





英语大赢家: Topic 273 团圆饭 Family Dinner

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-25 12:48| 查看数: 1612| 评论数: 0|


Daniel: Grandpa, this seat is for you, for you are the eldest person here and also it's your birthday today.

Grandpa: Oh, you are such a good child today. Come here. Sit next to me.

Daniel: I'm afraid I can't do that. It's Dad's seat, according to the book about table manners.

Grandpa: Oh, you read? Very good. Then, I think we should do something different today. I'll give you some privilege.

Daniel: Great. That's my favorite seat which will be the nearest to the birthday cake.

Grandpa: Now I see what you read the book for. But it's fine. I'll give you the lion's share.

Daniel: Why do they serve up the noodles first? I don't like it. Where is the cake?

Grandpa: This is not common noodles. They're “long-lived” noodles on birthday.

Daniel: I see. Then I'll try it.

(After a few minutes, Daniel finishes his noodles.)

Daniel: Here is my gift for you, Grandpa. Open it.

Grandpa: Oh, a picture with the birthday cake on it. It's the best gift I've got.

Daniel: And I'd like to propose a toast to you, wishing you a happy and healthy life.

Grandpa: Thank you, my good boy. Oh, here comes the birthday cake. What share do you want?

Daniel: I'm too full to eat any more cake. I shouldn't have eaten so many noodles.

Grandpa: Don't worry about that. We'll save your piece, and you can take it home when dinner is over.

Daniel: Great. Grandpa, the Spring Festival is near. Will you please stay with us? We've been missing you so much!

Grandpa: No problem. What's more, I've prepared “gift money” for you.


丹尼尔: 爷爷,这个位置是给您的,因为您是这里的长辈而且今天是您的生日。

爷爷: 哦,你今天可真是个乖孩子啊。过来这里,坐我旁边吧。

丹尼尔: 我觉得我不能那么做。根据餐桌礼仪的书,这应该是爸爸的位置。

爷爷: 哦,你读书了?真不错。这样的话,我想我们今天就做点改变吧。我要给你这个特权。

丹尼尔: 太好了。这是我最喜欢的位置,因为它离生日蛋糕最近。

爷爷: 现在我知道你为什么读那本书了。不过没问题。我会给你最大的一块蛋糕。

丹尼尔: 为什么他们先上面条啊?我不喜欢。蛋糕在哪里呢?

爷爷: 这可不是普通的面条啊?我不喜欢。蛋糕在哪里呢?

丹尼尔: 这可不是普通的面条啊。是长寿面。生日吃长寿面可是中国的古老传统哦。

丹尼尔: 我知道了。那我也要尝一下。


丹尼尔: 这是我给您准备的礼物,爷爷。快打开。

爷爷: 哦,是一幅画了生日蛋糕的图画。它是我收到过的最好的礼物。

丹尼尔: 还有我要向您祝寿,祝您有快乐健康的生活。

爷爷: 谢谢,我的好孩子。哦,生日蛋糕来了。你要哪一块啊?

丹尼尔: 我太饱,吃不下蛋糕了。我刚才不该吃那么多面条的。

爷爷: 不用担心这个。我们把你那份留着,等吃完饭你可以把它带回家。

丹尼尔: 太好了。爷爷,春节快到了。您可以留下来和我们一起住吗?我们一直都特别想您。

爷爷: 没问题。而且啊,我连给你的压岁钱都已经准备好了。

经典背诵 Recitation

Daniel: Today is grandpa's birthday. Earlier today, I read a book about table manners. So I behaved really well at the grandpa's birthday dinner. Grandpa said I was a good child, and asked me to sit next to him. Then I gave grandpa a gift, it was a picture I drew myself. He liked it very much. I love my grandpa.


eldest adj. 最年长的

according to 根据

gift money 压岁钱注释

the lion's share (of) 最大的份额,最优厚的份额

propose a toast to sb. 为某人干杯

词汇扩展 Vocabulary Builder



April Fool's Day 愚人节

Carnival 狂欢节

Christmas Festival 圣诞节

Easter 复活节

Halloween 万圣节

Mother's Day 母亲节

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

Valentine's Day 情人节


Double Nine Day 重阳节

Double Seven Day 七夕

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Lantern Festival 元宵节

Mid Autumn Day 中秋节

Qingming Festival 清明节

Spring Festival 春节

Teacher's Day 教师节

Do it together 家庭总动员


The ( ) is near.

[例]家长读 Valentine's Day 情人节

孩子读 The Valentine's Day is near. 情人节快到了。


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