





自考英语(二)第11单元课文B 及讲解

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-17 16:17| 查看数: 4864| 评论数: 1|

Let's Stop Keeping Pets

Pets are lovable, frequently delightful. The dog and the cat, the most favored of pets, are beautiful, intelligent animals. To assume the care for them can help bring out the humanity in our children and even in us. A dog or a cat can teach us a lot about human nature; they are a lot more like us than some might think. More than one owner of a dog has said that the animal understands everything he says to it. So a mother and father who have ever cared for pets are likely to be more patient and understanding with their children as well, and especially to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of a child, no matter how young.

It is touching to see how a cat or dog - especially a dog - attaches itself to a family and wants to share in all its goings and comings. If certain animal psychologists are right, a dog adopts his family in a most literal way - taking it for granted that the family is the band of dogs he belongs to.

It is sometimes said that the cat "takes all and gives nothing." But is that really true? A cat can teach us a valuable lesson about how to be contented, how to be serene and at ease, how to sit and contemplate. Whereas a dog's constant pleas for attention become, sometimes, a bit too much. Nevertheless it is the dog who can teach us lessons of loyalty and devotion that no cat ever knew.

So there's plenty to be said in favor of keeping pets. But with all that in mind, I still say let's stop keeping pets. Not that a family should kill its pets. Very few could bring themselves to do that. To be practical, I am suggesting that if we do not now have a pet we should not acquire one; second, that if we now have a pet, we let it be our last one. I could never say that pets are bad. I am saying, let's give up this good thing - the ownership of a pet - in favor of a more imperative good.

The purchase, the health care, the feeding and housing and training of a pet - and I chiefly mean the larger, longer-lived pets - cost time and money. Depending on the animal's size and activity, it's special tastes and needs, and the standard of living we establish for it, the care of a pet can cost form a dollar a week to a dollar or more a day. I would not for a moment deny it is worth that.

But facts outside the walls of our home keep breaking in on our awareness. Though we do not see the poverty-stricken people of India and Africa and South America, we can never quite forget that they are there. Now and then their faces are shown in the news, or is the begging ads of relief organizations. Probably we send a donation whenever we can.

But we do not, as a rule, feel a heavy personal responsibility for the afflicted and deprived for we are pretty thoroughly formed by the individualistic, competitive society we live in. The first dime we ever made was ours to spend in any way we chose. No one thought of questioning that. That attitude, formed before we had learned to think, usually prevails through our life: "I made my money. I can spend it any way I like."

But more and more we are reading that the people of the "Third World" feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of the world's wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.

The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we like in a time of widespread want add starvation. A relief organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor - the severe dificiency disease which is simply a starving for protein. Doing without such a pet, and then sending the money saved to a relief organization would mean saving a life - over the years, several human lives.

Children not suffering from such a grave disease could be fed with half that amount - not on a diet like ours, but on plain, basic, life-sustaining food. It is not unreasonable to believe that the amount of money we spend on the average pet dog could keep a child alive in a region of great poverty. To give what we would spend on a cat might not feed a child, but it would probably pay for his medical care or basic education. The point needs no laboring. That is all that need be said.















1)假定、设想: Lets assume this statement is correct.

2)承担、担任、接受: He assumes a leading position.

3)采取、呈(某种形式、面貌): The motion of matter always assumes certain forms. 物质的运动总是表现为一定的形式。


1)贴、缚、系: You should attach labels to the luggage. 你应该把标签贴在行李上。

2) 把(重点等)放在: We should attach primary importance to a firm and correct political orientation. 我们要把坚定正确的政治方向放在第一位。

3) 附加、隶属: There is a bedroom with a bathroom attached. 有间带浴室的卧室。

4)喜爱: Im greatly attached to my work .

3. worth

1)adj. (用作表语,后接宾语)值。。。的,相当于。。。的价值的: This precision instrument is worth 10,000 yuan这台精密仪器值一万元。

2)adj.有。。。价值的 It is worth to discuss this question again.

3)a. 拥有。。。价值的财产的 : He is worth a considerable amount of money.

4)n.价值: We don't need wastes of little worth.

4. question.

1)n.发问,询问,问题,议题: The man put some questions to the chairman about the project.这个人向主席提了一些有关该工程的问题。

2)n.疑问,不确定 There is no question about his honesty. 他的诚实是不可质疑的。

3) v.询问、审问 I questioned my boss on his views. 我询问老板的看法。

4)v.怀疑 It cannot be questioned that the new method is superior to the old one. 毫无疑义,新方法比旧方法好。

5) vi.询问、探问: His questioning mind helped him a lot in his study.他好问的精神在学习种对他帮助很大。


1. So a mother and father who have ever cared for pets are likely to be more patient and understanding with their children as well, and especially to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of a child, no matter how young. 所以曾经照顾过宠物的父母,可能也会对他们的孩子更有耐心和理解,特别是能避免在孩子面前作消极的和不礼貌的评论,不管他们年龄有多小。

1)句中to be more patient and understanding…和to avoid making…是两个动词不定式短语与likely一起构成复合结构。

2)no matter how young是状语从句,从句中省略了主语和谓语。全句应为no amtter how young their child is.

3)likely是形容词,并非副词,其意思是“有可能的”往往用于likely+to do,或it is likely+that从句结构中。例如: He is likely to come. It si likely that we will lose the game.

2. Nevertheless it is the dog who can teach us lessons of loyalty and devotion that no cat ever knew. 然而狗可以教给我们忠诚和献身,这是猫所不知道的。


例如: It was she whom you shoiuld ask for help.

It was a picture that (which) I found in his room.

2)that no cat ever knew是定语从句,修饰loyalty and devotion.


3。But we do ot ,as a rule, feel a heavy personal reponsibility for the afflicted and deprived for we are pretty thoroughly formed by the individualistic, competitive society we live in. 但是我们通常并不感到对贫穷的人们负有重大的责任,因为我们几乎完全是由我们生活于其中的这个个人主义的、竞争的社会塑造成型的。

1)这是一个复合句。For在此为链接词,引导表示原因的状语从句,例如: I came late for I was held up by the traffic. 我来晚了,因为交通堵塞使我耽搁了。

2) 在状语从句中,还有一个定语从句we live in,修饰society.


4)the afflicted and deprived 是名词化的形容词,一部分形容词可以和定冠词连用,表示一类人或东西,这时它相当一个名词,在用途上其谓语动词用复数。

4.But more and more we are reading that the people of the Third World feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of th e worlds wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.但我们越来越多地在阅读中了解到”第三世界“的人们怀恨发达国家里的我们(美国比其他任何国家发达得多),因为我们占有了世界2/3的财富,生活得像国王一样,而他们整天工作以求糊口。

1)在英语中,我们称这种句子为” one-sentence paragraph “ 一句话即是一个段落。

2)这是一个带有宾语从句的复合句。A)more and more 在句中充当状语 B)主谓语是we are reading C)that the people of the Third World feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of th e worlds wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.是宾语从句。充当reading 的宾语成分。 D)宾语从句中的for our seizing…and living…是表示原因的状语,说明第三世界的人民对我们怀恨在心的原因。 E)while they work away all day to earn a bare living.是表转折意义的状语从句,与for our seizing hould of tow-thirds of the worlds wealth and living like kings 形成对照。

3)with the United States far more developed than any of the others 是with+名词+分词/介词/形容词结构,在句子中作伴随性状语,表示背景情况。这种结构可以表示背景情况、行为方式、原因、条件等。例如: With the project finished, the workers went on a holiday. 这项工程完工之后,工人们去度假了。






A. If you study hard, youll surely pass the examination. (真实条件句)

B. If I were a bird, I could fly freely in the sky. (虚拟条件句)


A. If it had not been for me, you would not be free.

B. If you had spoken to him yesterday, you would know what to do now.

C. “If I had missed, ”said William Tell, “and had shot too low, I was going to use this arrow on you. ”


A. They would not be able to live without him.

B. He would have failed but for his teachers timely advice.

C. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.

D. If only you had worked with greater care!


A. He would have given you more help, but he was so busy.

B. I was ill that day. Otherwise I would have taken part in the parade.

C. He raised himself completely, obliging me to rise too, or I could not have supported him.

D. Einstein cared little for money, though he could have been very rich.

(五)如果条件从句的谓语动词含有连系动词were或助动词had或should, 可将if省略,而把were, had或should移到主语之前,构成倒装句形式

If they were here now, they could help us. (自然语序)


Were they here now, they could help us. (倒装句)

If you had come earlier, you would have met him. (自然语序)


Had you come earlier, you would have met him. (倒装句)

If he should join them in their discussion, they would be happy. (自然语序)


Should he join them in their discussion, they would be happy. (倒装句)

The ship would have sunk with all on board if it had not been for the captain. (自然语序)


The ship would have sunk with all on board had it not been for the captain. (倒装句)



A. I wish I knew the answer.

B. I wish that the time had not passed so fast!

(2)would rather后的从句中也用以上的结构。

A. I would rather they came tomorrow.

B. I would rather you had gone there too.

(3)由as if或as though引导的状语从句,也用以上的结构。

A. She loves the child as if he were her own.

B. “How wild his white hair looked—as if it had been electrified. ”

(4)在suggest, order, demand, propose, command, request, insist等后面的宾语从句,谓语动词用should+ 动词原形(should可省略)。

A. They requested that he (should) go at once.

B. He ordered that all (should) take part in the work.


Suggestion(proposal), order(decision), request(demand), plan, idea, a shame, a pity, no wonder

A. My idea is that we (should) win him over.

(6)在It is important(necessary, strange, natural, wonderful)that后以及It is suggested(requested, proposed, arranged, desired, ordered, insisted)that后从句中亦用以上的结构。

A. It is necessary that everyone should be there in time.

B. It is suggested that she should sing a song.

(7)在It is (high/about) time that从句中,谓语动词用一般过去式表示将来。

A. It is time we went to bed.

B. Its about time you began your work.

(8)由in order that, so that引导的状语从句用may或might加动词原形,而so that引导的状语从句也可用can或could加动词原形

A. The emperor ordered that the weavers should be given some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.

B. The teacher spoke slowly so that the students could(might)hear clearly.


A. I suggest he (should) bring his friends in. (虚拟语气)

B. on the boys pale face there was a half smile that seemed to suggest that he was happy to have given his life for his country. (陈述语气)

C. I suggest that you had an ulterior motive in doing this(陈述语气)


A. They insisted that he (should) obey the rules. (虚拟语气)

B. She insisted that she needed no help. (陈述语气)

C. He insists that Shanghai is the largest city in China. (陈述语气)

(九)should have done表示应该做的事没做;shouldn't have done表示不该做的事做了;need have done表示必须做的事没做;neednt have done表示不必做的事做了。这些也都是虚拟语气

A. “Its our own fault, ”I thought bitterly. “We should have cut away the jungle brush. ”

B. How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied!

C. You neednt have spent so much time on the problem; it is not worth doing at all.


短文汉译英是对考生英语综合应用能力的一项测验。根据国家教委最新颁布的考试大纲规定,考生要把含80~100 字的短文译成英语,要求译文“忠实原文”,表达“基本正确”,短文内容主要涉及政治、经济、社会、文化和科普等领域的一般性知识或科学常识。从1995、1996和1997这三年的汉译英考题看,所选题材均为议论文,考题看似不难,译好却不容易。经过分析,我们发现考生除了不同程度存在语言把握本身的问题以外,更应引起注意的是,相当一部分考生没有掌握较正确的翻译方法和必要的应试技巧。与考生以往所熟悉的把单句译成英语相比,把一篇短文译成英语,无疑要求更高,难度更大。因为就翻译而言,忠实原文绝非两种文字之间的简单代替,短文翻译还要考虑上下文和逻辑关系等,因而逐字逐句的对译显然已无法把原文所包含的全部信息完整准确地表达出来。忠实原文,除了要求保留原有的信息外,还应体现原文的文体风格(如议论文表述的紧凑性和较强的逻辑性),行文要合乎英语的表达习惯,译文应当通顺、自然、流畅。只有这样才能确保译文有较强的可读性。要达到上述要求,光靠掌握英语语法规则和词汇知识显然不够,考生还应当熟悉和了解中英两种语言的风格、特点和规律,尤其要认清两种语言在句式、词汇以及表达习惯上的差异,并在掌握一定的翻译方法和技巧的情况下,加强实践,才能取得好效果。






译文1:Sept.10 is TeachersDay.What is the image of teachers in peoples heart?Little reporters from the middle school attached to Qinghua University walked out of their school gate and interviewed 76 passersby.The interview shows that 83%people think that teachers shoulder the important task of educating the next generation,they are the decisive factor of improving the whole peoples cultural level,and they are worth of being respected.

译文2:Whats the teachers image?On Teachers Day,Sept.10,a group of teenage reporters from the secondary school of Qinghua University took a poll on the street on seventysix passersby.Eightysix of those surveyed said that teachers should be held in high esteem because they are committed to the shaping of the younger generation,an undertaking crucial to achieving a higher level of education in China.

比较上面的译文,可以看出,译文1显得呆板、生硬,而译文2比较通顺、流畅。译文1显然忽略了文章的逻辑关系,只是一味地按照原文的行文顺序和字面意思,逐字逐句地翻译,而译文2没有拘泥于原文的词汇和句式,不是孤立地看一句译一句,而是在通观全局、仔细推敲上下文和文章内容的基础上,抓住了文章重心和主旨(即教师在人们心目中的形象),能根据上下文的需要和英文的表达习惯对原文结构和词汇进行调整。如把“What is the teachers image”一句放到句首,既符合英文表达习惯,又突出了主题,使主要内容一目了然。另外,从上下文看,译文1照字面意思把“小记者”译为“little reporters”,似乎不如译文2的“teenage reporters”确切。译文2把“采访”分别灵活地译成“poll”和“survey”也显得很恰当。译文1把“走出校门”译成“walked out of their school gate”,而译文2只译为“took a poll on the street”,既然是采访街头的人当然要在校外进行,这是不言而喻的,因此这样译比较简练。但译文2把“清华附中”译为“the secondary school of Qinghua University”不妥,还是译文1的译法准确。




译文1:In 1953,America and England planned to use atomic bombs against Chinese aiding troops in Korea and to attack China with nuclear weapons.When the news was transferred to Beijing from diplomatic sources of a third country,the leaders of new China felt deeply worried and immediately decided to set up and develop atomic bomb and missile cause.

译文2:In 1953,when they learned from diplomatic sources of a third country that the United States and Britain were prepared to attack mainland China and the Chinese troops in Korea with nuclear weapons,the leaders of new China,deeply concerned,decided that China must have its own atomic bombs and missiles.

译文1基本是直译,保留了原文的结构和叙述顺序;译文2则通过运用从句、分词短语等手段把次要内容融合在一个句子中,因而突出了中心思想。从原文内容看,语句的重要信息应该是“新中国的领导人立即作出了建立和发展原子弹和导弹事业的决定”。而“1953年,英美两国计划对中国援朝部队使用原子弹,并准备用核武器进攻中国”和“这一消息由第三国外交官转告北京”这两句都是当时的背景信息,“深感忧虑”则是细节描写,也是次要信息,因此只要选择恰当的从句、短语等句型就足以将这些从属信息表达清楚。例如“新中国领导人深感忧虑,立即作出了建立和发展原子弹和导弹事业的决定”一句中的“深感忧虑”这层意思就可用分词短语“deeply concerned”翻译出来,这样的处理既能恰当地再现原文内容,又符合英语表达习惯,虽然译文结构复杂,但层次清楚,文字组织得当,主题突出,而且概念清晰、准确。又如,把“英美两国”改译为the United States and Britain 比America and England更准确,把“深感忧虑”改为“deeply concerned”也比“deeply worried”更恰当。因为从上下文看,concerned一词能体现当时中国领导人对原子弹事业的关心,也符合领导人的身份。



译文语气平淡,缺少应有的气势,这是考生做汉译英题时存在的一个普遍问题。考生除翻译水平和语言水平有限外,对翻译实质的理解也是至关重要的。很多考生认为只要能运用掌握的词汇和语法规则把句子翻译出来就行了。其实,忽视了原文语气和风格的译文,其忠实程度和可读性就可能打折扣。试看这样一句:“我们的朋友遍天下”,句子结构简单,用词也不深奥,考生一般都能不假思索地把句子译为:“our friends are all over the world.”这样的译文应该说不坏,句子既没有语法错误,原文的信息也基本上反映出来了。但仔细推敲,我们发现与原文的“我们的朋友遍天下”相比,“our friends are all over the world”显得气势不足,至少原文所隐含的自豪感在译文中丢失了。如果吃透原文,摆脱原有句架的限制,而把句子译成“We have friends all over the world”是否更能准确地反映出原有的气势?这是显而易见的。


译文1:In the last few decades,perhaps no topic was concerned more by management researchers than the topic of art of leadership.

译文2:probably no other single topic has gained more attention from management researchers in the last few decades than leadership.

译文1中的“perhaps no topic”分量不够,语气平淡,没有充分译出原句“可能没有任何其他话题”所表现的气势;而译文2的“probably no other single topic”则加强了译文的语气和句势,尤其是probably和single两个词能准确反映原文的全貌,恰如其分地反衬了leadership(领导艺术)这一话题的受瞩目程度,从而突出了主题。可见,翻译不应拘泥于原文的一词一句,而是要忠实于原文的思想,在吃透原文思想的情况下撇开原文的结构,翻译出言下之意,这也是提高译文忠实程度、增强可读性,提高译文质量的重要一步。


有些考生认为一字不漏地翻译出原文的字面意思就是忠实于原文的最稳妥、最可靠的办法。但实际上,我们知道,中英两种语言是两种不同的语言文字,在词汇和语法上有较大的差异,而且在概念和思维上也都存在差异,即使一个意思,两种语言的表达方法也很不相同。如果死译、硬译,或生搬硬套,只能使译文含糊不清,让人费解。例如,有人把“the treatment of teachers is bad”当作是“教师待遇不好”的忠实译文,实际上是硬译、错译。因为英语中的treatment 一词并不等于汉语的“待遇”这个概念,两者语义范围也不一样,而且treatmnt作“待遇”讲时多有贬义,但原文根本没有贬低教师的意思,只是阐明“教师收入偏低”这一事实而已。可见,这句话如果改译为“teachers are poorly paid”则更简单,更恰当。同样,如果把“自改革开放以来”译成“since the reform and opening policy”,不仅文法不通,而且也不能达意。因此一味地找对应词,只顾表面的忠实,最终只会损害译文的内容,影响译文的表达效果。再看下面的例子:


译文1:Recently the Anyang Match Factory of Henan province sent an urgent report to the Ministry of Railroadur factory is the biggest matchproducing factory in the country,and is responsible for the task of supplying civil matches for the whole province.Because of shortage of timber,the factory is facing a closedown.The situation is indeed serious.over the last few months,production dropped so sharply that it has caused market tense.In cities,the price of matches is four times its normal one,and in the countryside,there is even the phenomenon of peoples having difficulties in eating and lighting.

译文2:The Anyang Match Factory,a major match producer for domestic use in Henan province and the biggest one in the country,recently sent an SoS to the Ministry of Railways,saying that the factory was running short of timber.The message is not a false alarm.The drastic cutbacks in the output of the factory have caused an acute shortage of matches in the market over the last few months.In the cities,a box of matches is now selling at four times its normal price on the black market;in the countryside,people do not even have matches to light their cooking stoves.

译文1中一些地方翻译得不够清楚,如把“紧急报告”译成urgent report,虽然字面意思接近,但译文机械呆板;从特定的上下文看,这句话的真实信息是“形势严重”、“关系重要”,因此翻译时必须选用相应的词,要把这层意思点明。译文2使用了SoS这一具有特殊感情色彩的词,既符合客观事实,也能给读者一个鲜明的形象,提高了译文质量。同样,“火柴市场紧张”中的“紧张”在文中是“短缺”而非其他,译成the match market is tense 让人费解,且这几个词也搭配不当,如改译为an acute shortage of matches in the market 既清楚又能使读者明白。再如“百姓出现吃饭点灯难现象”,译文1也过分拘泥于原文的一词一字,因而晦涩难懂,文理不通。




首先应当指出,直译不是死译,而是指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译。意译也不是胡译、乱译,而是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文作相应的调整。前面提到的译文our friends are all over the world是直译,而We have friends all over the world就是意译。直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。总之,选择直译还是意译,应该根据文章具体需要而定,两种译法可以并用。


翻译时不能简单地或机械地逐字照译,硬凑成英文,必须认真分析上下文,掌握词的确切含义,然后用适当的英文表达,必要时需要变换一些词,如“小记者”译成teenage reporter,“紧急报告”译成SoS,“深感忧虑”译成deeply concerned等,都是采用了变通手段。


词类转换是翻译中常见的手段,通过词类的转换可以突破原文的句式,引起句法的转换,如“近来,研究人员发现感冒可以通过人的手传染”可译为Recent research discoveries indicate that flu can be spread by hand contacts.原文中的“发现”是动词,而译文根据上下文的需要,灵活地把动词转换成名词discoveries。


译文的增词、减词都是为了更确切、更忠实地表达原文的含义和精神。译文中添加一些原文没有的词句,表面上看似不忠实,但仔细分析就会发现这些增加的词句所表达的意思并非无中生有,而是隐含在原文中的。减词是在不影响原意的情况下省略无关紧要的词语,避免拖泥带水。如“感冒可以通过人的手传染”可以译为flu can be spread by hand contacts,其中的contacts就是根据译文需要添加上的。而“百姓出现吃饭点灯难现象”中的“现象”一词可以省略,只译成people do not even have matches to light their stoves就足以表达原文中的信息。





(3)组织译文的结构,根据各层意思选择句子结构,搭起基本框架;根据上下文选择适当的词汇和表达手段,特别要按英语的表达逻辑来调整语句。如“虽然…但是”,在译成英文时不能译成Although…but…,而只能译成Although he is poor,he is well contented.“他虽穷却能知足常乐。”















举例来说,“北京是中国的首都,名胜古迹甚多”这句话该怎么译成英文?按照英语表达习惯,在译成英语时要把句中的“是中国首都”处理成次要信息,把这部分当成“北京”的同位语处理,这样就译成:Beijing,the capital of China,has quite many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.通过这种手段可以使句子在逻辑和思想上连接起来,一方面突出了重要信息,另一方面也使语言更为紧凑。


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