





杰克逊医生被控"过失杀人" 医疗执照将被吊销

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-2-11 09:40| 查看数: 1200| 评论数: 1|


The Los Angeles district attorney on Monday charged Michael Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the pop icon's death in June. The charge had been widely anticipated, in part, because of press statements from Dr. Murray's defense team last week.

In charging Dr. Murray with a single criminal count, which carries a maximum four-year prison sentence, prosecutors alleged that the physician killed the 50-year-old pop star 'without malice.' Even so, proving the charge will require prosecutors to show that the physician's actions amounted to more than a series of mistakes. Dr. Murray, who pleaded not guilty, has consistently denied wrongdoing. Bail was set at $75,000.

Authorities had previously determined that Mr. Jackson died from a lethal combination of the anesthetic propofol and other medications. Dr. Murray acknowledged giving propofol to Mr. Jackson on the morning he died, according to a police affidavit filed in court in connection with the investigation.

Though propofol is often used in hospital settings as a short-acting but powerful anesthetic, Mr. Jackson apparently used it as a sleep-inducing agent at home, according to the affidavit. The affidavit said Dr. Murray told investigators that he worried that Mr. Jackson might have been forming an addiction to propofol and was trying to wean him off the drug.

Laurie Levenson, professor at Loyola Law School here, said prosecutors could have a difficult time proving 'gross negligence' against Dr. Murray, though she said that task could be made easier if they can show he violated some law or regulation in how he obtained or administered the propofol. Ms. Levenson said the defense would likely argue that even if Dr. Murray made mistakes, the result was a 'tragic accident,' which doesn't rise to the level of criminal conduct. The trial 'will probably be a battle of experts over the use of propofol,' said Ms. Levenson, who isn't connected to the case.

One potential wild card is the iconic status Mr. Jackson held for many and the media attention the case has attracted.


杉矶地方检察官周一指控迈克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的私人医生莫瑞(Conrad Murray)在这位流行巨星去年6月猝死事件中犯有过失杀人罪。此前人们已普遍预计莫瑞会被控以这项罪名,部分原因是莫瑞的辩护团队上周发表的公开声明。




Loyola 法学院的教授李维森(Laurie Levenson)说,控方可能难以证明莫瑞存在“重大过失”,不过她说,如果控方能证明莫瑞在获得异丙酚的途径或使用异丙酚方面违反了一些法律或规定,可能会更容易一些。李维森说,辩方可能会辩称,即便莫瑞有过错,其后果只是一个“悲剧事件”,并没有上升到犯罪的程度。李维森说,专家可能会在庭审中就异丙酚的使用展开激辩。李维森与此案无关。



david 发表于 2015-7-12 08:08:55
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