





自考英语(二)第8单元课文B 及讲解

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-16 21:47| 查看数: 1648| 评论数: 0|

Controlling Your Concentration


Psychologically defined, concentration is the process of centering one's attention over a period of time. In practical application, however, concentration is not as simple to deal successfully with as the definition may imply. For this reason, it is helpful to keep the following points in mind.

Your attention span varies

Even with the greatest effort, our span of attention fluctuates. You can demonstrate for yourself this fluctuation of attention. In a quiet room, place a watch so that it can just scarcely be heard. Listen carefully and notice how the ticking increases in apparent intensity, fades to a point where it cannot be heard, and then increases again. This phenomenon reveals how our span of attention fluctuates, for the intensity of the ticking is actually constant.

You pay attention to one thing at a time

Evidence to date indicates that you attend to one idea at a time. It is possible for your attention to shift so rapidly that it seems that you attend to several concepts at once. But apparently this is only an illusion. In high concentration the shift from the focus of attention is of short duration and relatively infrequent.

An illustration of periods of high, moderate, and low attention

High attention has long periods of attending and short distraction periods. In low attention the periods of attending are short and the distraction periods long. In moderate attention there is a mixture of the extremes. Thus it is easy to see that it is highly unlikely that the student who has most of his attention centered on fancying at large will be able to recall even the major points of a lecture.

Lack of concentration is a symptom, not the cause, of difficulty. When a student says "I can't concentrate", what he is really saying is, "I can't attend to the task at hand because my distractors are too strong."


A distractor is anything which causes attention to vary from a central focal point. In the study situation distractors may be thought of as either psychological or physical in nature. Both types of distractors must be understood before the student can attempt to remedy his lack of concentration.

Emotions are the most powerful distractors

The angry man forgets the pain of injury, the fearful man finds it difficult to enjoy pleasure and the tense or anxious person may react violently to the smallest of matters. In the student's life there are many psychological pressures and tensions which block effective productivity. The fears about making the grade, the doubts of the friendliness of a friend's behaviour and the pressures of limited finances - these are only a few of the emotional forces which affect the student.

Emotional reaction varies greatly from person to person. Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions and actually do better because of them. Others fall apart under pressure, while a few people do well despite the pressure.

Physical distractors are always present and rarely understood

Our environment is much more important to how we feel and react than we often think. Particularly is this true of the effect of physical distractors on mental tasks. One research report has shown that comprehension and retention of reading were decreased when students listened to lively music. However, rate of reading was not affected, so that many students were not aware that they were affected by the background distractor. Another study found that the ability to recall accurately was affected by distracting conditions. Most of the evidence indicates that noise affects adversely higher mental task output. Still, the effect of distractors is seldom fully appreciated by students.


Typically when students are faced with the evidence on distractors the argument is given that their cousin, friend, or classmate can study in "Grand Central Station." And he makes "all A's" too! There is evidence, of course, that motivation plays an important role in overcoming the effects of distractors and that there are considerable differences in individual spans of attention. Either of these factors could account for some individuals being able to do well using inefficient methods. The fact that some exceptional people do well under adverse conditions scarcely justifies your assuming that you are exceptional in the same manner. Your chances of success are higher if you avoid the distractors which are known to hinder the typeical student.

























1. span

1)N.跨距、指距 The arch has a span of sixty meters.这拱门的跨距为60米。

2)N.(有限的)时间、期间:How short is the span of life,人生何其短暂!

3)V.(在时间上、空间上)跨过、持续: Her life spanned almost a century.

2.fluctuate波动、起伏:The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.

3. remedy

1)N。药物、疗法: The remedy has taken effect.

2)N.矫正、补救办法:There is no remedy for this kind of trouble.

3)V.治疗、改善、补救:Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.


1)N.财政、金融、经费:The company needs a man who knows finances

2)V.提供资金给。。。 His father financed his way through college.

5.hinder 妨碍、阻碍: The snow hindered our progress

6. typical 典型的、特有的、独特的 This mountain scenery is typical of Scotland.


1)V.(颜色)消退、退色:The sun faded the wallpaper.

2)V.(花草)枯萎,(气势等)衰退: Flowers soon fade when cut

3)V.(声音、光线)变微弱、黯淡: The bustle and din gradually faded to silence as night advanced 夜深勒,喧闹声渐归沉寂。


1)ADJ.适度的、中等的、有节制的: prices in this hotel are strictly moderate.

2)V.使平稳、使缓和。He was forced to morderate his demands.


1)V.鉴赏、欣赏:Youll appreciate his novels better if you read his autobiography

2)V.重视、赏识: His great ability was universally appreciated. 他的杰出才能获得普遍的赞赏。

3)V.感谢、感激: I would much appreciate it if you could do him that favour.如果你能帮助他的话,我会非常感激。


1.In practical application, however, concentration is not as simple to deal successfully with as the definition may imply.然而,在实际应用中,成功地对待专心这个问题并不像定义中所说的那样简单。

在表示“和。。。一样的。。。。”和“不及。。。。”这类概念时,可以用“as…as 和”not so/as … as这样的结构。 例如: The city center isnt as crowded today as it usually is. 今天市中心没有平常那么拥挤。

2.This phenomenon reveals how our span of attention fluctuates, for the intensity of the ticking is actually constant. 这种现象揭示勒我们注意力范围是如何波动的,因为滴答声的强度实际上并无变化

并列连词for在句子中表示因果关系,例如,Youd better put on your sweater, for its rather cold outside.你最好把毛衣穿上,外面很冷。

3。Thus it is easy to see that it is highly unlikedly that the student who has most of his attention centered on fancying at large will be able to recall even the major points of a lecture. 因此,显而易见,把自己的注意力集中在胡思乱想上的学生甚至不可能回忆出讲课的要点。

这是一个比较长的复合句。其中第一个that 用作宾语从句,在此宾语从句中,又包括另一个以链接代词that引导的主语从句,主语从句中的主语the student后面又尾随一个定语从句who has most of his attention centered on fancying at large。其中,过去分词短语“centered on fancying at large和名词短语”most of his attention一起构成动词“has ”的复合宾语。 感官动词和使役动词后面都可以接此类复合宾语“名词/代词+过去分词。”例如:She was glad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.

4.However, rate of reading was not affected, so that many students were not aware that they were affected by the background distractor.然而,读书的速度未受影响,以至于许多学生没有意识到他们受到了潜在干扰物的影响。

Be+形容词+that从句“这类结构后面,that引起的从句在概念上接近宾语。能接这类从句常见的形容词有:aware, sure, certain, convinced, confident等。例如:We are fully confident that we can surmount these difficulties. 我们完全相信能克服这些困难。

5.Still, the effect of distractors is seldom fully appreciated by students. 干扰物的影响仍没有得到学生们的充分重视。

有些副词如still, though, however, otherwise. 等在句子中起链接词的作用,使句子和前面说的话连接得更紧密一些。

6.Typically when students are faced with the evidence on distractors the argument is given that their coousin, friend, or classmate can study in Grand Central Station. And he makes all As too!典型的情况是,当要求学生们拿出关于干扰物的证据时,他们提出自己的表兄弟、朋友或同学可以在纽约的”中央火车站学习,而且考试可以得“全优”。

在主句中that引导的从句为同位语从句,用来解释前面的the argument. 因为the argument在句子中做主语,而谓语is given较短,所以为了避免句子头重脚轻,将同位语从句后置。同位语从句常接在idea,fact,news, assumption, hope等名词之后,例如:We expressed the hope that they would come and visit China again.


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