






发布者: iceboy | 发布时间: 2005-11-17 15:17| 查看数: 4790| 评论数: 20|

       男:Can I buy you a drink?(我可以為你買一杯飲料嗎?) <BR>  女:Actually I'd rather have the money.(不必,我我寧願留下那些錢。) <BR><BR>  男:Can I have your name?(直譯:我能有你的名字嗎?) <BR>  女:Why? Don't you already have one? (為什麼?你不是已經有一個了嗎?) <BR><BR>  男:I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.(我是攝影師。我一直在尋找一張像你這樣的臉。) <BR>  女:I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.(我是整形外科醫生。我也一直在尋找一張像你這樣的臉。) <BR><BR>  男:Is this seat empty?(直譯:這個座位是空的吧?) <BR>  女:Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.(是的,如果你坐下,我的座位就是空的。) <BR><BR>  男:Haven't I seen you some place before?(我好像以前在什麼地方見過你?) <BR>  女:Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.(是的。這就是為什麼我不再去那個地方的原因。) <BR><BR>  男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(這個星期六你想跟我出去嗎?) <BR>  女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。這個週末我頭疼。) <BR><BR>  男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能讓你非常快樂。) <BR>  女:Why? Are you leaving?(是嗎?你是說你要離開?)


Linda 发表于 2005-11-17 16:51:06
really? Why don't you introduce some of your experiences to us?
Because that will be useful for girls to withstand the wiles of wolves [em07]
Linda 发表于 2005-11-17 16:51:06
really? Why don't you introduce some of your experiences to us?
Because that will be useful for girls to withstand the wiles of wolves [em07]
coffee 发表于 2005-11-17 15:24:02
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-17 15:30:35
<STRONG><FONT size=4>But ME " the Wolf " knows how to take care Chinese MM.... </FONT></STRONG>
Grace 发表于 2005-11-17 20:13:27
coconut 发表于 2005-11-18 08:33:56
Linda 发表于 2005-11-18 08:54:04
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-18 10:06:38
<STRONG>Don't use me. I refused to be used.... [em03]</STRONG>
Linda 发表于 2005-11-18 10:13:41
It's doesn't use you,just wanted you to help our paisana.
Would you please accept this small case from girls? [em07]
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-18 12:04:55
<STRONG>What do I get in return? I am hoping for something special. </STRONG><STRONG>[em02]</STRONG>
coconut 发表于 2005-11-18 12:34:05
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-18 12:45:07
I am this easy to show you my skills?
I think NOT.
coconut 发表于 2005-11-18 12:52:07
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-18 13:24:05
<STRONG>Could I try some on you? </STRONG><STRONG>[em02]</STRONG>
libu 发表于 2005-11-18 13:45:19
it is  very funny !
ha ha  ha  ...........
coconut 发表于 2005-11-19 09:38:13
you will not be interested in guly[em08]!
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-19 10:09:34
you will not be interested in guly<IMG src="https://www.enfamily.cn/Skins/Default/emot/em08.gif">!

What exactly is a " GULY "? Could you define this term please?
hehe01 发表于 2005-11-20 21:00:45
  it is very clever to say so when a girl face to a " wolf ".

<FONT color=#ff0000>These are clever things to say when a girl face a "wolf", right?</FONT>
[此贴子已经被Quickie于2005-11-20 22:40:19编辑过]

coconut 发表于 2005-11-21 16:34:08
to hehe01:
yes,it's a good idea for charming girl.for example you![em07]
to wolf:
how ben you are!ugly is to say"i am not a charming girl.you will not be interested in
mengxxx911 发表于 2005-11-22 17:30:11
good good ~~
<FONT color=#ff0000>Read this:</FONT> <a href="https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=22&amp;ID=1257&amp;page=1" target="_blank" >https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=22&amp;ID=1257&amp;page=1</A>
<FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>Reply to this post, or I will give you one strike ( warning ), three strikes and you are out . </STRONG></FONT>
[此贴子已经被Quickie于2005-11-23 11:52:48编辑过]

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