






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-8 21:22| 查看数: 1303| 评论数: 0|

Over half of Brits polled by budget hotel chain, Travelodge, think visiting the countryside is boring.

In the survey of 3,000 Brits, 53% of adults said there was nothing to see or do in Britain’s countryside.

Even a fifth of British children find nature’s playground unexciting.

For a third of the nation, the idea of taking a trip to the British countryside has not even crossed their mind.

John Tribe, professor of tourism from University of Surrey said: "It is alarming news that over half of the nation thinks the British countryside is boring and there is nothing to do or see there.

"Maybe this is because in the last decade Britons have preferred to holiday abroad and as a result; they have forgotten the UK is abundant with great rural holiday locations.”

The study also tested the respondents’ knowledge of the Countryside Code and revealed: only 17% of adults admitted they knew the British Countryside Code.

24% thought they had the right to pick wild flowers in the countryside (which they don’t).

10% thought it was safe to eat all berries and fungus they found growing in the countryside.

- 32% had difficulty identifying a pheasant

- 22% could not identify a hare. One in 10 adults thought it was a deer

- 12% of adults thought a stag was a reindeer

- 10% could not identify a sheep

- 42% could not identify an otter

- 20% could not identify a weasel

- 83% could not identify the common Bluebell flower

- 44% could not identify the popular oak tree

- 74% could not identify a horse chestnut tree

- 71% could not identify a pine tree





萨里大学(University of Surrey)旅游学教授John Tribe表示:“超过半数的英国人认为本国的乡村单调乏味,在那里没有风景也无事可做,这个现象值得我们警醒。”



● 24%的人认为自己有权在郊野采摘野花(实际上他们不能这么做);

● 10%的人认为食用在郊野生长的浆果和菌类是安全的。

● 32%的人不认识野鸡的模样。

● 22%的人认不出野兔。十分之一的成年人以为这是野鹿。

● 12%的成年人将牧鹿当做驯鹿。

● 10%的人认不出绵羊。

● 42%的人认不出水獭。

● 20%的人认不出黄鼠狼。

● 83%的人连常见的野风信子都不认识。

● 44%的人认不出常见的橡树。

● 74%的人认不出七叶树。

● 71%的人认不出松树。


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