





高教自考英语(二)讲义 Unit 2 Text A

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-1-16 10:00| 查看数: 1772| 评论数: 0|

Text A Black Holes




  什么是黑洞? What is a black hole ?

  宇宙中有一些点,它们的体积趋向于零而密度变得无穷大。由于具有强大的吸引力,物体只要进入离这些点一定距离内,就会被这强大的吸引力吸收掉,连光线也不例外。因此,没有任何信号能从这个范围内传出,这个范围的边界被称为“视界”(event horizon) .视界里面的情况人类无法看到,所以科学家称之为“黑洞”。



  Paragraph 1 What is a black hole ?

  Paragraph 2 - paragraph 4 The theory of black holes

  Paragraph 5 Speculations about black holes are endless .

  New Words

  1 astronomer n.天文学家

  2 escape vi./vt.逃跑;避免

  3 exert vt.尽(力);发挥(威力等)

  4 explode vt./vi.使爆炸;爆炸

  5 density n.密集度,稠密度

  6 collapse vt./vi./n.倒塌,崩溃

  7 supernova n.超新星

  8 daytime n.白天,日间

  9 dwarf n.矮子

  10 neutron n.中子

  11 shrink vt./vi./n.收缩,缩小/退缩,畏缩

  12 gravity n.严肃,认真;严重性

  13 marble n./a.弹子,大理石

  14 boundary n.分界线,边界

  15 observer n.遵守者,奉行者

  16 interchangeable a.可交换的,可互换的

  17 constant a./n.永恒的,经久不变的

  18 measurement n.衡量,测量

  19 implication n.含意,暗示

  20 basis n.基础,根据

  21 launch vt./n.发射,投射;发动,发起(运动)

  22 galaxy n.星系,银河系

  23 observatory n.天文台;了望台

  24 convincing a.有说服力的,使人信服的

  25 binary a./n.二,双,复

  26 twin a./n.双胞胎的,双胞胎

  27 companion n.同伴,同事

  28 speculation n.推测,猜测

  29 swallow vt.吞咽

  30 mankind n.人类

  31 operate vi./vt.运转,起作用;动手术


  1 to research into 研究

  2 speculation about 关于…猜测

  3 to swallow up 吞没,耗尽

  4 to make use of 利用

  To reduce to 归纳,简化,迫使

  To apply to 适用于,应用


  1 escape v.逃跑,避免

  A lion has escaped from its cage.


  2 exert: vt.用尽;尽力;运用;行使;施加,产生(影响等)

  用法:exert pressure on sb.给…施加压力

  She exerted herself all year to earn good marks.她整年努力以期获得好分数。

  He's been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my mind.他一直在施加种种压力要我改变主意。

  Black holes exert very strong gravity.黑洞产生很强的引力。

  3 explode v.爆炸,突发

  xplosion n.

  explosive a.

  A bomb exploded at one of London's busiest railway station this morning.


  4 collapse v.n.倒塌, 崩溃

  例句 参考教材第34-35页的 word Study 2

  5 shrink: (shrank, shrunk ) v.退缩;畏缩;n.收缩;缩小

  用法: The gross national product shrank one percent last year.去年国民生产总值减少了1%.

  Washing wool in hot water will shrink it .在热水中洗羊毛会使它缩水。

  We will never shrink back before difficulties .我们在困难面前决不退缩。

  6 boundary n.分界线,边界

  We crossed the state boundary at midnight.


  7 constant adj.不断的,经常的;永恒的,始终如一 n……常数

  He is in constant trouble with the police.他总是不断和警察惹麻烦。

  There are no constants at all.根本没有不变的事物。


  continual 时断时续的 It continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity

  continuous 连续不间断的 The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.



  8 implication: n.牵连;涉及;卷入;含意;暗示

  派生词:imply v.暗示,含意

  用法:She seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.她似乎含蓄地承认了那事实。

  The implication of your statement is that I was wrong.你这话的弦外之音是我错了。

  9 launch: v.发射,发动 n.发射

  The launch of the third man-made satellite turned to be a great success.第三枚航天器的发射结果是巨大成功。

  In the 1980's our country launched a number of satellites.80年代我国发射了多颗卫星。

10 convincing : a.令人信服的;有说服力的;

  派生词:convince v.使人信服,使… 相信

  用法:She is very convincing .她很另人信服。

  Convince sb.of sth.使某人确信某事; convince sb.that 从句

  We failed to convince him of his mistakes.我们没能使他相信他是错误的。

  Careful observation convinced them that it was so.仔细的观察使他们相信情况是这样的。

  11 companion : n.同伴,同行,伴侣,同事

  派生词:company n.同伴,陪伴 ; accompany v.陪同,陪伴

  用法:He is a good companion on the journey.他是个好旅伴。

  表示“同事”的词:associate, colleague, fellow official, fellowworker, co-worker

  12 operate : v.操作,运行,起作用;动手术

  派生词:operation n.操作

  用法:The machine isn't operating properly.机器运转不正常。

  He operated on the eyes of the patient.他给病人的眼睛动了手术。

  Has the medicine started to operate ? 药物开始见效了吗?


  1.to research into 研究

  She is researching into possible cures for AIDS.


  2 speculation about : 关于… 的猜测

  We heard all kinds of speculation about the cause of the President's death.我们听到关于总统死亡原因的种种猜测。

  People have much speculation about the government's intentions.对政府的意图,人们作了许多猜测。

  3 to swallow up : 吞没;并吞

  His wife's clothes bill swallowed up his wages .老婆买的衣服耗尽了他的工资。

  The fog swallowed up the whole city.雾笼罩全城。

  She swallowed the medicine with the help of some water.她用水把药咽下了。

  His figure was swallowed up in the dark.他的身影消失在黑暗中。

  4 to make use of :利用= to take advantage of

  We should make good use of our leisure time.我们应该好好利用休闲时间。

  He was making full use of his opportunity.他正充分利用他的机会。

  to reduce … to 简化,归纳,迫使

  Months' bombing reduced the city to ruins.


  5 to apply to 适用于

  It does not apply to you.它不适用于你。


  Black Hole

  What is a black hole? Well, it's difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here.Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing ) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape - not even light.So we can't see a black hole.A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter.It is only space - or so we think.How can this happen?



  1 since 引导的是原因状语从句,定语从句we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon 修饰先行词the terms “术语”

  inadequate = not enough

  2 句中 “ into which” 以及后面的 “ from which” 两个都是引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 a region of space “空间区域”。如果which 在定语从句中作介词的宾语,那么这个介词可以提到从句前,构成“介词+which”引导的定语从句。这里注意两个搭配 fall into ; escape from

  3 A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter.It is only space - or so we think.

  a strong gravitational pull 一个很强的引力 = gravity

  yet = but 但是

  so we think.是倒装句,“我们认为如此” ( we think so )

  The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they collapse and sometimes a supernova occurs.From earth, a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime.Supernova were reported by astronomers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.The collapse of a star may produce a White Dwarf or a neutron star - a star, whose matter is so dense that it continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity.But if the star is very large (much bigger than our sun) this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results.Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble, but still having the same mass and a stronger gravitational pull, and you have some idea of the force of a black hole.Any matter near the black hole is sucked in.It is impossible to say what happens inside a black hole.Scientists have called the boundary area around the hole the “event horizon.” We know nothing about events which happen once objects pass this boundary.But in theory, matter must behave very differently inside the hole.


  Para .2

  4 The theory…a supernova occurs.此句是复合句:that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point 是表语从句; when their density increases to a particular point 是时间状语。

  注意to a particular point 是固定搭配表示“达到某一点”


  explode increase collapse occur

  From earth, a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime.

  which 引导定语从句,修饰light

  6.Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.

  有人认为圣诞星可能是一颗超新星。could have + 过去分词 表示对以前发生的行为或动作的推测。

  I could have told you about it, but I don't remember it now.我可能给你说过这件事,但我现在记不得了。

  7.The collapse of a star…a star, whose matter is…gravity.

  whose 引导非限定性定语从句,修饰star . 注意 so… that 的用法

  8.Imagine the earth…a black hole.

  该句的主要结构是“imagine… , and you …”而“reduced … to marble ”和“having … pull”分别为过去分词和现在分词短语作定语,修饰the earth.

  mass 质量

  have some idea 略知一二

  For example, if a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. However an observer at the event horizon would think that the man never reached the center at all. Our space and time laws don't seem to apply to objects in the area of a black hole. Einstein's relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable, so that there is no “absolute” time and space. There are no constants at all, and measurements of time and space depend on the position of the observer. They are relative. We do not yet fully understand the implications of the relativity theory; but it is interesting that Einstein's theory provided a basis for the idea of black holes before astronomers started to find some evidence for their existence. It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. In August 1977, a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way. And astronomers are planning a new observatory to study the individual exploding stars believed to be black holes.

  Para. 3

  9.For example, …very quickly

  本句是表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。主句谓语动词用would think , if引导的条件状语从句谓语动词用过去时fell .

10.Our space and time laws don't seem to apply to objects in the area of a black hole.


  11.We do not yet…relativity theory; but it is…for their existence.

  yet: still



  12.It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.

  此句是强调句,强调状语only recently. 强调结构为 It is + 被强调部分 + that …

  13.a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way. (about引导的介词短语作定语修饰data)

  which 引导定语从句修饰 holes

  data 的单数为datum

  14.Exploding 和believed to be black holes 均为分词作定语,修饰stars

  The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems. Binary stars, as their name suggests, are twin stars whose position in space affects each other. In some binary systems, astronomers have shown that there is an invisible companion star, a “partner” to the one which we can see in the sky. Matter from the one which we can see is being pulled towards the companion star. Could this invisible star, which exerts such a great force, be a black hole? Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as companions.


  15.The most…affects each other.

  as 的用法,引导非限定性定语从句。修饰Binary stars “双星系”

  whose 引导定语从句修饰 twin stars

  16.下面的几句话中的which 用作定语从句的引导词,可用于限制性定语从句,也可用于引导非限制性定语从句。that 则不可用于引导非限制性定语从句。

  The story of black holes is just beginning. Speculations about them are endless. There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate. Mankind may one day meet this fate. On the other hand, scientists have suggested that very advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. These speculations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers. They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.



  17 There might be…a very rapid rate.

  swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate是现在分词短语作定语,修饰hole

  at the center of our galaxy 是状语

  story 比较真实的故事

  fiction 不太真实的故事同义词:novel

  18 They show us…space and time.

  此句中which 引导限定性定语从句修饰world

  注意介词 in 和 from 的用法,它们各自的搭配为 in a way和 different…from



  1.Well, it's difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here. (第一段)

  2.Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing ) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape - not even light. So we can't see a black hole. (第一段)

  3.The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they collapse and sometimes a supernova occurs. (第二段)

  4.Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova. (第二段)

  5.The collapse of a star may produce a White Dwarf or a neutron star - a star, whose matter is so dense that it continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity. (第二段)

  6.Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble, but still having the same mass and a stronger gravitational pull, and you have some idea of the force of a black hole. (第二段)

  7.For example, if a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. (第三段)

8.but it is interesting that Einstein's theory provided a basis for the idea of black holes before astronomers started to find some evidence for their existence. (第三段)

  9.It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. (第三段)

  10.And astronomers are planning a new observatory to study the individual exploding stars believed to be black holes. (第三段)

  11.Binary stars, as their name suggests, are twin stars whose position in space affects each other. (第四段)

  12.There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate. (第五段)

  13.They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time. (第五段)



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