






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-1-6 18:59| 查看数: 1336| 评论数: 0|

New Words 生词

1) Acoustic guitar (classical guitar) (古典吉它): a guitar with no electronics needed

I took my acoustic guitar to the park and played music for hours.


2) Amplifier (Amp) (扬声器,扩音器): a box-like speaker that produces the sounds from a electric guitar or keyboard

Please plug my guitar into that big amplifier, I love to be loud.


3) Band (乐队): a group of musicians that work together on a regular basis

Pink Floyd is the name of a band, not the name of a person.


4) Electric guitar/bass (电吉它/贝斯): (Axe) a guitar that needs an amp to make sounds

Careful with that Electric guitar, Roger Waters gave it to me as a gift.


5) Gig (演出,音乐会): a performance or concert

You had better hurry up, we have a gig tonight.


6) Groupie (乐队追星族): a fan, or person who follows a band and loves the band members

There is a beautiful groupie outside and she wants our autographs.


7) Hard Rock (硬摇滚): heavy Metal, loud, strong music

Most hard rock fans and groupies have long hair.


8) Jam (演奏): to play music together

Turn on your amp and let's jam! The guitarist Santana really jams, don't you agree? Listen to that solo, he is in a grove.


9) Lyrics (歌词): words to the song

This helpful e-mail letter often teaches us the lyrics to interesting songs.


10) Percussion instruments (打击乐器): drums and things that keep the rhythm

A percussionist is someone who plays drums or other percussion instruments.


11) Solo (独奏): (alone) to play a guitar solo is to highlight the guitar as it plays alone. To play solo is to jam alone.

Yesterday I had a solo gig, I jammed alone.


The guitar solo in the middle of this song is awesome!


Lessons 课文

America is full of groupies who will follow their favorite bands all around the country to watch them perform. The most famous and dedicated groupies are fans of a band called the Grateful Dead. Thousands of young college students spend their parent's money to travel to distant cities just to see a Grateful Dead gig. Often young people would lie to their parents by telling them that they needed money for school, but in fact the students would skip class and spend their money on concert tickets. Tickets to some Dead gigs cost as much as 100-150 USD per ticket! The Grateful Dead also had many old Hippie groupies who lived on the road with the band. Wherever the Grateful Dead had a gig, that was the groupies home. Even though they were never very clean, they always seemed to have fun. The Grateful Dead had a famous chubby (a little fat) lead guitarist named Jerry. He looked like Santa Claus. Jerry jammed on both acoustic and electrical guitars. The band also had at least two percussionists. Phil, the electric bass player, was very tall. Most of the Grateful Dead's lyrics were about peace and love. Though not a Heavy Metal band, most of their groupies had long hair, even the boys.

美国有很多乐队迷,为了观看他们喜欢的乐队的演出而追随其跑遍全国。最有名最投入的乐队迷是叫作 the Grateful Dead的乐队的歌迷。成千上万的大学生花费父母的钱到很远的地方旅行,仅仅是为了看一眼 the Grateful Dead 乐队的演出。年轻人经常骗他们的父母说他们上学需要钱,但学生们却逃课去买演出票。The Grateful Dead的演唱会的票价高达每张100-150美元。The Grateful Dead 乐队还拥有一批年龄大一些的歌迷,这些歌迷住在路边,与乐队呆在一起。无论何时 the Grateful Dead 乐队有演出的时候,乐队所在的地方就成为众多歌迷之家。即使那里并不总是那么卫生清洁,但却总是很有趣。乐队有个著名的胖胖的吉它领奏者,叫Jerry,长得象圣诞老人一样和蔼。Jerry弹奏古典吉它和电吉它,乐队还有至少两个打击乐器演奏家,乐队的电贝斯手叫Phil,个子非常高。乐队演唱的大多数主题是有关爱与和平。虽然他们不是一个重金属乐队,但是大多数的乐队成员都蓄长发,即使是男子也不例外。

Dialogue 对话

Molly: Gordon, I sure am glad to see you.

Gordon: What's up, how can I help you?

Molly: I need to borrow $150 dollars to buy a new amp for my gig this weekend.

Gordon: Are you doing a solo gig or do you have a band?

Molly: Actually I am playing with the band Pink Floyd. I am friends with Roger Waters. He wrote the Wall, you know.

Gordon: You bet I know. I am a total Pink Floyd groupie. I am their biggest fan. I like them better than that hard rock band, Metallica.

Molly: Well, groupie, can I borrow the cash?

Gordon: Sure, if you get all of the members of Pink Floyd to autograph my guitar.

Molly: Anything for you, now hand over the money, I am eager to jam. I need to practice.

Gordon: Sorry to say, I don't have enough money, I just remembered I bought some new percussion instruments this morning. However, you can use my electric bass amp, is that ok?

Molly: Is your amp loud enough for a gig?

Gordon: You bet, it goes up to ten.

Molly: I need an amp that goes up to eleven. See you next time, drummer boy. Drummers (percussionists) are always strange or stupid.

Gordon: Oh, yeah? Well, guitarists are always mean and stuck up. (they love themselves.)

Molly: At least I will have groupies after tomorrow and you will be a solo lover.

Gordon: You have a good point. Have a good time!






莫莉:实际上我要和平克佛洛伊德乐队一起演奏。我是罗格·沃特斯的朋友,你知道他写了《the Wall》。













1) A disorder(n)(错乱,病态): a sickness, a weakness

My brother has a walking disorder and he must use a wheel chair.


My office manager has a drinking disorder, so he is drunk all the time.


2) Injured (受伤的): Hurt, damaged

I was injured yesterday in a car accident.


3) Stutter(v/n)(结巴的): saying one word over and over, a speech disorder

Ralf stutters whenever he talks with a beautiful babe.


Sally has had a heavy stutter since childhood.


4) Support(v)(支持) help, assist, pay for

My parents have supported me financially for 18 years.


I would be glad to support you and your new idea.


5) Condescending to(俯就,看不起): looking down on someone

You should never condescend or look down on a co-worker.


6) Weep(v)(流泪,哭泣)cry, sob a lot

I saw the girl weep after her dog was eaten by her neighbors.


Lesson: 课文

Looking down on other people is Rude.

1) Never tell jokes that make fun of a person because of the color of his/her skin, or his religion or home country.

2) Never laugh when someone is injured. Sometimes when people fall down it looks funny, but it is not funny for them. They need help, so be a friend and help them. Always support your friends.

3) Never point at someone and laugh because they are too fat or ugly. Every one is beautiful inside, please remember that. We are not all hunks, but we are all important.

4) Don't be a rude dude and laugh at someone who stutters (stuttering is saying one word over and over). Some people have speech disorders, if you laugh at them, it will make their problem worse. It may even make them weep.


1) 永远不要因为他人的肤色、宗教信仰或国别而开玩笑。

2) 在他人受伤的时候不要哈哈大笑。有时人们摔倒的样子看起来很可笑,但对于摔倒的人来说则一点也不可笑,这时他们需要帮助,因此此时要以一个朋友的身份给他们提供帮助。永远给予朋友以支持。

3) 永远也不要因为某人太胖或太丑而对其指指点点。别忘了,每个人都有其内在的美。并非世界上所有人都是明星,但是我们都很重要。

4) 不要做一个嘲笑某人口吃的没有礼貌的人。(口吃指的是某人说话的时候一个词一直重复)。有些人有语言障碍)如果你为此嘲笑他们的时候会让他们的情况更严重。你的嘲笑甚至会使他们哭泣。


Molly: Dude, I am glad to see you.

Gordon: What's up, how can I help you?

Molly: My editor is condescending and mean. He sits behind his desk and gives orders like he is the king.

Gordon: Well, isn't that his job?

Molly: Not exactly. He used to be one of us workers. But he changed. He no longer respects the other employees. Now he enjoys making this one computer operator girl weep.

Gordon: Does he point at her while calling her "ugly" or "fat?"

Molly: Not really, but she has a speech disorder - she often stutters. The mean man makes fun of this.

Gordon: Your editor is a rude dude. He should support and assist anyone with a stutter or other disorder.

Molly: I am glad you agree because I want you to go to my office and beat up the rude dude.

Gordon: I am strong enough to seriously injure him, but that wouldn't solve anything. Maybe you could ask the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) to condescend to him. If everyone in the office pointed and laughed at him once for one of his many mistakes, maybe he would understand.

Molly: But then we would be rude dudes.

Gordon: Beating someone up is also a rude thing to do.

Molly: I haven't learned that yet from Xianzai's Cutural English newsletters.

Gordon: Don't worry, I am sure your office manager is just worried because he has less friends than before and more responsibilities at work.

Molly: So you are saying I should be polite to the rude dude.

Gordon: We can only hope your editor will come to his senses and be more understanding.



















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