






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-2-12 13:29| 查看数: 1282| 评论数: 0|

China on Monday heralded a major bust of computer hackers to underscore its pledge to help enhance global online security, with state media saying the authorities had shut what they called the country's largest distributor of tools used in malicious Internet attacks.


Three people were arrested on suspicion of making hacking tools available online, the state-run Xinhua news agency said. Their business, known as Black Hawk Safety Net, operated through the now-shuttered Web site and generated around $1 million in income from its over 12,000 subscribers, the report said.


The arrests took place in late November as part of a police investigation that spanned three Chinese provinces and resulted in part from Black Hawk's role in domestic hacker attacks, according to Xinhua.


The delay in announcing the case wasn't explained. But China in recent weeks has waged an aggressive public relations campaign on the issue of hacking, apparently at least in part aimed at discrediting allegations from Google Inc. last month that China was the source of sophisticated cyberattacks against the Internet search giant and numerous other foreign companies. After U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also raised concerns about hacking from China, for instance, Chinese state media said her comments were hypocritical and said Google had become a pawn in an American 'ideology war.'

有关方面没有解释这起案件为何迟迟没有宣布。但最近几周,中国在黑客问题上发起了声势浩大的宣传行动,显然至少有部分原因是为了消除谷歌(Google Inc.)上个月的指控所带来的影响。谷歌称中国是针对其和许多其他外国公司的复杂网络攻击的发源地。美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)也表示了对来自中国的黑客攻击的担忧,随后中国媒体说,她的话太虚伪了,并称谷歌充当了美国意识形态战争的爪牙。

In making its allegations, Mountain View, Calif.-based Google also said it would no longer filter the search results of its local search Web site. The company said it would seek talks with Chinese authorities before doing so but could end up pulling out of the world's largest Internet market.


China's closure of Black Hawk Safety Net, which was based in the central province of Hubei, reflects the use of a new clause in its criminal law that makes it illegal to offer others online attack programs. Xinhua said some CNY1.7 million in assets, or about $249,000, were also seized, including cash, nine servers, five computers and a car.



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