





巧克力的诞生 Chocolate Production

发布者: NCE1-Mary | 发布时间: 2009-12-18 13:34| 查看数: 1539| 评论数: 0|

巧克力的诞生 Chocolate Production

关键词: 巧克力的诞生 Chocolate Production

巧克力的诞生 Chocolate Production


Yes, the cocoa-bean -- the heart of the sweetest delicacy in the world -- is bitter. This is why, up to the 18th century some native tribes ate only the sweetish flesh of the cocoa fruit. They regarded the precious bean as waste or used it, as was the case among the Aztecs, as a form of currency. The cocoa tree can flourish only in the hottest regions of the world. The main fruit seasons are in May and in October/November, and it is usually at these times that the crop is harvested.

■ 可可的品种 The Varieties


There are two quite different basic classifications of cocoa, under which practically all varieties can be categorised: Criollo and Forastero cocoas. The pure variety of the Criollo tree is found mainly in its native Ecuador and Venezuela. The seeds are of finer quality than those of the Forastero variety. They have a particularly fine, mild aroma and are, therefore, used only in the production of high-quality chocolate and for blending. However, Criollo cocoa accounts for only 10% of the world crop. The remaining 90% is harvested from trees of the Forastero family, with its many hybrids and varieties. The main growing area is West Africa.

■ 可可的收获 The Harvest


Immediately after harvesting, the fruit is treated to prevent it from rotting. At fermentation sites either in the jungle or at, collecting points, the fruit is opened.

■ 发酵 Fermentation


The fermentation process is decisive in the production of high quality raw cocoa. The technique varies depending on the growing region.

■ 脱水 Drying


After fermentation, the raw cocoa still contains far too much water; in fact about 60%. Most of this has to be removed. What could be more natural than to spread the beans out to dry on the sun-soaked ground or on mats? After a week or so, all but a small percentage of the water has evaporated.

■ 可可产区 The Cocoa Producing Areas


These all lie in the vicinity of the equator, and are bounded to the north and south by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. This region of tropical rain-forests, with its moist, windless climate and constant warmth provides ideal conditions for the growth and well-being the cocoa tree. The oldest plantations are in the northern areas of South America; for, after all, Mexico, Venezuela and Ecuador are regarded as the original home of cocoa. At a later date the cultivation of cocoa spread southward, mainly to Brazil, and at the end of the last century, spread to the equatorial regions of West Africa. The Ivory Coast and Brazil are today the most productive areas in the world. Ghana, once the most important world producer, is losing its importance owing to ageing of the plantations. These are followed by Nigeria and the Cameroons. In the islands of South-East Asia, cocoa was established very early, but only small quantities of good quality are produced.

■ 储藏 Storage


After arriving in Switzerland, the imported raw cocoa is subject to a strict quality control. If the result of the test is satisfactory the raw cocoa - particularly in larger chocolate factories - is first stored before undergoing further processing.

■ 清洁 Cleaning


Before the real processing begins, the raw cocoa is thoroughly cleaned by passing through sieves, and by brushing. Finally, the last vestiges of wood, jute fibres, sand and even the finest dust are extracted by powerful vacuum equipment.

■ 烘焙 Roasting

随后的烘焙过程主要致力于把可可豆中的芳香发掘出来。整个的烘焙过程都是在10英尺高的炉子里,130 °C的高温下由机器自动完成的。

The subsequent roasting process is primarily designed to develop the aroma. The entire roasting process, during which the air in the nearly 10 feet high furnaces reaches a temperature of 130 °C, is carried out automatically.

■ 碾碎去壳 Crushing and shelling


The roasted beans are now broken into medium sized pieces in the crushing machine.

■ 混合 Blending


Before grinding, the crushed beans are weighed and blended according to special recipes. The secret of every chocolate factory lies in the special mixing ratios which it has developed for different types of cocoa.

■ 磨粉 Grinding


The crushed cocoa beans, which are still fairly coarse are now pre-ground by special milling equipment and then fed on to rollers where they are ground into a fine paste. The heat generated by the resulting pressure and friction causes the cocoa butter (approximately 50% of the bean) contained in the beans to melt, producing a thick, liquid mixture. This is dark brown in colour with a characteristic, strong odour. During cooling it gradually sets: this is the cocoa paste. At this point the production process divides into two paths, but which soon join again. A part of the cocoa paste is taken to large presses, which extract the cocoa butter. The other part passes through various blending and refining processes, during which some of the cocoa butter is added to it. The two paths have rejoined.

■ 可可脂 Cocoa Butter


The cocoa butter has important functions. It not only forms part of every recipe, but it also later gives the chocolate its fine structure, beautiful lustre and delicate, attractive glaze.

■ 可可粉 Cocoa Powder


•纯巧克力:可可泥+ 可可脂 + 糖

•牛奶巧克力: 可可泥 +可可脂+ 糖 + 牛奶

•白巧克力:可可脂 +糖 + 牛奶

After the cocoa butter has left the press, cocoa cakes are left which still contain a 10 to 20% proportion of fat depending on the intensity of compression. These cakes are crushed again, ground to powder and finely sifted in several stages and we obtain a dark, strongly aromatic powder which is excellent for the preparation of delicious drinks - cocoa. Cocoa paste, cocoa butter, sugar and milk are the four basic ingredients for making chocolate. By blending them in accordance with specific recipes the three types of chocolate are obtained which form the basis of ever product assortment, namely:

• Plain chocolate: cocoa paste + cocoa butter + sugar

• Milk chocolate: cocoa paste + cocoa butter + sugar + milk

• White chocolate: cocoa butter + sugar + milk

■ 捏合 Kneading


In the case of milk chocolate for example, the cocoa paste, cocoa butter, powdered or condensed milk, sugar and flavouring - maybe vanilla - go into the mixer, where they are pulverized and kneaded.

■ 搅拌 Rolling


Depending on the design of the rolling mills, three or five vertically mounted steel rollers rotate in opposite directions. Under heavy pressure they pulverize the tiny particles of cocoa and sugar down to a size of approx. 30 microns. (One micron is a thousandth part of a millimetre.)

■ 搅拌揉捏 Conching

此时的可可泥还不足以满足我们的味觉要求。但在两到三天内,它就会发生变化。在这一期间,巧克力泥会被巧克力搅拌揉捏机变得十分细腻。巧克力揉捏机(源于西班牙词“concha”,是海螺的意思),它可以同时容纳搅拌100到1000公斤的巧克力泥,并加热到80 °C,在向其中添加可可脂和卵磷脂之后,使之变得柔滑细腻。在这一过程中,可可泥的苦味逐渐消失,香味被完全地释放出来。巧克力不再是沙质的,而是很快能在舌头上融化掉。巧克力的纯度给予它很高的荣誉。

But still the chocolate paste is not smooth enough to satisfy our palates. But within two or three days all that will have been put right. For during this period the chocolate paste will be refined to such an extent in the conches that it will flatter even the most discriminating palate. Conches (from the Spanish word "", meaning a shell) is the name given to the troughs in which 100 to 1000 kilograms of chocolate paste at a time can be heated up to 80 °C and, while being constantly stirred, is given a velvet smoothness by the addition of certain amounts of cocoa butter and of the very valuable lecithin. A kind of aeration of the liquid chocolate paste then takes place in the conches: its bitter taste gradually disappears and the flavour is fully developed. The chocolate no longer seems sandy, but dissolves meltingly on the tongue. It has attained the outstanding purity which gives it its reputation.

■ 回火 Tempering


Before the forming process, the chocolate paste must be heated to 50 °C and then cooled to a specific temperature a little over 30 °C depending on the product.


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