






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-11 19:46| 查看数: 1111| 评论数: 0|

built-up electrode 熔焊条

  built-up line reamer 镶片组合铰刀

  built-up rotor 组装式转子

  built-up shoulder slip 挂肩式套裙

  built-up shoulder vest 挂肩式内衬衫

  built-up style bra 挂肩式乳罩

  Bukipulp 布基浆粕

  Bulac cotton 布拉克棉

  Bulan 硝滴涕杀虫剂

  Bulana 布拉纳聚丙烯腈短纤维

  bulb angle 圆头角钢

  bulb barometer 球管气压计

  bulb horn 球状喇叭

  bulb of fritillary 贝母

  bulb onion 洋葱

  bulb planter 球茎作物种植机

  bulb plate 球扁钢

  bulb rail steel 球头丁字钢

  bulb tube 球管

  bulb with bayonet cap 卡口灯泡

  bulb 灯泡

  bulb-blowing machine 灯泡吹制机

  bulb-tubulating machine 接管机

  bulbed inner tube 球型内管

  Bulbosan 三硝散杀菌剂

  bulbul 细布

  bulbus allii bakeri 野白头

  bulbus allii macrostemi 薤白

  bulbus fritilariae 川贝

  bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae 云贝母

  bulbus fritillariae thunbergii 浙贝母

  Bulevard 保立娃德牌手表

  bulgood 酵母

  Bulick 巴里克牌手表

  bulk cement barge 散装水泥驳

  bulk cement 散装水泥

  bulk ciphering device 总体加密设备

  bulk distributor 松散材料撒布机

  bulk doped infrared detector 体掺杂红外探测器

  bulk dry milk 散装乳粉

  bulk encryption unit 总体加密机

  bulk fibre 散纤维

  bulk freighter 散料转运车

  bulk larry 散装物载重汽车

  bulk memory 大容量存储器

  bulk stretch yarn 膨体弹力纱

  bulk tester 膨松度测试仪

  bulk wine 桶装葡萄酒

  bulk yarn 膨体纱

  bulk-cement tanker 散装水泥车

  bulkcargo carrier 散装货船

  bulked continuous filament yarn 膨化长丝

  bulked glass yarn 玻璃纤维膨体纱

  bulked yarn 膨体纱

  bulking machine 膨化机

  Bulkmaster 装载能手牌垃圾收集汽车

  bulkometer 膨松度试验仪

  bulky acrylic fingering yarn 腈纶膨体绒线

  bulky knit 膨松针织物

  bulky paper 绒毛纸

  bulky socks 粗针距短袜

  bulky sweater 膨体纱运动衫

  bulky turtleneck 高领衫

  bulky yarn 膨体纱

  bull block 拉丝机

  bull boat 牛皮船

  bull gear reducer 大齿轮减速机

  bull horn 手提式扩音器

  bull nose tool 圆端刀具

  bull press 型钢矫直压力机

  bull rope 三股硬麻绳

  bull screen 碎矿筛

  bull shaker 震动槽

  bull trawler 双拖网渔轮

  bull wheel 大齿轮

  bull 公牛

  bull-frog 牛蛙

  bull-hide 厚斜纹绒布

  bull-nosed cylinder valve 牛鼻式高压气筒阀

  bullace 野李子

  bulldog taffeta 厚实塔夫绸

  bulldozer blade 推土机刀片

  bulldozer front shovel oil cylinder 推土机前铲油缸

  bulldozer plow 推土犁

  bulldozer roller 推土机滚轮

  bulldozer 推土机

  bulldozing plough 推土犁

  bullet alloy 子弹合金

  bullet connector 插塞接头

  bullet locator 弹片探测器

  bullet nose rod 圆头杆

  bullet trap 弹丸收容器

  bullet 枪弹

  bullet-proof cloth 防弹织物

  bullet-proof glass 防弹玻璃

  bullet-proof sedan 防弹轿车

  bullet-proof vest 防弹背心

  bullet-resisting glass 防弹玻璃

  bulleyaconitine A 草乌甲素

  bullgrader 大型平土机

  bullhead rivet 圆头铆钉

  bullhead 鲶鱼

  bullion cord 缨■细绳

  bullion fringe 缨■带子

  bullion lace 金银丝花边

  Bullkyace 布尔克亚斯粘胶短纤维

  Bulova 宝路华牌手表

  bulrush screen 蒲茎帘

  bulrush 灯心草

  bumadizone 布马地宗

  bumbersoll 太阳伞

  bumblebee cotton 大蜂棉

  bumetanide 布美他尼

  bumetrizole 布美三唑

  bummer 低轮集材车

  bump cotton 硬块棉

  bump grey 印花衬布

  bump integrator 撞击积算仪

  bump leveller 吸振器

  bump storage 缓撞存储器

  bumper harvest cream biscuit 丰收牌夹心饼干

  bumper milling machine 锤式缩呢机

  bumper 消音器

  bumping block 缓冲器

  bumping collision car 碰碰车

  bumping moulding machine 震实式造型机

  bumping table 碰撞式摇床

  bun ochra fibre 本奥克拉纤维

  buna rubber 丁钠橡胶

  bunaftine 丁萘夫汀

  bunamidine 丁萘脒

  bunamiodyl 丁碘桂酸

  bunazosin hydrochloride 盐酸布那唑嗪

  bunch wire 绞合线

  bunch yarn 雪花线

  buncher 集束器

  bunching machine 合股机

  bundle handkerchief 深蓝格子手帕

  bundle-integrated-guide-distributed reflector 集束波导分布式反射器

  bundled aigrette feather with yellow tip 黄梢长白鹭鸶毛扎把

  bundled aigrette feather 长白鹭鸶扎把

  bundled black heron scapular feather 黑丝毛扎把

  bundled black tip duck speculum feather 黑尖家鸭翠扎把

  bundled bustard fancy secondary 石脯桃扎把

  bundled bustard outer scapular 埔扣毛扎把

  bundled bustard secondary and primary 石脯窝翅头扎把

  bundled bustard shoulder 石脯花片扎把

  bundled bustard tail covert 石脯花片扎把

  bundled common crane tail covert 雌鸥大刀扎把

  bundled common crane tertiary 雌鸥小刀扎把

  bundled dark duck flank 家鸭青花毛扎把

  bundled domestic duck black curly tail 家鸭黑蝎子勾扎把

  bundled domestic duck flank plumage 家鸭白花毛扎把

  bundled domestic duck white curly tail 家鸭白蝎子勾扎把

  bundled duck scapular with soft brown edge 家鸭软火烧边扎把

  bundled duck scapular with stiff brown edge 家鸭硬火烧边扎把

  bundled eastern eagle wing pointer 甩古梢扎把

  bundled eastern purple heron foreneck hackle 油尾毛扎把

  bundled peacock eye stick 孔雀翎扎把

  bundled peacock eye 孔雀眼扎把

  bundled peacock flue 孔雀线扎把

  bundled peacock stick 孔雀翎杆扎把

  bundled pintail black scapular 黑小湾扎把

  bundled pintail black tail 鸭枪扎把

  bundled pintail outer shoulder 尖鸭披水扎把

  bundled pintail speculum feather 尖尾鸭翠扎把

  bundled pintail stiff black scapular 硬小湾扎把

  bundled red brilliant 红啃毛扎把

  bundled ruddy sheldrake flank 冠鸭花手扎把

  bundled ruddy sheldrake speculum feather 冠鸭翠扎把

  bundled ruddy sheldrake tail 冠鸭尾扎把

  bundled ruddy sheldrake tertiary 冠鸭披水扎把

  bundled small teal scapular 八鸭桃扎把

  bundled teal speculum feather 八鸭翠扎把

  bundled vulture secondarie 马鹰窝扎把

  bundled vulture wing pointer 马鹰梢扎把

  bundled white brilliant 白啃毛扎把

  bundled white duck curly tail 白水勾扎把

  bundled white duck round 白鸭窝扎把

  bundled white duck small wing quill 白鸭直刀毛扎把

  bundled white duck tail 白鸭尾扎把

  bundled white duck wing quill 白鸭梢翎扎把

  bundled wild duck flank 野鸭白花毛扎把

  bundled yellow heron scapular 黄丝毛扎把

  bundled yellowish white brilliant 黄梢白啃毛扎把

  bundling attachment 集草车

  bundling machine 打捆机

  bundling press 打小包机

  Bunema 羟福美钾杀菌剂

  bunge cherry seed 郁李仁

  bunitrolol 布尼洛尔

  bunk bed with ladder and guard rail 带床梯及护拦的双层床

  bunker clothing 消防服

  bunker fuel oil 船用锅炉燃料油

  bunker oil 船用油

  bunker spectrophotometer 船用分光光度计

  bunker 油槽船

  bunkering tanker 供油船

  bunny jelly drops 兔子软糖

  bunny rug 尿布

  Bunolol 丁萘酮心安

  Bunsen burner 本生喷灯

  Bunsen element 本生电池

  Bunsen photometer 本生光度计

  bunt 旗布

  buntal fibre hat 金丝草帽

  buntal hat body 金丝草帽坯

  bunte dye 缩聚染料

  bunting cloth 旗绸

  bunting 旗布

  Buntosan G 六丹混剂

  Buodra 标德拉牌手表

  buoy boat 航标敷设艇

  buoy lantern 浮标灯

  buoy light 浮标灯

  buoy rope 浮标绳

  buoy tender 设标船

  buoy 浮标

  buoyancy-type density transmitter 浮力式密度传感器

  buoyant deck chair 救生椅

  buoying device 浮具

  buphenine 布酚宁

  bupicomide 丁吡可胺

  bupivacaine ampoule 雅布比卡因注射液

  bupivacaine 丁哌卡因

  bupleuri and artemisiae infusion for hepatitis 紫菌肝炎冲剂

  Bupleurum chinense 北柴胡

  Bupleurum falcatum 银柴胡

  Bupleurum 柴胡

  bupranolol 布拉洛尔

  buprenorphine 丁丙诺啡

  buprofezin 稻虱净

  buquineran 丁喹伦

  buquinolate 丁喹酯

  bur beggartick 狼把草

  bur cleaner 芒刺清除机

  bur clover 苜蓿草

  bur holder 持钻头器

  bur weed fibre 苍耳纤维

  bur-wool waste 干净废毛

  buramate 布拉氨酯

  buranduki skin plate 花鼠皮褥子

  buratine silk 布拉泰因生丝

  buratine 布拉泰因绸

  buratte silk 布拉特绸

  buratte 透明亚麻布

  Burberry 伯贝里大衣呢

  Burberrys 巴伯利牌眼镜架

  Burbon cotton 柏邦棉

  burden gauge 炮孔定向器

  burdock-seed 牛蒡子

  bure 比尔密绒粗呢

  bureau with mirror 有镜衣柜

  bureau 比罗台面呢

  Buren 宝玲牌手表

  buret 滴定管

  burette with rubber 带橡皮管的滴定管

  burette with straight stopcock 带直路活塞的滴定管

  burette with three-way stopcock 带三路活塞的滴定管

  burglar alarm 防盗报警器

  burglar-proof glazing 防盗玻璃

  burgundy bottle 葡萄酒瓶

  Burgundy Sud 南勃艮第葡萄酒

  Burgundy 勃艮第葡萄酒系

  buri fibre 布里棕榈叶纤维

  buri raffia 布里棕榈叶纤维

  buridan 伯里丹绸

  buried antenna 地下天线

  buried cable 地下电缆

  buried optical cable 埋式光缆

  buried submarine cable 埋式海底光缆

  buried transformer 入地变压器

  buried-heterostructure laser 隐埋式异质结激光器

  burin 雕刻刀

  burka 俄国人穿的厚呢短斗篷

  Burlana 布尔拉纳聚丙烯腈系纤维

  burlap bag 粗麻袋

  burlap cloth 打包麻布

  burlap lined paper 布纹纸

  burlap sack 粗麻袋

  burlap 打包粗麻布

  burley tobacco leaf 白肋烟叶

  burley tobacco 白肋烟

  burleylamina dryer 纤细叶片干燥机

  burling machine 验布机

  Burma cotton 缅甸棉

  Burma jade 缅甸玉

  Burma wool 缅甸羊毛

  Burmahs cottons 缅甸棉布

  Burmese jade 缅甸玉

  Burmilized yarn 巴米拉兹德纱

  burmished paper 高光泽纸

  burn out indicator 烧断指示器

  burn out relay 烧断继电器

  burn-through meter 烧透点测定计

  burned lime 烧石灰

  burner block 烧嘴砖

  burner gun 烧嘴

  burner indicator 燃烧指示器

  burner outer pipe of quartz 石英氯气出口管

  burner pipe 烧嘴喷管

  burner regulator 燃烧调节器

  burner tap with T handle 丁字柄灯头螺丝攻

  burner 燃烧器

  burnetts gin 伯纳特金酒

  burning kiln 焙烧窑

  burning machine 焙烧机

  burning oil energy-saving device 燃油磁化节能器

  burning preventer 防燃器

  burning-off and edge-melting machine 爆口烘口机

  burnished tin-coated paper 高光泽锡粉涂布纸

  burnisher 摩光器

  burnishing broach 挤拉刀

  burnishing fillet 直脚钢丝针布

  burnishing machine 抛光机

  burnishing powder 抛光粉

  burnous 带有包头巾的呢斗篷

  burnout tablecloth 烧花台布

  burnt chrome-magnesite brick 烧结铬镁砖

  burnt gypsum 熟石膏

  burnt hair 血余炭

  burnt jade 火烧玉

  burnt lime 煅石灰

  burnt plaster 烧石膏

  burnt sienna 熟黄颜料

  burnt turkey umber 烧赭土

  burnt-out curtain 烂花窗帘

  burnt-out fabric 烂花织物

  burnt-out georgette 乔花绡

  burnt-out lace 烂花花边

  burnt-out nylon sheer 烂花绡

  burnt-out print 烂花花布

  burnt-out printed handkerchief 烂花印花手帕

  burnt-out table cloth 烂花台布

  burr breast 预梳机[/td][/tr]




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