





高教自考英语(二)讲义 Unit 3 Text A

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-1-16 16:25| 查看数: 1912| 评论数: 4|

Text A Euthanasia : For and Against

  For and against=For or against

  Pro and(or) Con 赞成




  Paras 1-4 The subject about euthanasia

  Paras 5-10 There are opinions for and against the practice of euthanasia

  practice=practice 实施,实践

  New Words

1 euthanasia n. 无痛楚的死亡;安乐死 
2 weaken vt./vi. 削弱,减弱 
3 Dutchman n. 荷兰人 
4 deteriorate vt./vi. (使)恶化 
5 lethal a. 致死的 
6 injection n. 注射;注射剂 
7 nationwide a./ad. 全国性的;在全国范围内 
8 debate vt./vi./n.. 争论,辩论 
9 legal a. 法律上的;合法的 
10 Dutch a./n. 荷兰人的;荷兰语 
11 parliament  n. 议会,国会 
12 prosecute vt. 对… 起诉 
13 request n. 请求,要求 
14 criterion n.标准,准则 
15 crowd n./vi.群,人群 
16 ensure vt. 保证,担保 
17 healthcare n.保健 
18 oppose vt. 反对,反抗 
19 tradition n. 传统,惯例 
20 hospice n. (晚期病人)收容所 
21 council n. 理事会,委员会 
22 founder n. 创造者;缔造者 
23 consideration n. 考虑,体谅 
24 elderly a./n. 较老的,人过中年的 
25 disabled a. 伤残的; 
26 burden n./vt. 担子,负担;责任,义务 
27 opt vi. 抉择,选择 
28 shorten vt./vi. 缩短,缩小 
29 vulnerable a. 易受伤的,弱小的 
30 prohibition n. 禁止;禁令 
31 individual n./a. 个人,个体;个人的,个别的 
32 paternalistic a. 家长式的统治的 
33 moving  a. 活动的,移动的 
34 sensitive a. 敏感的,灵敏的 


1 to be affected with  患有…疾病 
2 to debate on  关于… 进行辩论 
3 to make request for 要求 
4 be opposed to  反对 
5 to open up  打开,开办,开辟,坦诚地或无拘束地谈话 
6 to take … into account 考虑到 
7 need for 对… 的需要 
8 to opt out (of) 决定不参加… , 决定从… 退出 
9 to have … at heart 对某事十分关心 


  1. weaken : v. 削弱;变弱;

  She seems to be weakening.

  They have never weakened their stand for human rights.

  派生词:weak a. 虚弱的,软弱的



  short, sharp, wide, dark, broad



anro 发表于 2010-1-16 16:26:01
2. debate : 争论,辩论

  用法:to debate on 对… 进行辩论;

  Lincoln debated Douglas on this issue. 林肯与道格拉斯就这个问题进行了辩论。

  Education is the current focus of public debate. 教育是当前公众争论的焦点。


  3. legal : a.法律上的,合法的

  派生词: illegal a. 不合法的

  4. request : vt/n. 请求,要求

  搭配:request for 要求… ; make a request for 要求;at sb's request 应…之要求;

  例:He made a request for immediate help. 他要求立即给予帮助。

  The singer gave one more song at our request. 歌唱家在我们的要求下又唱了一首歌。

  They made a request to release the prisoners.他们要求释放犯人。

  其他用法:request 后接that 从句时,从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气“should + 动词原形”的形式。例:He requested that he (should)stay for more days. 他请求再住一些天。

  5. criterion : 标准,准则复数:criteria (批评、判断、决定的标准和准则)

  例: What criteria do you use to judge a good wine? 你用什么标准判断酒的好坏?

  同义词:standard 标准 (客观的、公正的标准,可用于比较、衡量事物)

  例: The standard of living has improved greatly.生活的标准已经大大提高。

  6. ensure : vt. 保证,保护;赋予

  用法:ensure sb. that 确保…。ensure sth.

  I can ensure that he will come at 12 o'clock.我能保证他将在12点钟来。

  他的才能将保证他得到成功。 His ability will ensure his success.

  7. oppose vt. 反对

  派生词:opposition n. 反对;opponent n. 对手

  用法:be opposed to 反对,

  We are firmly opposed to this dirty political deal. 我们坚决反对这场肮脏的政治交易。

  What he said was totally opposed to the facts. 他说的与事实完全相反。

  He is very much opposed to my going abroad . 他非常反对我出国。

  区别:oppose 与be opposed to

  They opposed the plan. 他们反对此计划。(表示动作)

  They were opposed to the plan 他们反对此计划。(表示态度)

  8. disabled : 伤残的,使失去战斗力的

  派生词:disable v. 使不能… ; able adj. 有能力的;enable v. 使能够………;unable a. 不能的,没有能力的;


  the disabled 残疾人

  disable sb. from doing sth. 使某人不能干… , 使某人丧失能力;

  一场事故使他再也不能打篮球了。 An accident disabled him from playing basketball.

  enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能作某事

  乘飞机使我们几个小时就能越过太平洋Flying enables us to go across the Pacific in a few hours.

  be able to do sth. 能够做某事

  我们能说英语。 We are able to speak English.

  be unable to do sth. 不能做某事

  我们不能在9点钟之前到。 We are unable to get there before 9 o‘clock.

  9. sensitive : adj. 敏感的,灵敏的

  派生词:sense n. 感觉,感知;

  用法:be sensitive to 对 …很敏感

  Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism. 她的回答表明她对批评非常敏感。

  他对天气变化很敏感。He is sensitive to the change of weather.
anro 发表于 2010-1-16 16:26:31

  1. to debate on : 关于… 进行辩论

  Lincoln debated Douglas on this issue. 林肯与道格拉斯就这个问题进行了辩论。

  2. to make request for :要求

  He made a request for immediate help. 他要求立即给予帮助。

  3. to opposed to : 反对

  He is very much opposed to my going abroad .

  4. to open up : 打开,开办,开辟

  We shall open up the resources of the NW areas of our country.


  They are preparing to open up a national debate. 他们正准备展开一场全国性的争论。

  5 to take … into account : 考虑到;估计

  We must take local conditions into account. 我们必须考虑到当地的条件。

  You must take her inexperience into account. 你必须考虑到她无经验而予以体谅。

  相关词汇:to take … into consideration 考虑到

  6. need for : 对… 的需要

  There's a growing need for cheap rented housing in the large cities.



  Text A

  Euthanasia : For and Against

  “We mustn‘t delay any longer …… swallowing is difficult …… and breathing, that’s also difficult. Those muscles are weakening too …… we mustn‘t delay any longer.”

  第一部分: paras.1 —— paras 4

  Para. 1

  1. “We mustn‘t delay any longer…” 我们不可以再拖延了

  mustn‘t 不应该,不可以

  not any longer 不再,再也不 , no longer 不再

  These were the words of Dutchman Cees van Wendel de Joode asking his doctor to help him die. Affected with a serious disease, van Wendel was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating.


  2. affected with a serious disease 为过去分词短语作原因状语;句中there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating 是knew 的两个宾语从句。


  Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject.


  3. Van Wendel's last three months of life … …were filmed


  例:Two bottles of beer were served .

  4. 句中“being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor”为被动结构的动名词短语,用作介词 “before”的宾语。句中“film” 用作动词,表示“将故事拍成电影”。

  本句的意思:范o万德尔 生命的最后三个月,在接受医生给他打的最后致命一针之前,被拍成了电影并于去年首次在荷兰电视上播出。

  5. 句中“since ”为副词,表示“从那以后”; each time 引导的是时间状语从句。


  The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, although it is not technically legal there. However, doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines introduced by the Dutch Parliament two years ago are usually not prosecuted. The guidelines demand that the patient is experiencing extreme suffering , that there is no chance of a cure, and that the patient has made repeated requests for euthanasia .

anro 发表于 2010-1-16 16:27:01

  6. which引导定语从句修饰country , although 引导让步状语从句

  it is not technically legal 根据法律是不合法的。

  technically ad. 严格按法律意义地,严格遵循某些规章制度地



  7. who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines introduced by the Dutch parliament two years ago 是定语从句修饰doctors.而其中 “ introduced …。 ago” 为过去分词短语作定语,修饰guidelines.介词under 在此表示“根据,按照”。

  主句: doctors … … are usually not prosecuted.


  8. 三个that 引导的都是demand 的宾语从句,说明执行安乐死必须同时满足这三个条件。demand 在此表示“规定”,而不是“要求”的意思,因此,其后所接宾语从句也没有用(should)+ 动词原形的虚拟语气形式。



  In addition to this, a second doctor must confirm that these criteria have been met and the death must be reported to the police department.

  9 a second doctor must confirm that these criteria have been met and the death must be reported to the police department.

  a second doctor = another doctor 另外一名医生

  第二部分 para.5 —— para.10

  Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others? Dr, Wilfred van Oijen, Cees van Wendel's doctor, explains how he looks at the question:

  Para.5 提出问题 Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others?

  10 Cees van Wendel's doctor, 是 Dr, Wilfred van Oijen的同位语。此句的主语和谓语被同位语所分开。,谓语是 explains , how he looks at the question:是宾语从句。


  “Well, it's not as if I’m planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun. In that case, killing is the worst thing 1 can imagine. But that's entirely different from my work as a doctor. I care for people and I try to ensure that they don’t suffer too much. That's a very different thing.”


  11 as if = as though 仿佛,好像…似的


  12 In that case , 在那种情况下 case n. 情况,事例,案例,病例

  killing is the worst thing 1 can imagine. 杀人是我能想象出的最残忍的事情

  Para.7 、8(两位反对安乐死的人和他们的观点)

  Many people, though, are totally against the practice of euthanasia, Dr. Andrew Ferguson, Chairman of the organization Healthcare Opposed to Euthanasia, says that “in the vast majority of euthanasia cases, what the patient is actually asking for is something else. They may want a health professional to open up communication for them with their loved ones or family - there's nearly always another question behind the question.”

  13 Many people, though, are totally against the practice of euthanasia, 此句中的though = however

  14 Chairman of the organization Healthcare Opposed to Euthanasia, 是Dr. Andrew Ferguson,的同位语。此句的主语和谓语被同位语所分开。

  Britain also has a strong tradition of hospices - special hospitals which care only for the dying and their special needs. Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement, argues that euthanasia doesn‘t take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying. She is also concerned that allowing euthanasia would undermine the need for care and consideration of a wide range of people: “It’s very easy in society now for the elderly, the disabled and the dependent to feel that they are burdens, and therefore that they ought to opt out. I think that anything that legally allows the shortening of life does make those people more vulnerable.

  15 “president of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement” 是Cicely Saunders 的同位语。此句的主语和谓语被同位语所分开。

  “ that euthanasia doesn‘t take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying 是argue 的宾语从句;在宾语从句中,there are ways of caring for the dying 是take 的宾语从句。


  16 “ that anything that legally allows the shortening of life does not make those people more vulnerable” 句中第一个that是think 的宾语从句的引导词,that legally allows the shortening of life 是定语从句,修饰anything .

  vulnerable 是形容词作宾语补语

  Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic. Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not be ignored. Dr. van Oijen believes that people have the fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die: “What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven’t the right. And that when people are very ill, we are all afraid of their death. But there are situations where death is a friend. And in those cases, why not?”
anro 发表于 2010-1-16 16:27:25

  17“what those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me” 是主语从句,that dying people haven‘t the right 是表语从句;在主语从句中,who oppose euthanasia 是定语从句,修饰people. 本句的意思:那些反对安乐死的人告诉我的是临终之人没有这个权利。

  and that (time) when …

  18Why not 是一个省略句, 意思是:Why not help them die?

  Why not have euthanasia?

  But “why not?” is a question which might cause strong emotion. The film showing Cees van Wendel's death was both moving and sensitive. His doctor was clearly a family friend; his wife had only her husband’s interests at heart. Some, however, would argue that it would be dangerous to use this particular example to support the case for euthanasia. Not all patients would receive such a high level of individual care and attention.


  19Some, however, would argue that it would be dangerous to use this particular example to support the case for euthanasia.

  that 引导宾语从句, 从句中 it 是形式主语,不定式 to use 是实际主语

  20Not all patients would receive such a high level of individual care and attention.


  accept 是主动的接受


  Euthanasia : For and Against

  “We mustn‘t delay any longer …… swallowing is difficult …… and breathing, that’s also difficult. Those muscles are weakening too …… we mustn‘t delay any longer.”

  These were the words of Dutchman Cees van Wendel de Joode asking his doctor to help him die. Affected with a serious disease, van Wendel was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating.

  Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject.

  The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, although it is not technically legal there. However, doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines introduced by the Dutch Parliament two years ago are usually not prosecuted. The guidelines demand that the patient is experiencing extreme suffering , that there is no chance of a cure, and that the patient has made repeated requests for euthanasia . In addition to this, a second doctor must confirm that these criteria have been met and the death must be reported to the police department.

  Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others? Dr, Wilfred van Oijen, Cees van Wendel's doctor, explains how he looks at the question:

  “Well, it's not as if I’m planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun. In that case, killing is the worst thing 1 can imagine. But that's entirely different from my work as a doctor. I care for people and I try to ensure that they don’t suffer too much. That's a very different thing.”

  Many people, though, are totally against the practice of euthanasia, Dr. Andrew Ferguson, Chairman of the organization Healthcare Opposed to Euthanasia, says that “in the vast majority of euthanasia cases, what the patient is actually asking for is something else. They may want a health professional to open up communication for them with their loved ones or family - there's nearly always another question behind the question.”

  Britain also has a strong tradition of hospices - special hospitals which care only for the dying and their special needs. Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement, argues that euthanasia doesn‘t take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying. She is also concerned that allowing euthanasia would undermine the need for care and consideration of a wide range of people: “It’s very easy in society now for the elderly, the disabled and the dependent to feel that they are burdens, and therefore that they ought to opt out. I think that anything that legally allows the shortening of life does make those people more vulnerable.

  Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic. Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not be ignored. Dr. van Oijen believes that people have the fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die: “What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven’t the right. And that when people are very ill, we are all afraid of their death. But there are situations where death is a friend. And in those cases, why not?”

  But “why not?” is a question which might cause strong emotion. The film showing Cees van Wendel's death was both moving and sensitive. His doctor was clearly a family friend; his wife had only her husband’s interests at heart. Some, however, would argue that it would be dangerous to use this particular example to support the case for euthanasia. Not all patients would receive such a high level of individual care and attention.
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