





巴格达发生连怀爆炸 至少死亡127人

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-12-22 11:11| 查看数: 1142| 评论数: 0|


A series of five bombings Tuesday rocked Baghdad with officials reporting at least 127 dead and nearly 500 injured at sites across the capital.


Residents said they heard a large explosion shake the city shortly after 10:15 a.m. local time, followed by several more blasts. The intensity of the blasts and their quick succession, some spaced just minutes apart, suggested a coordinated bombing campaign.


The casualty toll could still climb. The bombings follow a string of similar, high-profile attacks in Baghdad in recent months, and come just days after Iraqi parliamentarians agreed on a long-stalled election law, setting the stage for national elections early next year. They also come ahead of this weekend's planned oil auction in Baghdad, in which the government is expected to award rights to develop some of Iraq's large, untapped fields to foreign oil companies.


After agreeing on election legislation over the weekend, officials announced Tuesday they would hold polls March 7. The date was reset, for reasons that aren't clear, hours after the council had decided to hold the vote on March 6.


American military helicopters hovered over some of the bomb sites, as clouds of black smoke billowed over Baghdad's skyline.

巴格达的医院很快人满为患。巴格达肯迪医院(Al-Kindi)副院长卡希姆(Ali Abdul Karim)说,我们这里有7名死者,105名伤员。

City hospitals quickly filled up with casualties. 'We have seven dead and 105 injured,' said Ali Abdul Karim, the deputy director of Baghdad's Al-Kindi hospital.

美国驻伊拉克大使馆与驻伊美军最高指挥官奥德耶诺(Ray Odierno)发表联合声明,谴责袭击事件。声明中说,我们呼吁所有的伊拉克人联合起来,反对各种形式的暴力活动和威慑企图,抵制这类卑鄙的挑衅行为。

In a joint news release, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the top American military commander, Gen. Ray Odierno, condemned the attacks. 'We call upon all Iraqis to join together to combat all forms of violence and attempts at intimidation and reject these despicable provocations,' the statement said.

伊拉克政府发言人达布巴格赫(Ali al-Dabbagh)说,周二的袭击事件看来与 兴党(Baath Party)支持者和基地组织(al Qaeda)有关,不过没有提供证据来支持这一说法。

Government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said Tuesday's attacks appeared to be linked to Baath Party loyalists and al Qaeda, but gave no evidence to support those charges.


Mr. Dabbagh said Tuesday's blasts wouldn't affect the timing of the vote or the weekend oil auction.


There were conflicting reports early Tuesday about the number and location of the attacks. State-run radio initially reported one attack occurred outside Baghdad's fine-arts institute and another one blew up at a busy intersection in the Mansour neighborhood.

官员们周二上午对美联社(Associated Press)说,一起爆炸发生在劳动部或附近,还有一起发生在财政部职员的临时办公地点附近。财政部大楼在8月份的袭击中遭到严重破坏后,这些职员就一直在临时办公地点办公。

Officials told the Associated Press midday Tuesday that one blast detonated at, or near, the Ministry of Labor, while another blast exploded near the site of temporary offices for Finance Ministry employees. Those staffers had been working at the site after the Ministry of Finance itself was heavily damaged in the August attack.


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