






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-12-22 10:20| 查看数: 1157| 评论数: 0|

Stanley Ho Casino With French Theme Opens In Macau


A French-themed casino backed by ailing magnate Stanley Ho became the latest addition to Macau's gambling scene Monday, as optimism about a revival in the industry drove casino shares higher in Hong Kong.

由患病在身的澳门赌王何鸿燊(Stanley Ho)提供资金的一个法国主题赌场周一成为澳门博彩业的一枝新秀,而投资者对博彩业复苏的乐观情绪推动香港上市的博彩类股走高。

Meanwhile, Las Vegas-based casino operator Wynn Resorts Ltd. disclosed in a prospectus for a planned Hong Kong listing of its Macau business that profit at that business fell 33% in the first half of the year, in part because of visa restrictions that are now believed to be easing.

与此同时,总部位于拉斯维加斯的赌场运营商永利度假(Wynn Resorts Ltd.)在其澳门子公司计划赴香港上市的募股说明书中披露,今年上半年该子公司利润下滑33%,原因之一是签证限制。不过据信目前签证限制已开始放宽。

The 87-year-old Mr. Ho, who for four decades ran Macau's gambling monopoly, wasn't on hand to mark the opening of his 20th casino, called L'Arc. Mr. Ho is convalescing in a Hong Kong hospital after undergoing surgery earlier this summer.


L'Arc, which sits next to the Wynn Macau and the MGM Grand Macau casino-resorts, features 142 gaming tables and 400 slot machines over two floors of what the company calls 'French style, embellished by classic Chinese decoration.'

澳门凯旋门坐落于永利澳门(Wynn Macau)和澳门美高梅金殿(MGM Grand Macau)娱乐场的旁边,建筑有两层,拥有142张赌桌和400台老虎机。该公司称这个赌场是法国式的、配以中国古典装潢。

Mr. Ho's SJM Holdings Ltd., with its long tenure in Macau and its ability to connect with a loyal base of ordinary gamblers, continues to attract the biggest slice of Macau's gambling revenue, with about 29.6% of the overall revenue and 40.2% of the mass-market revenue.

由于何鸿燊的澳门博彩控股有限公司(SJM Holdings Ltd.)在澳门有着悠久历史,因而能够保持忠诚度很高的普通赌客群,该公司继续在澳门博彩业收入中占有最大份额,约占总收入的29.6%,大众市场收入的40.2%。

Last week, SJM reported relatively modest declines in gambling revenue in the first half of 2009, with its total slipping 4.3% and revenue from high-rollers falling 9.9%. That compares with declines of double-digit percentages across the sector.


The opening of SJM's newest property comes at a time when optimism is returning to the sector. Macau gambling revenue set a record in August, and investors are expecting even more business from mainland China as officials there ease restrictions on travel to Macau. Casino operators and Macau government officials have stepped up efforts to rein in the commissions they pay to the middlemen who bring high-rollers to the city.



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