






发布者: NCE1-Mary | 发布时间: 2010-1-2 13:13| 查看数: 1676| 评论数: 2|

ith more parties and family gatherings than any other time of year, the period between November and January leaves no shortage of reason to celebrate. But for every mug of mulled cider, you’re bound to have a tense encounter with your newly divorced neighbors or a snippy, regifting sister-in-law. How can you navigate sticky social situations and still make it through New Year’s with glad tidings and good cheer? Follow the advice of our expert, Kimberly Schlegel Whitman—an entertaining pro and the author of The Pleasure of Your Company—who tackled our toughest “Bah, humbug” moments with panache.

1. Answering Tough Questions

You love spending the holidays with your family—until the annual barrage of questioning st

arts: When’s your daughter getting married? Did your son really drop out of college? Why hasn’t your husband retired yet? Since you know the touchy topics that people are most likely to broach, consider your answers in advance. Each answer can be vague and should end with a question, which will hopefully lead the conversation elsewhere. An appropriate answer to “Did your son really drop out of college?” Whitman says, would be something along the lines of: “Tom has been working so hard on following the path that is right for him and we are very excited to see what the future holds for him. His New Year’s goal is to travel to Africa! What are your goals for the New Year?”


2. Spilling Your Drink

You’re at your boss’s house for holiday cocktails. You stumble over a stray Matchbox car and splatter red wine on the white sofa. First of all, realize you’re not likely to be the only one who will spill that night. “I feel like I spill at every event I attend!” Whitman says. She suggests discreetly cleaning up your mess right away. If you need help from the hostess, offer a sincere apology and help with the cleanup. And above all, “Don't blame the child who left the car out!”


3. Getting a Regifted Present

Your mother-in-law presents you with a gourmet tea set that—whoops!—you once gave your sister-in-law, who (you now know) regifted it to her. Your only option, Whitman says, is to graciously accept the gift as you would any other. “Regifting is a major no-no,” she warns. “But don’t acknowledge the mistake.”


4. Who to Send Cards To

You just don’t feel like sending holiday cards this year. They’re so much work! Unfortunately, you know you’ll be receiving scores of them. Sending holiday cards can be a hassle. Still, Whitman feels they’re worth the trouble. “Many people cherish them,” she says. “And they’re a great way to reach out to friends from out of town.” If you’re simply too busy to deal with signing, sealing and stamping during the holiday season, Whitman suggests you keep a list of the people who send you cards, and return the favor on Valentine’s Day. Another option? Check out the latest websites that let you send cards at the click of a mouse.


5. Tipping When Money’s Tight

You’ve always generously tipped your babysitter, hairdresser, mailman and more. But money’s tight this year. “If you can't give the same tip you gave last year,” says Whitman, “be creative and try to include a thoughtful gift with the tip as well.” For example, if you’re known for your chewy sugar cookies, make extras and include a prettily wrapped box of them with each tip you hand out.


6. Too Many People to Shop For

Your holiday shopping list has spiraled out of control. Your kids are married with kids, and so are your nieces and nephews. You simply can’t shop for everyone without going broke. Skip the adults if you must, but don’t cut off the children. “There is nothing that will bring you more joy than watching young ones open up the gifts you selected for them,” says Whitman. If you’re feeling strapped, look for something you can buy in bulk at a savings, or buy one special gift, like a game, that siblings can share. If you have crafting skills and a reasonable amount of time, consider making heartfelt handmade presents.


7. Inviting the Divorced Couple to Your Party

You’ve always invited the couple next door to your holiday party—but they just got divorced. You’re on good terms with both of them, but they’re not exactly on good terms with each other. “Their problems are not your problem,” says Whitman. “You are not required to pick sides.” If you feel comfortable, invite both of them. When they RSVP, let each know that the other is invited and whether he or she will be attending.


8. Drunk at the Office Party

You had one or two drinks too many at the office holiday party. You didn’t do anything majorly foolish, but you’re still nervous about showing your face at work the next day. Walk in with a smile and try not to look sheepish. Chances are there will be several others in the same boat. “Don’t walk in apologizing or making excuses,” warns Whitman. “You’ll only be adding fuel to the fire.


9. Getting the Same Gift

You open a gift from your husband and find a gorgeous sweater—exactly like the one you just opened a moment ago, from your sister. “Laugh it off!” urges Whitman. “If you laugh, everyone will.” If one sweater-giver included a gift receipt, mention how much fun you’ll have exchanging the sweater during the post-holiday sales.


10. The Person You Didn’t Get a Gift For

Your son’s best friend’s mother shows up to pick up her child one afternoon with—surprise!—a little gift that made her think of you. You, unfortunately, have nothing to give back. If you’d thought to buy a case of wine or some prewrapped bath sets, you’d be set. If you didn’t, “graciously accept the gift, open it and say thank you,” says Whitman. Don’t act embarrassed, but do drop off a small gift for her within a day or two.



kathy 发表于 2010-1-2 13:38:34
NCE1-Mary 发表于 2010-1-2 13:47:57
回复 2# Mary.xiang

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