after one o'clock.</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;I know if we go to bed&nbsp; too late, his&nbsp; health will be very terrible.&nbsp; But sometimes I have a lot of things to do, so I'm always busy untill one o'clock. </strong></p><p><strong>Now I'will pay much attention to it. I shall go to bed early, it's good for me.</strong></p>[em08][em08][em08][em08][em08]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-6 14:48:36编辑过]

Rita娜 发表于 2006-9-5 13:33:49
Shall we do a vote on when to have a dream in midnight too?
Quickie 发表于 2006-9-5 01:05:09
We should do a vote on when time do you wake up in the morning too.
EdoHel 发表于 2006-9-9 23:41:34
<p>11:00 or some later</p><p>S :i'm a student</p>
cr432202 发表于 2006-10-13 09:06:45
<p>when i overtime,i go to bed very late,when i have nothing to do in the day,i will go to bed so early</p>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-11-11 09:32:06
IT depends on!
jessie 发表于 2006-11-19 00:18:43
I like to go to bde late and get up late ....
shilwa 发表于 2006-12-22 16:45:42
i usually go to sleep at 11o'clock
Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-24 11:27:45
I usually go to bed at 21 o'clock and gets up at about seven
andyyeah0277 发表于 2007-1-13 14:29:30
i always go to bed about 10 o'clock..

it is so early to me..
Rita娜 发表于 2007-1-14 10:46:14
I am so glad to see the post floating up......
stoic 发表于 2007-1-14 11:23:38
I am a little diffirent from Rita.

the earlier I go to bed,the later I get up.

so I usually go to bed at 11:00~11:30 in order to have a good state

for the following day
Rita娜 发表于 2007-1-16 13:38:59

I prefer sleeping earlier at night while you don't
寒江雪柳 发表于 2007-2-24 21:15:29

It all depends

During my vacation, I go to bed very late jiust because I needn't get up early. while I'm at work I have to go to sleep before 11 so as to haveenough energy for the next day
tataoo 发表于 2007-8-13 18:29:27
i go to bed at 10 to 10:30,,it's early.hehe
hufangkathy 发表于 2007-12-5 17:00:39
I usually go to bed at 10-11 o'clock. in my opinion, it is really important to our health. as long as we had the enough sleep time, we can be full of spirit and passion, then we can work and study better. less time people sleep, the less effort people work out.
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-12-9 15:29:24
I go to bed at 12.
ch- 发表于 2007-12-17 14:41:16
that depends.
yijieren 发表于 2007-12-31 21:08:54
I had to sleep at 11 o' clock every evening due to work. But sometimes I can relax and fall asleep at 9 o'clock.
wendustc 发表于 2008-3-12 11:07:57
iam a student in a colleage, you know, in the colleage, student often go to bed very late,so do my roommate.so i have to go to sleep aften they did!. now it is custom to me.although i know it is bad for my healthy, i can't do anything!
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