





高教自考英语(二)讲义 Unit 10 练习及历年考题

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-1-18 21:53| 查看数: 1276| 评论数: 1|

Unit 10 练习


  1.election  2.vote3.certainty 4.loyalty  5.decline

  6.democrat  7.strategy 8.pursue   9.impact  10.headquarters

  11.economy 12.stir   13.congress  14.representative

  to identify…as impact on


  1.Candidates try to project a strong leadership image. (para.4)

  2.Whether voters accept this image, however, depends more on external factors than on a candidate's personal characteristics. (para. 4)


  3.A year later, with the nation's economy in trouble, Bush’s approval rating dropped below 40 percent.

  4.Candidates are particularly concerned with winning the states which have the largest population.

  5.Clinton received only 43 percent of the popular vote in 1992, compared with Bush's 38 percent and Perot’s 19 percent.

  6.In deciding whether to pursue a course of action, they try to estimate its likely impact on the voters.

  7.Warren G. Harding accepted the 1920 Republican nomination at his Ohio home, stayed there throughout most of the campaign, and won a full victory simply because most of the voters of his time were Republicans.

  8.“The Economy, Stupid.”The slogan was the idea of James Carville, Clinton's chief strategist, and was meant as a reminder to the candidate and the staff to keep the campaign focused on the nation’s slow-moving economy, which ultimately was the issue that defeated Bush.



  The presidential election takes place every four years in the United States.


  A majority party nominee usually has the advantage of support over a minority party one.

  A major-party nominee always gets higher approval rating than a minor-party nominee.


  Strategies play a critical role in the election.

  Strategy is critical in the presidential election.


  To win the presidency, a candidate is particularly concerned with winning the states which are important.

  In order to get the votes, presidential candidates are concerned with those important states.


  There are about a dozen political parties in America, only two of which are major parties.


  1.Victory in the eleven ______(large) states alone would provide an electoral majority. (99.10)

  答案:largest.此题主要考查large 的最高级。

  2.Even Democrat George McGovern, _____ had the lowest level of party support among recent

  Nominees, was backed in 1972 by nearly 60 percent of his party's voters. (99.10)





  答案:A. who 引导的非限定性定语从句。


  答案:This depends on external factors rather than on a candidate's personal characteristics.

  4.In 1991, after the Gulf War, Bush's approval rating reached 91 percent, the highest level recorded since polling ______(begin) in the 1930s. (00.10)

  答案:began.此题考查过去时,因为有一个明显的过去时间状语“in the 1930s”。

  5.Americans have learned much about the way in which the system can be managed so as to _____ the peaceful transfer of power from one party to the other. (01.4)

  A.make it possible

  B.make possible

  C.make possibly

  D.make it possibly

  答案:B.本题中make 的宾语太长,所以放到了宾补possible 的后面。“make … possible”


  6.In deciding _____ a course of action, the candidate tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. (02.4)

  A.what to pursue

  B.which to pursue

  C.whether to pursue

  D.if to pursue

  答案:C.分析:所要填的空是deciding 的宾语。而pursue 后面的宾语是a course of action. 选项A “what to pursue”, what 是宾语。选项B 中,which 也是作主语或宾语。选项D. 语法结构不对,因此选C.

  7.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election _______ he has the support from the party faithful. ( 03 ,10 )

  A.in that

  B.in which

  C.for which

  D.for that

  答案:A “在于”(复合连词表示原因)


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