






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-12-22 09:39| 查看数: 1227| 评论数: 1|

In most small countries, word that both of its two flagship car brands were poised to get new Chinese owners would probably cause an outcry.


But in Sweden, yesterday's reaction to word that China's Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Cohad agreed to become an investor in General Motor's Saab barely raised a shrug. This followed close on the heels of news that China's Geely Automobile was the only confirmed bidder for Volvo, which Ford Motor is considering selling.

然而,日前在瑞典消息传出,中国的北汽控股(BAIC)同意投资通用汽车(GM)旗下的萨博(Saab)品牌时,该国的反应十分冷淡。这与另一条消息接踵而至:中国的吉利汽车(Geely Automobile)是沃尔沃(Volvo)唯一得到确认的竞购者——福特汽车(Ford Motor)正考虑出售沃尔沃品牌。

Asked for her reaction Maud Olofsson, Sweden's enterprise and energy minister, told the Financial Times that the ownership of Saab “is not a business for the Swedish government”.

当被问及对此事的反应时,瑞典企业与能源部部长莫德?奥勒夫松(Maud Olofsson)向英国《金融时报》表示,萨博的所有权“与瑞典政府无关”。

A government spokesman went further, saying BAIC's involvement could be good if it helped Saab – which sold only 98,000 cars worldwide last year – break into one of the world's largest car markets. “If you look at other Swedish companies that have gone into co-operation with Chinese companies, they have worked well,” she said.


Labour unions were also relaxed about the deal. Aleksandar Zuza, an official at the IF-Metall union which represents Saab workers, said it was a “good sign” that the Koenigsegg consortium buying Saab had secured additional financing and potential access to the Chinese market.

各工会对这笔交易的态度也很放松。代表萨博员工的IF-Metall工会的官员亚历山大?祖扎(Aleksandar Zuza)表示,收购萨博的科尼赛克(Koenigsegg)财团获得了额外资金和进入中国市场的潜在可能,这是一个“好迹象”。

If anything, the deal could prove more controversial in China than in Sweden. Intense rivalry exists between BAIC and rivals such as Shangai Automotive and First Automobile Works, both of which have joint ventures with GM.

更有可能的是,相比于瑞典,这笔交易会在中国引起更大争议。北汽与上汽(Shangai Automotive)、一汽(First Automobile Works)等对手之间存在激烈竞争,而后两者都与通用成立了合资公司。

China's government opposes hasty international expansion by its carmakers, which it wants to consolidate into larger companies and improve their vehicle quality before they buy overseas assets. Foreign acquisitions require government approval.


While governments in the US, France, Germany and elsewhere have poured billions of dollars into direct aid or scrappage subsidies to prop up flailing carmakers, Sweden's centre-right government has been tough toward pleas for help from its industry, dominated by GM-owned Saab and Ford's Volvo.


BAIC's agreement with Koenigsegg came after the government refused the Swedish supercar maker's request to provide financing needed to close the purchase of the lossmaking brand from GM. BAIC had looked at Saab after GM's decision to sell it earlier this year, but failed to make a shortlist.


The agreement announced yesterday will see Saab's new owners form a joint venture with BAIC to sell and later produce the brand in China. BAIC will probably also use some of Saab's technology in its own cars, a person close to the deal said.


For BAIC, Saab's appeal lies in its knowhow in building models such as the all-new version of its flagship 9-5 sedan due to debut in Frankfurt next week. The brand, headquartered north of Gothenburg, will come with an engineering and design staff of about 1,000 inherited from GM.


“Chinese manufacturers are hoping to buy up technology that will help them catch up to world standards on both the product and the development side more quickly than they would on their own,” said Christoph Stuermer, automotive analyst at IHS Global Insight.

“中国的汽车制造商希望买下的技术能够帮助他们在产品和研发方面赶上世界标准,而且比他们依靠自身力量的速度更快,” IHS Global Insight的汽车业分析师克里斯托夫?施蒂默尔(Christoph Stuermer)表示。

Koenigsegg's acquisition of Saab still hinges on the carmaker securing a loan worth €400m-€500m from the European Investment Bank, which requires a Swedish government guarantee. Stockholm has indicated it is willing to offer such a guarantee, but ruled out additional support.

科尼赛克能否成功收购萨博,仍有赖于这家汽车制造商是否能从欧洲投资银行(European Investment Bank)获得4亿至5亿欧元的贷款。这笔贷款需要瑞典政府担保。瑞典政府已表示愿意提供担保,但拒绝考虑提供额外支持。

Geely's bid for Volvo, if successful, could provoke more controversy than a BAIC deal as the Chinese carmaker is seeking 100 per cent control of the much larger carmaker. Some Swedish government officials have expressed reservations amid worries about job losses and intellectual property leakage to China.



pansy77 发表于 2015-6-4 19:16:22
Good. Thank you.
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