






发布者: NCE1-Mary | 发布时间: 2010-1-17 18:35| 查看数: 2575| 评论数: 0|

L: Oh, today's weather is awful. The wind blows so strongly and dust blows everywhere.

L: 嗳,今天的天气真糟糕,风这么大,到处是尘土。

M: Yeah, it's terrible. But you know, it's not uncommon to have such dust storms in Beijing.

M: 是的,太糟糕了。但是你知道,沙尘暴在北京不算稀奇。

L: Why do the dust storms come so strongly this year? I've never seen such strong storms before.

L: 为什么今年的沙尘暴来得如此激烈呢?以前我从没有见过这么厉害的沙尘暴。

M: According to the meteorologists view, the dust weather has much to do with the scarcity of rain, the dry air and exposed soil with immature plants in the area.

M: 据气象专家说,恶劣天气是由天旱少雨、空气干燥和植被稀少后土壤裸露造成的。

L: Right, right.

L: 对,对。

M: And the worsening desertification is another major reason.

M: 日益严重的沙漠化是另一个重要原因。

L: To tell the truth, I don't like Beijing for two reasons. One is the pollution, and the other is the serious traffic jam.

L: 老实说,我不喜欢北京有2个原因。一是污染,二是严重的交通问题。

M: Desertification and pollution caused by the heavy industries and car exhaust emission makes Beijing an entremely dirty city to live in.

M: 土壤沙漠化、重工业污染和汽车尾气排放使北京倍受污染。

L: In China, economic development has often been achieved at the cost of the environment.

L: 在中国,经济发展往往以牺牲环境为代价。

M: But Beijing has tightened its environmental protection measures in the past few year.

M: 但是这些年北京一直在强化一些环境保护措施。

L: Yes, Beijing hopes to host a "Green Olympics".

L: 是的,北京希望举办一届“绿色奥运”。

M: I hope Beijng starts to take on a new look now.

M: 我希望北京从现在起能展露一种新貌。

L: I hope so.

L: 我也希望如此。


Meteorologist: n. 气象学家

Immature: adj. 不成熟的  desertification: n. 土壤沙漠化


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