






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-16 20:25| 查看数: 2400| 评论数: 0|

Euthanasia: For and Against

"We mustn't delay any longer … swallowing is difficult … and breathing, that's also difficult. Those muscles are weakening too … we mustn't delay any longer."

These were the words of Dutchman Cees van Wendel de Joode asking his doctor to help him die. Affected with a serious disease, van Wendel was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating.

Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject.

The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, although it is not technically legal there. However, doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines introduced by the Dutch Parliament two years ago are usually not prosecuted. The guidelines demand that the patient is experiencing extreme suffering, that there is no chance of a cure, and that the patient has made repeated requests for euthanasia. In addition to this, a second doctor must confirm that these criteria have been met and the death must be reported to the police department.

Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others? Dr.Wilfred van Oijen, Cees van Wendel's doctor, explains how he looks at the question:

"Well, it's not as if I'm planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun. In that case, killing is the worst thing I can imagine. But that's entirely different from my work as a doctor. I care for people and I try to ensure that they don't suffer too much. That's a very different thing."

Many people, though, are totally against the practice of euthanasia. Dr. Andrew Ferguson, Chairman of the organisation Healthcare Opposed to Euthanasia, says that "in the vast majority of euthanasia cases, what the patient is actually asking for is something else. They may want a health professional to open up communication for them with their loved ones or family - there's nearly always another question behind the question."

Britain also has a strong tradition of hospices - special hospitals which care only for the dying and their special needs. Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement, argues that euthanasia doesn't take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying. She is also concerned that allowing euthanasia would undermine the need for care and consideration of a wide range of people: "It's very easy in society now for the elderly, the disabled and the dependent to feel that they are burdens, and therefore that they ought to opt out. I think that anything that legally allows the shortening of life does make those people more vulnerable."

Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic. Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not be ignored. Dr. Van Oijen believes that people have the fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die: "What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven't the right. And that when people are very ill, we are all afraid of their death. But there are situations where death is a friend. And is those cases, why not?"

But "why not?" is a question which might cause strong emotion. The film showing Cees van Wendel's death was both moving and sensitive. His doctor was clearly a family friend; his wife had only her husband's interests at heart. Some, however, would argue that it would be dangerous to use this particular example to support the case for euthanasia. Not all patients would receive such a high level of individual care and attention。















1. Affect 影响、感动、侵袭、感染 (常与被动语态连用)

1) His death affected us deeply.

2) Some plants are easily affected by cold

2. Debate

1) 辩论、辩论会:Who opened the debate, was the first to speak.

2) 辩论、考虑、讨论: (debate+on/upon/about+n.) He debated carefully before he decided.

3. Carry out 完成、实行:They are trying to carry out the new project ahead of schedule.他们努力提前完成新方案。

4. Confirm 确认、进一步落实 :please confirm your telephone message in writing.

5. Concern

1) 使担心、使关心: I am concerned with your welfare.

2) 涉及: That incident doesn’t concern me 那件事与我无关。

3) 关心、忧虑、所关切的事物: She showed great concern for her son’s health.

6. Undermine 逐渐削弱、使基础破坏: The cliffs are severely undermined by the sea. 悬崖的底部受到海浪的严重冲刷

7. Opt 选择

1) opt+名词+as+名词: More and more students are opting law as their major.

2) opt+for+名词: Some of the students have opted for writing course.


1. We mustn’t delay any longer….swallowing is difficult….and breathing, that’s also difficult. 我们绝对不能再耽误了。。。。他吞咽困难。。。呼吸也十分困难。

本句中情态动词must加否定词not表示“一定不要”,警告别人不要做某事,而need加not表示“不必要”,有don’t have to的意思,经常用来回答must引导的问句。

2. Affected with a serious disease, van Wendel was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating.

Van Wendel因患重病,已经不能清楚地讲话,他知道自己没有康复的可能,而且他的病情还会不断恶化。

1) 本句是个复合句,其中过去分词“Affected with a serious dicease”作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句。主句为并列句,第二个分句包括两个并列的宾语从句:there was no hope of recovery 与that his condition was rapidly deteriorating,它们都是动词knew的宾语。

2) No longer还可以用not …any longer形式表达

3. The program has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it stars a nationwide debate on the subject. 此后20个国家购买了这个节目,每次放映都会在全国范围内引起有关此问题的辩论。

本句是个并列句,后面一个分局含有时间状语从句,由each time引导,其作用与连词when引导的状语从句相同。

4. Well, It’s not as if I’m planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun.

As if 引导一个方式状语从句。在一般情况下,as if 或as though引导的从句中使用虚拟式。本句中,用进行态,表示一种计划,从句的条件是真实的。

例如:It looks as if it’s going to rain.(真实的)

He looks as if he had seen a ghost.

5. I think that anything that legally allows the shortening of life does make those people more vulnerable.我认为任何从法律上允许缩短他人生命的做法都会使那些人变得更加脆弱。


6. Many find this prohibition of an individual’s right to die paternalistic. 很多人认为这种禁止个人选择死亡的做法有些家长作风。


7. But “why not?” is a question which might cause strong emotion..


8. Not all the patients would receive such a high level of individual care and attention.

本句中否定结构“not all….”表示部分否定,意思是“不是所有的。。。。都”。当否定词与all,every连用时,常表示部分否定。全部否定形式为no one, not any.

例如: Not all the students are present at the lecture.

All that glitter are not gold.


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