






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-1-24 09:28| 查看数: 1477| 评论数: 0|

希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)呼吁中国对谷歌(Google)上周表示受到的网络攻击进行“彻底”和“透明”的调查。

  Hillary Clinton yesterday called on China to carry out a “thorough” and “transparent” investigation into the cyberattacks that Google last week said in its announcement.


  However, the US secretary of state stopped short of offering any direct support for the web search company's gesture over censorship and trod carefully over how the clash would affect relations between the two countries.


  Her comments were made in a speech in Washington that was billed by the state department as an initiative to throw US support behind openness online.


  The public stance was welcomed by US technology companies and internet experts, though some warned that the US would find it hard to reverse a recent sharp rise in web censorship.


  “Countries or individuals that engage in cyberattacks should face consequences and international condemnation,” Mrs Clinton said. “In an interconnected world, an attack on one nation's networks can be an attack on all.”


  Google said it had traced attacks in mid-December to China, and one person close to the matter said it would not have threatened to pull out if it didn't believe the attacks had been sanctioned officially in some way.


  Mrs Clinton conceded that it was hard for businesses to take a stance against censorship, but added: “For companies, this issue is about more than claiming the moral high ground; it comes down to the trust between firms and their customers.”


  She added: “Consumers everywhere want to have confidence that the Internet companies they rely on will provide comprehensive search results and act as responsible stewards of their information.”


  Mrs Clinton said she would use US aid to help push back against censorship and keep online networks open.


  One official added that the US would look to offer financial and technical support to groups overseas that stood up to censorship and tried to keep networks open, such as the protest groups that sprang up in Iran after last year's disputed presidential election. Self-interest should prompt countries to loosen online controls, she said.


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