





自考英语(二)第7单元课文B 及讲解

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-16 21:41| 查看数: 2349| 评论数: 1|

The Time Message

You may have been exposed to this idea before, but this time try to hear. There is a message that is trying to reach you, and it is important that it get through loud and clear. The message?

Time management!

Time is elusive and tricky. It is the easiest thing in the world to waste - the most difficult to control. When you look ahead, it may appear you have more than you need. Yet it has a way of slipping through your fingers like quicksand. You may suddenly find that there is no way to stretch the little time you have left to cover all your obligations. For example, as a beginning student looking ahead to a full term you may feel that you have an oversupply of time on your hands. But toward the end of the term you may panic because time is running out. The answer?


Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. If you don't make it work for you, it will work against you. You must become the master of time, not the servant.

Study hard and play hard is an old proverb, but is still makes sense. You have plenty of time for classes, study, work, and play if you use your time properly. It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but how much you learn when you do study.

Too much wasted time is bad medicine. The more time you waste, the easier it is too continue wasting time. Soon, doing nothing becomes a habit you can't break. It becomes a drug. When this happens, you lose your feeling of accomplishment and you fall by the wayside. A full schedule is a good schedule.

Some students refuse to hear the time message. They refuse to accept the fact that college life demands some degree of time control. There is no escape. So what's the next setp? If you seriously with to get the time message, this passage will give it to you. Remember - it will not only improve your grades but also free you to enjoy college life more.

Message 1. Time is valuable - control it from the beginning.

Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the beginning of the term and readjust it with each new project. Thus you can spread your work time around a little.

Message 2. Get the notebook habit.

Go and buy a pocket-size notebook. There many varieties of these special notebooks. Select the one you like best. Use it to schedule your study time each day. You can also use it to note important dates, appointments, addresses, and telephone numbers. Keep it with you at all times.

Message 3. Prepare a weekly study schedule.

The main purpose of the notebook is to help you prepare a weekly study schedule. Once prepared, follow the same pattern every week with minor adjustments. Sunday is an excellent day to make up your schedule for the following week. Write in your class schedule first. Add your work hours, if any. Then write in the hours each day you feel you must allocate for study. Keep it simple.

Message 4. Be realistic.

When you plan time for these things, be realistic. Don't underestimate. Overestimate, if possible, so that emergencies that arise don't hang you up. Otherwise your entire routine may get thrown off balance while you devote night and day to crash efforts.

Message 5. Make study time fit the course.

How much study time you schedule for each classroom hour depends on four factors: (1) your ability, (2) the difficulty of the class, (3) the grades you hope to achieve, and (4) how well you use your study time. One thing, however, is certain: you should schedule a minimum of one hour of study for each classroom hour. In many cases, more will be required.

Message 6. Keep your schedule flexible.

A good schedule must have a little give so that special projects can be taken care of properly. Think out and prepare your schedule each week and do not become a slave to an inflexible pattern. Adjust it as you deem necessary.

Message 7. Study first - fun later.

You will enjoy your fun time more after you have completed your study responsibilities. So, where possible, schedule your study hours in advance of fun activities. This is a sound principle to follow, so keep it in mind as you prepare your first schedule.

Message 8. Study some each class day.

Some concentrated study each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next. As you work out your individual schedule, attempt to include a minimum of two study hours each day. This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your class assignments and projects.

Few beginning freshmen can control their time effectively without a written schedule, so why kid yourself into thinking you don't need one? You do. Later on, when you have had more experience and you have the time-control habit, you may be able to operate without it. Of course the schedule is only the first step. Once you have it prepared, you must stick with it and follow it faithfully. You must push away the many temptations that are always present or your schedule is useless. Your schedule will give you control only if you make it work.






























1. Appear

1) 显得、似乎: You appear scared, what happened?

2) 出现: He didn’t appear until all of us became very restless

2.run out 用完: We were running out of time and the puzzle remained unresolved. 我们的时间用完了,谜语还没有解开。

3. make sense有意义: What you said makes no sense.你说的毫无意义

4. Count

1) 记数、计算在内: There are 31 of us, counting the driver.

2) 重要、认为: What really counts is how you spend your time.

5. appointment 任命、约会:The appointment of him as the manager surprised everyone.

I have an appointment with the dean and I am a bit nervous.

6.adjust to 使适应:Your eyes automatically adjust to changing light. 眼睛会自动随光线调节。

7flexible: 有弹性的,灵活的,随机应变的: A flexible plan leaves us much room to adjust to any emergency.

8 advance

1) 前进、进步、发展: The recent advance in information science is striking.

2) 前进、进步、促进、提出 v. The people advanced to the square with anger. 人们怀着怒火向广场进发。

9. present

1) 出席、在场、现存的: Everyone present was impressed by the lecture. 在场的每个人都被演讲打动。

2) 授予、引见、提交: May I present our new president to you? 请允许我介绍我们的新总裁。

3) 礼物: To choose a birthday present can be fun.

10 presently 马上、目前: I’ll be there presently. 我马上就到那里。


1. Ou may have been exposed to this idea before, …你以前可能受过这种思想的影响

Be exposed to 使受影响、使遭受、接触。 例如: We should be exposed to good books我们应当多看好书。 The child has been exposed to scarlet fever 这个孩子曾与猩红热接触过。

2. But toward the end of the term you may panic because time is running out. 可是到了期末,由于时间流逝殆尽才着了慌。

Run out 表示“用光、耗尽” 例如: our food soon ran out.

注意区分run out of 的不同, run out of 常以人做主语,例如: We soon ran out of food.

3. It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but how much you learn when you do study. 重要的不是看你在学习上分配了多少时间,而是看你学习时学了多少东西。

本句中有两个句型“ it is… that…”强调句型 和“not …but” 并列结构。


4. They refuse to accept the fact that college life demands some degree of time control .他们不接受大学生活要求一定程度的时间控制这个事实。

That 从句是fact 的同位语。

5. There is no escape.这是不可避免的。

类似结构的用法还有: There is no exception.

6 …but also free you to enjoy college life more. 还能让你尽情地享受大学生活 。

Free表示“使解脱“例如: You yourself should learn how to free yourself. 你自己应该学会解脱自己。

7. Keep it simple 要简明扼要。

Simple表示朴素的、简单的。 例如: He is good at writing simple sentences 他善于写简朴的句子。

8.This is a sound principle to follow… 这是要遵循的一条合理的原则

sound 通常表示“健康的、合理的、有效的” 例如: That is a sound idea 那个主意不错。

9.Some concentrated study each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next 每天进行短时间的集中学习比一天学习很长时间而第二天则什么也不学效果好

some concentrated study. 指短时间集中学习。

10 …so why kid yourself into thinking you don’t need one…因而为什么要欺骗自己说不需要书面计划呢?

Kid sb. Into doing…表示“哄骗某人做”, kid还有“开玩笑”的意思,例如: You are kidding 你在开玩笑。

11. Once you have it prepared, 你一旦准备好。

在have sth. Done句式中,sth.是done的动作承受者,done可能是主语发出的,也可能是句中未出现的第三者发出的,该句式中有两种含义:1)主语使某事完成 2) 主语遭受某事。 例如: You’d better have your hair cut. 你最好去理发(cut的主语使第三者发出) He had his foot injured in an accident. 他在一次事故中伤了脚。


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