





2010胡润艺术榜发布 中国艺术家越老越值钱

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-11 11:41| 查看数: 1188| 评论数: 1|




  In the Chinese art market, it pays to be old.

  中国顶级在世艺术家2010年排名名单告诉我们这个结论。 榜单排名基于各艺术家去年的作品拍卖价格,由《胡润百富》(Hurun Report)和上海美术馆合作推出。榜单显示收藏者开始偏好古典艺术,一改青睐中国当代画家的近期趋势。涉足画坛时间越长的画家,其作品价值愈昂。

  This is the lesson from the 2010 list of the top living artists from China ranked by the value of their works sold at auction over the last year. The list, compiled by Hurun Report in partnership with the Shanghai Art Museum, shows a shift in collectors' tastes toward classical art, reversing a recent trend that had favored contemporary Chinese painters. The painters whose work is benefiting the most are the ones who have been around longer.


  In the top spot is 89-year-old Zhao Wuji, also spelled as Zao Wou-Ki, with total sales at public auction of US$35.1 million. That is up 32% from the previous year.


  He is followed by 91-year-old Wu Guanzhong with $31.7 million, up 18%. Fan Zeng, 72, came in at No. 3 with $21.7 million in sales, almost double the level from the previous year.


  The average age of the top 10 artists is 77, compared to 58 last year.

  《胡润百富》的创始人胡润(Rupert Hoogewerf)说,收藏者偏好古典艺术品是最明显的变化。《胡润百富》跟踪中国富豪的信息。去年的榜单中,古典艺术品和当代艺术品的成交额或多或少并驾齐驱。

  'This year, the preference amongst collectors for classical art is the most striking development,' said Rupert Hoogewerf, founder of Hurun Report, which tracks information about wealthy individuals in China. In last year's list, classical and contemporary art sales were more or less evenly matched.


  Overall, last year wasn't a great one for the Chinese art market. Works by the top 50 artists on the 2010 Hurun list sold a combined $258 million at auction last year, a 37% drop from the previous year.


  The number of painters on the list using the traditional Chinese ink style leapt to 19 from eight last year, while the number of contemporary artists fell to 25 from 35.


  None of last year's top three -- oil painters Zhang Xiaogang, Yue Minjun and Zeng Fanzhi -- ranked among the top five spots this year.


  However, the most expensive artwork by a living Chinese artist sold at auction in 2009 was still a contemporary piece done in oil on canvas.


  Christie's Hong Kong sold 'Snow Started Falling' by 90-year-old Zhu Dequn for $5.9 million. Wu Guanzhong's 1995 work 'Liu Yin Mu Niu Tu Jingxin' (roughly translated as 'Herding cows beneath the willow shade') ranked as the most expensive traditional Chinese ink painting sold over the past year, fetching $2.1 million.


crystal-xlf 发表于 2010-3-11 18:20:47

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