






发布者: cooby | 发布时间: 2006-8-25 16:59| 查看数: 12813| 评论数: 14|

<center><br/>Girl, Please Fall in Love with Me</center><p></p><p>  After the self-study class at night, I opened the computer. I sorted out the male net friends to the Frog Concentration Camp and several unlovely girls I’ve seen to the Dinosaur Concentration Camp. Then I began chatting with the three girls left.</p><p>  Me: Honey, let’s fall in love!</p><p>  Talented girl: OK. Are you a Party member?</p><p>  Me: No, I’m not.</p><p>  Talented girl: Are you a League member?</p><p>  Me: Well, no.</p><p>  Talented girl: Well, are you a member of China Young Pioneers?</p><p>  Me: I used to be one many years ago. But why do you bother asking such questions?</p><p>  Talented girl: Then I can’t promise you. At all events, I’m the team leader of our class.</p><p>  …</p><p>  Recalling the painful experience, I still have two girls to chat with.</p><p></p><p>  Me: Girl, let’s fall in love!</p><p>  Lonely girl: Good. After all, I can fall in love.</p><p>  Me: Well, didn’t you love someone before?</p><p>  Lonely girl: No. They always said I was a dinosaur.</p><p>  Me: Umm, in this case, we’d better break up at the moment.</p><p>  Lonely girl: No, I don’t agree. It’s my first love…</p><p>  55555555555…</p><p>  Now the last girl left, I would especially cherish her.</p><p>  Me: Girl, don’t you want to fall in love with me?</p><p>  Jiaojiao: I think it’s OK, but I’d like to ask for my father’s advice. </p><p>  Me: My God! You asked your father this kind of thing? You surely don’t have your own definite idea!</p><p>  Jiaojiao: It’s not like that. I am just 5 years old and haven’t learnt to type. It is my father who types for me.</p><p>  Me: …</p><p>  Then I said: Hello, uncle.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;美眉,我们网恋吧</strong><font size="3">
                </font></p><p>  晚自习归来,我打开电脑,把男网友全部归到青蛙集中营里,把几个见过不漂亮的女网友归到恐龙集中营。剩下的三个美眉还要再聊聊。</p><p>  我说:美眉我们网恋吧!</p><p>  小才女说:好呀。你是党员吗?</p><p>  我说:不是。</p><p>  小才女说:那你是团员吗?</p><p>  我说:不是。</p><p>  小才女说:那你是少先队员吗?</p><p>  我说:很多年以前就不是了,你问这些做什么?</p><p>  小才女说:那可不行,我可是我们班的小组长呢。</p><p>  我无语。</p><p>  痛定思痛,还有两个MM可以聊。</p><p>  我说:美眉我们网恋吧!</p><p>  小孤女说:好呀,终于恋爱了。</p><p>  我说:怎么,以前没有恋爱过吗?</p><p>  小孤女说:没有,他们总说我是恐龙。</p><p>  我说:哦,这样,那我们分手,就现在。</p><p>  小孤女说:不,我不同意,这是我的初恋,55555555555……</p><p>  还剩最后一个美眉,我倍加珍惜。</p><p>  我说:美眉,我们网恋吧!</p><p>  娇娇:好呀,不过我要问问我爸爸。</p><p>  我说:天哪,这事你问你爸爸?你自己那么没主见呀?!</p><p>  娇娇:不是呀,我今年才5岁,还不会打字,刚才是我爸爸替我打字啊。</p><p>  我说:……</p><p>  我再说:叔叔好。</p>


海伦 发表于 2006-8-28 11:17:56
Me: Girl, don’t you want to fall in love with me?<p>  Jiaojiao: I think it’s OK, but I’d like to ask for my father’s advice. </p><p>  Me: My God! You asked your father this kind of thing? You surely don’t have your own definite idea!</p><p>  Jiaojiao: It’s not like that. I am just 5 years old and haven’t learnt to type. It is my father who types for me.</p><p>  Me: …</p><p>  Then I said: Hello, uncle.</p><p></p>
bsxt 发表于 2006-8-29 15:46:07
is it funny?
christlulu 发表于 2006-8-29 16:09:00
heihei,interesting then...maybe i can try to talk with those frog concentration camp...
smile_lee 发表于 2006-8-30 08:54:21
<p>he~he</p><p>Jiaojiao: It’s not like that. I am just 5 years old and haven’t learnt to type. It is my father who types for me.</p>[em31]
ferly 发表于 2006-8-30 10:16:16
<p>hello, uncle..~~~</p><p>could you promise that i marry your daughter?</p>
flowing 发表于 2006-9-4 11:09:34
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>ferly</i>在2006-8-30 10:16:16的发言:</b><br/><p>hello, uncle..~~~</p><p>could you promise that i marry your daughter?</p></div><p>ferly,what are you doing?</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-4 11:10:22编辑过]

alan8410 发表于 2006-9-4 17:43:08
<p>hello, uncle..~~~</p><p>could you promise that i marry your daughter?</p>
ferly 发表于 2006-9-4 18:30:09
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>flowing</i>在2006-9-4 11:09:34的发言:</b><br/><p>ferly,what are you doing?</p><br/></div><p></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>hah! flowing , I want to ~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>xixi</p>[em07][em07]
Quickie 发表于 2006-9-5 01:15:47
I see one video as a brother was cybering with his sister without knowing she was his sister till the dinner table. It was funny.
♀tonny 发表于 2006-9-8 16:13:00
kathleen 发表于 2006-10-14 19:43:40
happylynn 发表于 2006-10-19 10:41:15
"I don't agree. It's my first love."!!hahaha
Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-10-24 11:30:48
椰风树影 发表于 2007-11-29 17:49:57
The uncle was very funny.
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