






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-12-13 13:42| 查看数: 2200| 评论数: 0|


校长(大学) President eg:president of Beijing University

校长(中小学) Principal /Headmaster eg:principal/headmaster of Fudan Middle School

院长(大学下属) Dean eg:dean of the Graduate School

系主任(大学学院下属) Chair/Chairman eg:chair/chairman of the English Department

会长/主席(学/协会) President eg:president of the Student Union, Shanghai University

厂长(企业) Director eg:director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant

院长(医院) President eg:president of Huashan Hospital

主任(中心) Director eg:director of the Business Center

主任(行政) Director eg:director of Foreign Affairs Office

董事长(企业) President/Chairman eg:president/chairman of the Board of Directors

董事长(学校) President/Chairman eg:president/chairman of the Board of Trustees


总书记 general secretary

总工程师 chief engineer

总会计师 chief accountant

总建筑师 chief architect

总编辑 chief editor; editor-in-chief; managing editor

总出纳 chief cashier; general cashier

总裁判 chief referee

总经理 general manager; managing director; executive head

总代理 general agent

总教练 head coach

总导演 head director

总干事 secretary-general; commissioner

总指挥 commander-in-chief; generalissimo

总领事 consul-general

总监 chief inspector; inspector-general;chief impresario

总厨 head cook; chef


副总统(或大学副校长等)vice president

副主席(或系副主任等)vice chairman

副总理 vice premier

副部长 vice minister

副省长 vice governor

副市长 vice mayor

副领事 vice consul

副校长(中小学)vice principal

副研究员 associate research fellow

副主编 associate managing editor

副编审 associate senior editor

副审判长 associate judge

副研究馆员 associate research fellow of ... (e.g. library science)

副译审 associate senior translator

副主任医师 associate senior doctor

副总经理 assistant / deputy general manager; assistant / deputy managing director

大堂副理(宾馆)assistant manager

副校长(中小学)assistant headmaster

副书记 deputy secretary

副市长 deputy mayor

副院长 deputy dean

荣誉称号 (honorary title)

学习标兵 student pacemaker; model student

劳动模范 model worker

模范教师 model teacher

优秀教师 excellent teacher

优秀员工 outstanding employee; employee of the month / year

青年标兵 model youth / youth pacemaker

青年突击手 youth shock worker

三好学生 "triple-A" outstanding student; outstanding student

三八妇女红旗手 "March 8th Red Banner" outstanding woman pacemaker


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