





[转帖]Brief introduction of hangzhou

发布者: BlueMask | 发布时间: 2005-11-16 19:58| 查看数: 8427| 评论数: 8|

General survey Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15 vice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Hangzhou is of subtropical monsoon climate, with distinctive four seasons and mild atmosphere and favorable geographical positions and natural conditions. Hangzhou has 6 districts, 2 counties and 5 county-level municipalities under its jurisdiction. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The human being had lived and prospered in this land 4700 years ago, which is called "Liangzhu Culture". Hangzhou had once been the capitals of Wu and Yue kingdoms of Five Dynasties during the 10th Century and capital of Southern Song Dynasty during the 12-13th Century. It is one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals, famous for its historical and cultural heritages. The city has a history of more than 2200 years since it was established as a county by the First Emperor Qing.


BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 19:59:39

Investment Environment

Hangzhou enjoys favorable investment environment. Located on the southern wing of Yangzi Delta, it is the important transportation hub in the southeast China, with an integrated network of railways, highways, navigation lines. Hangzhou has a first class airport, with daily direct line to and fro Hong Kong, has opened Hangzhou-Singapore passengers airline, and Hangzhou-Japan cargo airline. The construction of new Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport will be completed by the end of 2000 year. Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway has opened to traffic, Hangzhou-Shanghai Expressway will be opened to traffic by the end of 1997. Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has been connected with Qiantang River. The V-shape area of Hangzhou with Shanghai-Hangzhou railway and expressways on each side is the most developed area and an intensified industrial area. It is also a developing area for the new high-tech industry as well as the area for the development of opening-up type economy of Zhejiang province in the middle and long-term period to come. The service functions of infrastructure facilities in Hangzhou are comparatively complete and perfect. The environment is perfecting day by day. The traffic in the city is easy and convenient, per capita road area is 6.57 square meter; the daily water supply capacity is 1.10 million tons; gas using percentage is 88%; the total volume for the electrical appliance installation is 2.2675 million kilowatt; which can basically meet the demand and requirement of the economic development and people's life. The city environment has been further improved. The green land area increases to 55.26 million square meters, with 5.63 square meter per capita. Hangzhou city has been awarded the titles by the State as the State Garden City; national advanced city in forestation; one of the ten best cities in terms of comprehensive environment renovation; and the State Sanitation City. The communication facilities of Hangzhou leads in whole China. The total volume of city telephone exchanges has reached 1.3677 million lines, the phone coverage rate is 44.4 lines/100 people; the mobile communications and data communications network is comparatively perfect with FSM net, DDN net, INTERNET, and fax storage and transmit net, EDI electronics data exchange net available. In order to encourage foreign investment in Hangzhou, Hangzhou municipality has established a series of preferential policies and service measures while at the same time making more efforts to strengthen the infrastructure renovation. Foreign investment are encouraged to invest in the trade of farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-line production and fishery, energy, traffic road construction, municipal public facilities, tourism, and information and consultation, financial institutions, transportation and service industries, etc. Foreign investment are encouraged to take part in the industrial restructuring, to graft and transform outmoded enterprises; to take part in remolding the old city constructions; to invest in the developing zones. In regard to the supporting services, Hangzhou municipality has established and bettered the intermediary organizations to deal with the foreign investment policy consultation, appraisal and management complaints, to offer timely help to the foreign-invested enterprises to solve practical problems. As to the application procedures, as long as the documents are complete and meet the requirements of the policies and regulations, the approval departments must finish the approval procedures within the limited workdays.
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 20:01:17

Tourism Resources in hangzhou

Tourism Resources

Hangzhou is extremely rich in tourism resources. Its unique environment endowed by nature and the culture accumulation of several thousand years, have formed many world famous natural, historical and cultural sights. There are two State-level scenic areas within the city area: West Lake scenery area and Fuchun river-Xin'an river - A-Thousand-Islet Lake scenery area. There is one State-level nature preservation area: Tianmu natural preservation area, two State-level forest parks: A-Thousand-Islet forest park and Daqishan forest park. These places are a galaxy of famous sightseeing tourism areas on the southeast China. West Lake, which is described as "Oriental Pearl ", is located on the east of the city proper, surrounded on three sides by hills and one side facing the city. Hangzhou, with its surrounding hills and numerous beautiful sightseeing places and the famous West Lake, ranking as one of the ten best famous scenic places in china. The West Lake scenery area covers an 60 square meters, blending the famous scenery, historical and cultural sites, and hills and lakes as a whole. The "double ten scenic spots" add radiance and beauty to each another. In the scenery area, there are 5 places under the State Protection as the Cultural Relics, 25 places under provincial level protection, 30 places under municipal level protection. In the 1990s, Hangzhou have built many museums representing the Chinese culture: e.g : China Silk Museum, China Tea Museum, Hu Qinyu Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Southern Song Porcelain Museum, Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors Museum, Liangzhu Culture Museum,etc. The places like Linyin Temple, Yue Fei Temple, Six Harmonies Pogoda, Huagang Park and the Running Tiger Spring are world-famous scenic and historical sites. The Qiantang Tidal Bore is the famous sight for viewing seasonal tide waves, which can be equaled to the sight of Amazon River. The Qiantang Tidal Bore has a history of more than several thousands years, and people's enthusiasm for it never dies away. Those sights which are developed in recent years such as "Song Dynasty City","Future World","Children's Park","The Square of Tai Temple Ruins "and " Wushan Scenic and Cultural Area" which will be opened in the near future are becoming hot scenic spots for tourists. The total number of foreign tourists received in Hangzhou is five hundred and four thousand three hundred person/times, domestic tourists 21 million person/times. In order to lay a better foundation to build Hangzhou into an international tourism city, Hangzhou city has set up a green land system, and the system of public facilities street sight, which will be harmonious with the various scenic spots and at the same time maintain its own specific styles, which will become new tourism resources and will be one beautiful view by itself. By the way of making the conferences (exhibitions) tourism as the main guidance, devoting major efforts to develop various tourist products, perfecting international and domestic exhibition facilities, establishing many-levels tourism and vocational net work, let Hangzhou become the important tourism and vocational resort in the east of China which could serve the Yangtze Delta and open to the domestic and international market
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 20:02:33

[转帖]Economic construction

Hangzhou is an important key city of economy on the south wing of Yangzte Delta. Since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy, especially since the year of 1992, the GDP of Hangzhou has increased at an average speed of 22.3% annually, the total volume of economy has had constant increases, comprehensive economic forces have been strengthened obviously, the main economic norms have entered into the front ranks of 36 big and middle-sized cities in China. The total domestic output value of the city in 1997 is 103.6 billion yuan, per capita domestic output value has reached 17,000 yuan, realizing the target to achieving 10000 yuan of per capita domestic output by the end of this century, an advance of 5 years. Hangzhou has good industrial basis with fairly large scale industries. The total output value of 1997 has reached 165200 million yuan, a 16.4% increase over the previous year. Hangzhou's industries are mainly processing industries with outstanding comprehensive priorities. The business of textile, silk, machinery, electronics, chemicals, medicine, light industry, food processing, etc are the main important industries. In recent years, Hangzhou has adhered to the development of high-tech industry, has boldly introduced foreign investment to "remold" the outmoded enterprises, attached great importance to the development and creation of new products, to the production of "famous, special, and excellent" products. The technical innovation investment of 1997 is 4000 million yuan, the newly developed digital color TV, multi-medium computer, freon-free refrigerator, adhesive-bonded fabrics, refuse incineration project have all passed the appraisal inspection. The preparations and applications for setting up the technological development center for the State enterprises is now under the way. Groups of dominant enterprises and large-scale group companies which are headed by the famous brand products and connected by the capitals have appeared in recent years. The general quality of Hangzhou industries has been consequently improved. In 1997, the total industrial sales value has reached 158.9 billion yuan, the general profits of the industrial economy has been obviously above the national average level. The rural area around Hangzhou is famous for its high productive agricultural products, such as cocoon silk and tea, fruits and other agricultural byproducts. It is described as "Land of fish and rice, Town of silk and tea, field of fruits and flowers". The local specialties such as West Lake Dragon Well green tea, Yuhang silk and cottons, Xiaoshan red bayberry, Tianmu dried bamboo shoots, Changhua chestnut, Jiande strawberry, Fuyang Fuchun river hilsa herring are all well known. The vast area is composed by more than 18 million mu moutainous area, 1.7 mu odd water field, and 3 million mu odd ploughing land. The land is fertile with plentiful rainfall. The climate here is temperate and the resources are abundant. In recent years, Hangzhou municipality has positively readjusted the agricultural products mix, while stabilizing the grain production, and speeded up the industrialization of the agriculture. The opening-up type agriculture has achieved new development.
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 20:04:44

[转帖]Foreign Trade of hangzhou

Foreign Trade In recent years, Hangzhou has accelerated the speed of attracting foreign investment to Hangzhou, has strengthened the integrated competitive force; carried out the "three foreign" (foreign trade, foreign economy, foreign investment ) and "four areas" ( four State-level development areas) combined strategy; formed multi-level, various channels all-aspects opening-up structure; has promoted the continued healthy development of economy. Hangzhou is one of the important windows of China open to the outside world. The steps of opening-up has been quickened since Hangzhou was listed as one of the open coastal economic areas in 1998. Hangzhou has established direct trade relations with 121 countries and regions in the world. The export value of commodities supplies was 33.241 billion yuan in 1997, self-operated export is 1453 million yuan. The export ratio of electromechanical products is 37.8% of the total export commodities. Because the levels and scales of direct foreign relations have been enhanced. By the end of 1997, there had been already 61 countries and regions coming to invest in Hangzhou, 3438 foreign-invest projects got approved with a total investment of US$ 8780 million. The agreement foreign investment value is US$5075million, actual utilized foreign investment value is US$ 2327 million, among which 235 are projects with single investment above US$10 million. The US General Motors Company, Merck , Motorola, German Bosch, Siemens Company, French Liquid-Air, Sanofi, Japanese Panasonic Company, Toshiba Company, etc, which are among 500 world largest companies have invested and established enterprises in Hangzhou. The foreign investments have entered into various aspects of trades such as agriculture, industry, traffic, energy, real estate development, tourism and commercial and beverage trade, city infrastructure, etc. Now more than 1500 foreign invested enterprises have started operation with the actual sales revenue of 1997 reaching 31.6 billion yuan. Foreign-invested enterprises have become the new economy growth point of Hangzhou .
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 20:06:59

[转帖]State-Level Development Zones

State-Level Development Zones Approved by the State Council in 1992, Hangzhou has established four State-level development zones, e,g: Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou New High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Hangzhou Zhijiang State Tourism and Vocational Resort and Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone; at the same time it has established 5 provincial-level economic development zones, basically forming the all-aspect, multi-levels, vast territory opening-up structure. After more than six years' development and construction, the four State-level development zones have begun to take shape, the investment environment has been constantly improved. They have become Hangzhou's windows of opening-up to the outside and the areas of quickest economy growth. The 1163 projects have been approved to be established in these four development areas with a total investment of US$2517 million and 6492 million yuan respectively, among which 300 projects are foreign-invested projects with agreement foreign investment of US$1862 million, actual utilized foreign investment of US$ 875 million . Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone focuses on introducing technology-intensive industrial projects. The planned area land is 27 square kilometers. The development construction of the first five square kilometers starting area has been completed, and the second five square kilometers development construction has already been launched in the full swing. Now it has formed initially four industrial systems and production bases of light industry and food industry, machinery and electronics, textiles and chemicals fibers, pharmaceuticals and chemicals. The comprehensive economic quota ranks the 11th among the 32 same kind State-level development zones in china. Hangzhou New High-tech Industrial Development Zone stresses on the development of high-tech industries. With a total planned area of 12.24 square kilometers, it has established four districts including software industry district and Xiasha science and technology industry districts. It is the new high-tech industry base of Zhejiang province. Its total revenue of technology industry and trade of 1997 has reached 680million yuan. The planned area of Hangzhou Zhijang State Tourism and Vocational Resort is 9.88 square kilometers. Now it has completed the land development area of 4.21 square kilometers. The tourism projects such as "Song Dynasty City" which reveals Song Dynasty culture in the Chinese history, the "Future World " which is high-tech theme park, and the international standard Golf course have opened to the tourists, and become the new hot tourist places in Hangzhou for both foreign and domestic tourists. The planned land of Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone is 9.2 square kilometers .The 118 "three investment" enterprises had been approved to enter into the zone by the end of 1997 with a total investment of US$670 million. The supporting facilities such as custom service, commodities inspection, boned warehouse, financial institutions, hospitals, telecommunications, traffic and transportation and entertainment facilities have all been in place. With its total output value of 1997 reaching 2086 million Yuan RMB, it has become an important economic growth point in the Hangzhou area.
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 20:11:04

[转帖]Science and Technology, Education, Culture Undertakings

Science and Technology, Education, Culture Undertakings Hangzhou municipality's strategy of " prospering Hangzhou city with science and education" has been further implemented. It has greatly promoted the development of various courses especially with the appliance of the new high-technology. In recent years, the comprehensive project of "Qianjiang Science and Technology Tide" has achieved obvious results. In 1997, Hangzhou has won two State-level science and technology progress awards, 46 provincial-level science and technology progress awards, 8 provincial Spark Awards. Nine counties (municipalities) and districts of Hangzhou have entered into the advanced ranks of "prospering the city with science and technology" course nationwide. The educational undertaking is flourishing and science and technological force is strong in Hangzhou. There are now 20 universities and colleges, 57 technical secondary schools, 3200 odd middle schools and primary schools, 80 odd natural science research institutions. The nine-year compulsory education system and pre-work training system are carried out in the city. There are now 300,000 technicians of various fields among the total work force. The culture undertakings of Hangzhou is getting more flourishing, the hygiene and physical education has been further developed. The Yueju Opera "Sentimental Pear Flower" has won Caoyu Opera Award and ten other awards during the Fifth China Opera Festival in Guangzhou. The dance "Sister's Drum" has won seven Excellence Awards in 97 China Dance Show. The average broadcasting time of the two programs of Hangzhou TV is 245.2 hours weekly. The TV coverage rate was 96 % by the end of 1997. Broadcasting coverage rate is 98.3 %. The yearly publication volume of newspaper is 937 million. The publication volume of various books is 301 million .There were 1711 various medical institutions by the end of 1997, with 266,000 hospital beds . The athletes of Hangzhou origin have won seven gold and six silver awards in the Eighth National Games. The mass physical training activities have been carried out extensively. The "Program for the Whole Nation's Physical Training" has been actively implemented. The mass physical training has won the first place of the provincial comprehensive appraisal last year.
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-16 20:59:14

[转帖]People' Life

People' Life The income of Hangzhou people both in the urban area and rural area has had sustained increases. The life quality has been further improved. According to the sampling survey, the annual income of urban citizens is 7896 yuan, the amount of year end deposit of the urban citizens has reached 55833 million yuan. One million square meters of residential houses has been newly built in the cities and towns. The residential living space of urban citizens is 9.3 square per capita, the living space of farmers is 42 square meters per capita. The insurance for the old age has developed very quickly. According to the accumulated figures by the end of the year, 4588 enterprises have taken part in the basic pension insurance for 185,000 workers and staff members. 53 villages and towns have established social insurance system by civil administration of rural area, which is 23 % of the total number of villages and towns. The welfare course for the disabled is also greatly strengthened.
coffee 发表于 2005-11-16 22:12:55
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