





高教自考英语(二)讲义 Unit 15 练习及历年考题

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-1-19 19:08| 查看数: 1630| 评论数: 0|

Unit 15 练习


  1. solely 2. content 3. sensible 4. persist 5. vital

  6. logic 7. evaluate 8. raw 9. ultimate 10.functional

  11. extension 12. undue 13. concrete 14. conquer 15. error

  16. prolong 17. technician 18. proof 19. possess

  to pull down . to mistake…for . to distinguish between . to come to terms with

  。to end in . to reflect on . to come about . to speculate on


  1.Electronic brains can reduce the profusion of dead ends involved in vital research. (para.2)

  2.Nor do they connect a man to the things he has to be connected to - the reality of pain in others.

  3.The reason these matters are important in a computerized age is that there may be a tendency to mistake data for wisdom. (para. 3)

  4.For the danger is not so much that man will be controlled by the computer as that he may imitate it. (Para. 9)补充语法知识中的四个并列结构的句子



  Computers have taken human beings into a new era.

  The computer has brought man into a new age.


  Electronic brains can help to solve many problems involved in vital researches.


  Aristotle said a poet has the advantage of describing the universal while a specialist is good at expressing only the particular.


  Now there is a tendency to mistake data in a computer for wisdom.


  The use of computers in industry has brought about remarkable changes in productivity.

  The application of computer in the industrial fields has resulted in surprising changes in productivity.


  1.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contributes _____ effective thinking and wise judgment. (00.10)





  答案:D. 考点:本题主要考查词组 contribute to “有助于… ”


  2.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _____ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. (02.4)





  答案: D. 本题主要考查词组distinguish … from “从…区别出”。


  3.It is becoming increasingly clear to policy-makers ______ schools cannot solve all the problems of the larger community. (02.10)

  A. that

  B. what

  C. when

  D. who

  答案:A. 考点: 本句是一个主语从句,因此要填that.

  译文: 学校不能解决更大社区里的所有问题,这一点政策制定者愈来愈清楚了。

  4.The continuing professional education of ______(high) educated adults will become a third tier in addition to undergraduate and professional or graduate work. (01.04)

  答案:highly 本题主要考点:副词一般用于修饰动词、形容词、副词。句中educated相当于形容词,所以要用副词修饰。


  5.In some big cities in America, there are three or four elementary schools and secondary schools,________.

  A. with each within one's walking or bicycling distance.

  B. each within one's walking or bicycling distance.

  C. it is within one's walking or bicycling distance.

  D. with each that is within one's walking or bicycling distance.


  本题主要考点:主句是there be 存在句型,A 、D两项不能选,C 缺少连接词,B 项是名词+介词 独立主格结构, 其中 each 指代“每所学校”,one's 是动名词的逻辑主语。


  Unit 15 课后单元自测

  I.Word Spelling

  1.跳跃,飞跃 n. l _ _ _

  2.生命的,极其重要的 a. v _ _ _ _

  3.坚持 v. p _ _ _ _ _ _

  4.征服,战胜 v. c _ _ _ _ _ _

  5.普遍的 a. u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  6.延长 v. p _ _ _ _ _ _

  7.保护,捍卫 v. s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  8.拥有 v. p _ _ _ _ _ _

  9.技术员 n. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  10.模糊的,难解的 a. o _ _ _ _ _ _

  11.真正的,真实的 a. g _ _ _ _ _ _

  12.确定性 n. c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  13.分析 n. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  14.生的,未加工的 a. r _ _

  15.信心 n. c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  16.次要的 a. s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  17.使结合 v. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  18.路线,航线 n. r _ _ _ _

  19.经济学 n. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  20.学生,瞳孔 n. p _ _ _ _

  Ⅱ Word Form

  1.Computer may____(regard) as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension of it.

  2.Electronic brains can reduce the profusion of dead ends____(involve) in vital research.

  3.Facts are terrible things if left____(spread)。

  4.The number may be an irrelevant number until judgment____(pronounce)。

  5.“Give me a good fruitful error, full of seeds,____(burst) with its own corrections,”Ferris Greenslet wrote,“You can keep your sterile truth for yourself.”

  6.The poet can help supply the subconscious with material____(enhance) its sensitivity.

  7.They are actually the____(raw) of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic.

  8.Man may fail____(distinguish) between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision.

  9.The fastest____(grow) industry in America today may be the continuing professional education of highly schooled adults.

  10.For 30 years, employers____(hire) graduates for their degrees rather than their abilities.

  Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure

  1.But the question persists ____the computer will make it easier or harder for human beings to know who they really are.

  [A] when [B] how

  [C] why [D] whether

  2.There may be a tendency to mistake data ____wisdom, just as there has always been a tendency to confuse logic ____values.

  [A] with with [B] for for

  [C] with for [D] for with

  3.It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence ____an extension of it.

  [A] instead of [B] except for

  [C] as well as [D] such as

  4.It may foster the illusion that man is asking fundamental questions when actually he is asking only functional____.

  [A] one [B] ones

  [C] that [D] those

  5.Men were challenged by error and would not stop thinking and exploring ____they found better approaches for dealing with it.

  [A] though [B] while

  [C] until [D] otherwise

  6.The danger is not ____that man will be controlled by the computer as that he may imitate it.

  [A] so many [B] so much

  [C] too many [D] too much

  7.The ____of poets may enable the men to see a wider range of possibilities than technology alone may inspire.

  [A] companion [B] companions

  [C] company [D] companies

  8.Easy and convenient ____to facts can produce unlimited good.

  [A] access [B] advance

  [C] advice [D] acceptance

  9.It requires a very unusual mind to ____the analysis of a fact.

  [A] undergo [B] underlie

  [C] undertake [D] undermine

  10.The poet can help to keep man from making himself ____in the image of the computer.

  [A] out [B] over

  [C] up [D] for

  Ⅳ C-E Translation






  Unit 15


  I.Word Spelling

  1.leap 2.vital 3.persist

  4.conquer 5.universal 6.prolong

  7.safeguard 8.possess 9.technician

  10.obscure 11.genuine 12.certainty

  13.analysis 14.raw 15.confidence

  16.secondary 17.integrate 18.route

  19.economics 20.Pupil

  Ⅱ Word Form

  1.be regarded 2.involved 3.spreading

  4.is pronounced 5.bursting 6.to enhance

  7.rawest 8.to distinguish 9.growing

  10.have been hiring

  Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure

  1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C

  6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B

  Ⅳ C-E Translation

  1.The computer may promote undue confidence in concrete answers.

  2.There is a tendency to confuse intelligence with insight. / Men tend to confuse intelligence with insight.

  3.Men may not realize the need to come to terms with themselves.

  4.The poet reminds men of their uniqueness.

  5.To speculate on this question is a gain.


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