






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-11 19:41| 查看数: 1017| 评论数: 0|

boring lathe 镗床

  boring machine for connecting rod and cylinder block bush 连杆瓦及缸体轴瓦镗床

  boring machine for cutting connecting rod 连杆镗床

  boring machine for cutting cylinder body or shaft bearing 缸体轴瓦镗床

  boring machine parts 镗床零件

  boring machine 镗床

  boring micrometer 镗孔千分尺

  boring mill 钻孔机

  boring rig 钻车

  boring rod 镗杆

  boring slotting milling & drilling machine 镗插铣钻机床

  boring spindle 镗杆

  boring table 镗床工作台

  boring tester 钻孔测试器

  boring tool holder 镗刀架

  boring tool 钻探工具

  boring tower 钻塔

  Borkop 宝可波牌手表

  bornaprine 波那普林

  bornelone 波尼酮

  Borneo stripe 博尔尼奥条纹布

  borneol flake 冰片

  borneol 冰片

  bornite 斑铜矿

  bornyl acetate 乙酸龙脑酯

  Boro-spray 焦硼酸钠

  borocalcite 硼钙石

  borocarbon film resistor 硼碳膜电阻器

  borocarbon resistor 硼碳电阻器

  Borocil IV 硼定混剂

  borofil 波罗菲

  Borolin 毒莠定除草剂

  boron analyzer 硼含量分析仪

  boron anhydrous 硼酐

  boron carbide fibre 碳化硼纤维

  boron carbide 碳化硼

  boron copper 硼化铜

  boron fibre reinforced plastics 硼纤维增强塑料

  boron fibre 硼纤维

  boron filament 硼丝

  boron fluoride 氟化硼

  boron glass 硼质玻璃

  boron hydride 氢化硼

  boron hydroxide 氢氧化硼

  boron intensified steel 硼强化钢

  boron metal fibre 硼金属纤维

  boron nitride fibre 氮化硼纤维

  boron nitride filament yarn 氮化硼长丝

  boron nitride 氮化硼

  boron oxide 二氧化硼

  boron phosphate 磷酸硼

  boron phosphite 磷化硼

  boron rock 硼矿

  boron silicate glass 硼硅玻璃

  boron steel 硼钢

  boron tribromide 三溴化硼

  boron trichloride 三氯化硼

  boron trifluoride ether solution 三氟化硼乙醚溶液

  boron trifluoride etherate 醚合三氟化硼

  boron trifluoride 三氟化硼

  boron wool 硼纤维

  boron 硼

  boron-lined counter 衬硼计数管

  boron-trifluoride-filled counter 三氟化硼计数器

  boronised copper 硼化铜

  boroscope 内孔窥视仪

  Borosil 博罗西尔硼硅铁合金

  borosilicate glass tube air preheater 硼硅玻璃管空气预热器

  borosilicate glass 硼硅玻璃

  borosilicate heat resistant glass ware 硼硅玻璃器具

  borosilicate 硼硅酸盐

  Boroto 博罗托锡铅锑合金

  bort 下等金刚石

  Bortam 博塔硅硼钛铝锰合金

  bortulaca 马齿苋

  Boser 波沙牌手表

  bosh brick 高炉炉腹砖

  bosky 博斯基条子衬衫布

  bosnia rug 博斯尼阿地毯

  bosom shirt 胸饰衬衫

  boss bearing of pulley 滑轮毂轴承

  boss hammer 碎石锤

  boss 轮毂

  Bossy 波赛牌照相机

  Boston cream 波士顿夹心饼

  boston ivy 爬山虎

  Boston leno 波士顿纱罗织物

  Boston net 波士顿网眼布

  bostous 博斯图呢

  Bosun oxygen failure warning device 博逊氏供氧中断报警装置

  Botah-Khila 波塔基拉地毯

  botanical medicated wine 植物药酒

  botany box 细支毛针梳机

  botany fabric 博坦尼精纺细毛织物

  botany noil 博坦尼短毛

  botany twills 博坦尼斜纹呢

  botany wools 博坦尼羊毛

  botany worsted 博坦尼精纺细毛织物

  botany yarn 博坦尼细支精纺毛纱

  botany 精纺毛纱

  both cool and warm fan 凉暖两用扇

  both-side coated art printing paper 双面铜版纸

  both-side flannelette 双面绒布

  both-side raised flannelette 双面绒布

  both-side rod type loom 双边剑杆织机

  Botran 氯硝胺杀菌剂

  Botrilex 五氯硝基苯杀菌剂

  bottane 博唐绸

  bottine 短筒女靴

  bottle blowing machine 吹瓶机

  bottle brush 瓶刷

  bottle brushing machine 刷瓶机

  bottle cap moulding machine 瓶盖成型机

  bottle cap opener 开瓶器

  bottle capper 封瓶机

  bottle capping machine 瓶子压盖机

  bottle capsule 瓶盖

  bottle case filling machine 瓶子装箱机

  bottle cleaner 洗瓶机

  bottle cleaning machine 洗瓶机

  bottle closing machine 封瓶机

  bottle cooler 瓶装饮料冷却器

  bottle corking machine 软木塞瓶机

  bottle counter 瓶子计数器

  bottle filler 装瓶机

  bottle filling machine 装瓶机

  bottle glass 瓶罐玻璃

  bottle gourd carving 葫芦雕刻品

  bottle gourd 葫芦

  bottle gripper 夹瓶器

  bottle inspector 检瓶机

  bottle jack 平式千斤顶

  bottle kiln 瓶子窑

  bottle labeller 瓶用贴标机

  bottle oiler 瓶式注油器

  bottle opener 开瓶器

  bottle packer 瓶子装箱机

  bottle packing machine 装瓶机

  bottle packing paper 瓶包装纸

  bottle rinser 洗瓶机

  bottle rinsing machine 玻瓶冲洗机

  bottle robbin winding machine 红木锭摇纱机

  bottle seamer 封瓶机

  bottle shape filter 瓶形过滤器

  bottle soaking machine 玻璃瓶浸洗机

  bottle sterilizer 瓶子杀菌机

  bottle stopper machine 封瓶机

  bottle stopper 瓶塞

  bottle stoppering machine 瓶子盖塞机

  bottle thickness gauge 瓶壁厚度计

  bottle washer 洗瓶机

  bottle washing machine 洗瓶机

  bottle wine 瓶装酒

  bottle wire net 线织瓶网

  bottle with two necks 双口瓶

  bottle wrapping paper 包瓶纸

  bottle-making machine 制瓶机

  bottled beer 瓶装啤酒

  bottled juice 瓶装果汁

  bottled milk 瓶装牛奶

  bottlenose oil 海豚油

  bottling machine 装瓶机

  bottom bracket axle 中轴辊

  bottom bracket cup 中轴碗

  bottom cloth 衬垫织物

  bottom collimator 井部准直仪

  bottom condenser 箱底冷凝器

  bottom current meter 底层流速计

  bottom die 底模

  bottom double seaming machine 罐底双重封缝机

  bottom fastening bolt 底螺栓

  bottom fired heater 底烧炉

  bottom fuller 下刻槽模

  bottom gravimeter 海底重力仪

  bottom hole bit locator 井底钻头定位器

  bottom hole flowmeter 井底流量计

  bottom hole heater 井底加热器

  bottom hole inclinometer 井底测斜仪

  bottom hole packer 井底密封器

  bottom hole pressure gauge 井下压力计

  bottom hole pressure indicator 井底压力指示器

  bottom hole sampler 井底取样器

  bottom hole thermometer 井底温度计

  bottom lining temperature recorder 炉底砌体温度记录仪

  bottom paint 船底漆

  bottom plate 底板

  bottom pump 深井泵

  bottom ramming machine 炉底打结机

  bottom scanning sonar 海底扫描声纳

  bottom singling belt conveyer 下吸式单板皮带运输机

  bottom squeeze moulding machine 底压式造型机

  bottom stitching machine 封底钉铆机

  bottom swage 下陷型模

  bottom-blown acid converter 酸性底吹转炉

  bottom-blown basic converter 碱性底吹转炉

  bottom-blown converter 底吹转炉

  bottom-dump bucket 活底铲斗

  bottom-dump hauler 底卸拖运车

  bottom-dump truck 底卸车

  bottom-dumping hopper body truck 底卸料斗式运货汽车

  bottom-fed evaporator 底部供液的蒸发器

  bottom-feed wick oiler 底吸油芯加油器

  bottom-grab 挖泥抓斗

  bottom-hinged inswinging window 底悬内开翻窗

  bottom-mounted current meter 海底海流计

  bottom-mounted tide recorder 海底潮汐记录仪

  bottom-mounted wave direction meter 海底波浪方向仪

  bottom-mounted wave recorder analyzer 海底波浪自动分析仪

  bottom-opening skip 开底式翻斗

  bottom-plankton sampler 海底浮游生物采样器

  bottom-supported platform 坐底式平台

  bottomdump tipper 底部可拆开的自卸卡车

  bottoming tap 平底螺丝攻

  botulin antitoxin 肉毒抗毒素

  botulinum vaccine 肉毒疫苗

  boublin 鲍布林闪色斜纹布

  boucaroni 包加罗尼变形丝

  boucassin 布卡森里子布

  Boucheron speculum 布谢龙耳窥镜

  bouché 布谢原色细呢

  boucle loop fringe 卷结流苏

  boucle taffeta 节绢塔夫绸

  bouclette 珠皮细呢

  bouclé rayon 毛圈状人造丝

  bouclé yarn 结子花式线

  boudoir carpet 正反异纹地毯

  boudoir chair and ottoman 闺房椅及搁脚凳

  bouffant slip 膨松套裙

  bouffant 膨松皱裥领巾

  bouge 布什精纺白呢

  bouillon 金银线花边

  bouillon cup 肉汤杯

  bouillon spoon 小圆匙

  boulder 圆石

  boule 人造刚玉

  boulting cloth 筛绢

  boulvardee 半漂粗大麻布

  bouncing bed 蹦床

  bouncing board 弹跳板

  bouncing table 蹦床

  bouncing-pin apparatus 弹针仪

  bouncing-pin detonation meter 弹跳杆式爆震计

  bound nitrogen analyzer 极限氮量分析仪

  bound-free laser 束缚-自由系统激光器

  bouquet cent-fleurs 百花

  bouquet mille-fleurs 千花

  bouquet soap 百花香皂

  bouquet 花束花球

  boura 布拉绸

  bouracan 博拉坎厚毛织物

  bourat 波拉粗厚帆布

  Bourbon cotton 波旁棉

  Bourbon 布邦锡铝合金

  Bourdon gauge 鲍登氏量规

  bourdon lace 波尔登花边

  bourdon tube controller 弹簧管调节器

  Bourdon tube type manometer 波尔登管式压力计

  Bourdon tube type pressure gauge 波尔登管式压力表

  Bourdon tube type vacuum gauge 波尔登管式真空表

  bourdon 带边绳

  Bourdon's metallic barometer 波尔登金属气压计

  bourdony 布尔多内呢

  bourette silk card 绸丝梳绵机

  bourette silk 绸丝

  bourette spinning machine 稠丝细纱机

  bourette yarn 绸丝

  bourette 绵绸

  Bourme 博尔梅生丝

  bournous 阿拉伯式斗篷

  bourras 布拉粗呢

  bourre de soie 柔软绣花丝线

  bourre 优级废丝

  boutonne 布东纳花线织物

  boutonniere 襟花

  boven hat 牛仔帽

  Bovet 宝维他牌手表

  bovey coal 褐煤

  bovine calculus powder 牛黄粉

  bovine theileria annulata vaccine 牛焦虫苗

  bow balance line 弯形天平钩

  bow charging crane 船头装货起重机

  bow compass 弹簧圆规

  bow drill 弓钻

  bow front desk 弓形面写字台

  bow navigator 船首推进器

  bow pen 两脚规

  bow pump 船头泵

  bow saw frame 弓锯架

  bow saw 弓锯

  bow shackle 弓型卸扣

  bow tie dress shirt 蝴蝶结领衬衫

  bow tie 蝴蝶领结

  bow trimmed leather gloves 蝴蝶结镶饰皮手套

  bow 眼镜框

  bow-tie fiber 领结型光纤

  bow-tie polarization optical fiber 蝴蝶结型保偏光纤

  bow-twixter 弓形扭绞机

  bow-type track gauge 弓型道尺

  bowed stringed instrument 弓弦乐器

  Boweds cotton 波维斯棉

  bower 船头挂锚

  bowl centrifuge 转筒离心机

  bowl classifier 浮槽分级机

  bowl grinding machine 滚球研磨机

  bowl mill 球磨机

  bowl net 滚球网

  bowl noodle 碗面

  bowl overshoes 滚球鞋套

  bowl pulverizer 碗式磨粉机

  bowl slip-socket 卡瓦打捞筒

  bowl with carved designs 雕花碗

  bowl with lid of dragon and phoenix design 粉彩龙风盖碗

  bowl 碗

  bowl-shape gear shaping tool 碗形插齿刀

  bowl-shape straight teeth gear shaping cutter 碗形直齿插齿刀

  bowler 常礼帽

  bowler-hat 圆顶礼帽

  bowling oxfords 九柱球鞋

  bowling shirt 滚木球戏运动衫

  bowling shoes 滚球鞋

  bowling-alley tester 滚球强度测试器

  bowls and dishes 碗碟

  bowls washing machine 洗碗机

  bows for archery 箭弓

  bowser 加油车

  bowstring girder 弓形横梁

  bowstring hemp 弓弦大麻

  box and case making machine 制盒机

  box bag 箱形袋

  box bit drill 梅花钻

  box board for bottle of aerated water 汽水瓶箱板

  box boiler 箱形锅炉

  box caisson 箱形沉箱

  box calf 皮犊纹皮

  box camera 盒式照相机

  box cloth 缩绒厚呢

  box coat 箱式带斗篷厚大衣

  box compass 罗盘仪

  box cooler 箱式冷却器

  box corner staying machine 纸盒订角机

  box cotton 标准样棉

  box covering machine 箱盒粘封机

  box covering paper 纸盒糊面纸

  box filler 装箱机

  box filling machine 装箱机

  box filter press 箱式压滤机

  box folding machine 折盒机

  box frame motor 箱架电动机

  box gauge 箱式验潮仪

  box handbag 箱形手提包

  box loader loom 大纡库自动织机

  box loom fabric 格子织物

  box loom 多梭箱织机

  box loop antenna 箱框线圈天线

  box machine 制盒机

  box marking ink 号箱墨水

  box nail 箱钉

  box packing machine 装盒机

  box photometer 盒形光度计

  box pleat front shirt 明门襟男衬衫

  box pleated skirt 箱型襞褶裙

  box radiation calorimeter 盒式辐射热量计

  box sealing machine 封纸盒机

  box sextant 袖珍六分仪

  box silk black-white 万字锦

  box silk coloured brocade 合锦

  box silk stripe 月华小锦

  box spanner 梅花扳手

  box spreader 箱式摊铺机

  box spring mattress cover 框架弹簧床垫套

  box spring mattress 框架弹簧垫

  box stapling machine 钉纸盒机

  box stitching machine 纸箱钉铆机

  box tide-gauge 箱形验潮仪

  box type vertical drilling machine 方柱立式钻床

  box unpacker 开箱机

  box washer 洗箱机

  box wrap paper 纸箱包覆纸

  box wrench 套筒扳手

  box 盒

  box-board 箱子板

  box-boody dump car 侧卸箱车

  box-hopper spreader 箱斗式分布机

  box-pleated front skirt 方块前身打裥裙

  box-shear apparatus 盒式剪切机

  box-type brush holder 箱形刷架

  box-type furnace 箱式炉

  box-type multiplier 箱形倍增器

  box-type negative-pressure boiling dry-box 箱式负压沸腾干燥箱

  box-type oven 箱式烘炉

  box-type plate 匣形极板

  box-type quench tempering furnace 箱式淬火回火炉

  box-type resistance furnace 箱式电阻炉

  box-type vacuum coating machine 箱式真空镀膜机

  boxcar integrator 矩形波串积分器

  boxcar 箱式运货汽车

  boxed rod 方形连杆

  boxer bent trimmers 弯柄剪

  boxer buttonhole scissors 开钮口剪

  boxer longs 拳击运动员长裤

  boxer shorts 拳击运动员短裤

  boxer's headguard 拳击护头具

  boxidine 波克昔定

  boxing gloves 拳击手套

  boxing shoes 拳击鞋

  boxspun yarn 离心罐纺的长丝

  boxthorn fruit 枸杞子

  boxthorn leaf 枸杞叶

  boxthorn root 枸杞根

  boxwood calliper rule 黄杨木卡尺

  boxwood carving 黄杨木雕

  boxwood folding rule 黄杨木折尺

  boxwood T square 黄杨木丁字尺

  boxwood 黄杨木

  boxy jacket 箱型茄克

  boy 博伊厚法兰绒

  boy clothes 男童装[/td][/tr]




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