






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-13 21:20| 查看数: 1101| 评论数: 0|

complete equipment for making plaster medical absorbent cotton 医用脱脂药棉生产成套设备

  complete equipment for making standard fastener 制造标准紧固件成套设备

  complete equipment for making wood screw 木螺丝成套设备

  complete equipment for manufacturing hard board 硬纸板成套设备

  complete equipment for manufacturing particle board 刨花板成套设备

  complete equipment for manufacturing plywood 胶合板成套设备

  complete equipment for manufacturing soft fiber-board 软质纤维板成套设备

  complete equipment for match production 制火柴成套设备

  complete equipment for microcellular PVC slippers 聚氯乙稀微孔拖鞋生产成套设备

  complete equipment for miniature pharmaceutical factory 小型制药厂成套设备

  complete equipment for paper mill 造纸厂成套设备

  complete equipment for producing rosin 松香生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of alcohol 酒精生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of bone glue 骨胶生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of culture paper 文化用纸生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of glass bottle 制瓶玻璃成套设备

  complete equipment for production of industrial gelatin 工业胶生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of match 火柴生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of monosodium glutamate 味精生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of patent-coated board 白纸板生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of pencil 铅笔生产成套设备

  complete equipment for production of sugar 制糖成套设备

  complete equipment for production of toilet tissue 卫生纸成套生产设备

  complete equipment for salt refining 精制盐生产成套设备

  complete equipment for sheet glass manufacturing 制平板玻璃成套设备

  complete equipment for shellac processing 虫胶加工成套设备

  complete equipment for silk and silk piece goods & spun silk piece goods 生丝-丝织物及纺织物生产成套设备

  complete equipment for tanning 制革成套设备

  complete equipment for the manufacture of bicycle and light motor cycle tires and tubes 自行车及轻便摩托车轮胎工厂成套设备

  complete equipment for the manufacture of rubber flat belt and V-belt 橡胶三角带运输带传送带工厂成套设备

  complete equipment for toilet soap manufacturing 香皂生产线成套设备

  complete equipment for wool products 毛织物生产成套设备

  complete equipment of chlorine-caustic soda plant 氯碱工厂成套设备

  complete equipment of sodium hydrogen carbonate plant 碳酸氢钠工厂成套设备

  complete equipment 成套设备

  complete garment making equipment 成套制衣设备

  complete hollow selvedge 管状布边

  complete immersion thermometer 全浸温度计

  complete jute spinning equipment 成套麻纺设备

  complete oil solvent extraction system 成套油脂浸出设备

  complete pig feed 完全猪饲料

  complete poultry feed 家禽完全饲料

  complete refrigerating equipment 成套冷冻设备

  complete set for oil pressing 榨油成套设备

  complete set of cement equipment 水泥成套设备

  complete set of coal preparation equipment 洗煤成套设备

  complete set of cooling equipment 全套冷却设备

  complete set of electric apparatus 全套电气设备

  complete set of equipment for brick making 制砖生产成套设备

  complete set of equipment for ice making and cold storage 制冰及冷库成套设备

  complete set of equipment for making mosquito-repellent incense 蚊香生产成套设备

  complete set of equipment for particle board production line 刨花板生产线成套设备

  complete set of equipment for plastic film packing bag 塑料薄膜包装袋生产成套设备

  complete set of equipment for quarry and ore dressing plant 石料厂-矿选厂成套设备

  complete set of equipment for rope manufacturing 绳索加工全套设备

  complete set of equipment for TV microwave relay station 电视微波中继站成套设备

  complete set of equipment 成套设备

  complete set of furniture for the living and dining room 厅堂套装家俱

  complete set of hydraulic excavator 水力挖掘机组

  complete set of illuminating apparatus 全套照明设备

  complete set of kerosene burner production line 煤油炉生产成套设备

  complete set of needle file 成套小锉刀

  complete set of panel furniture equipment 板式家俱成套设备

  complete set of rice milling equipment 成套碾米设备

  complete set of rolling mill 成套轧钢设备

  complete set of toy 成套玩具

  complete silk reeling equipment 成套缫丝设备

  complete silk weaving equipment 成套丝织设备

  complete towel making equipment 成套毛巾设备

  complete wood working machinery 成套木材加工机械

  completely self protecting transformer 完全自保护式变压器

  complex acid 络合酸

  complex alloy steel 多元合金钢

  complex calcium lubricating grease 复合钙基润滑脂

  complex die polisher 模具复合抛光机

  complex display 复式显示器

  complex fibre 复合纤维

  complex forge technology of sickle guard on combine havester 联合收割机护刃综合锻造工艺

  complex grease 复合润滑脂

  complex line drawer 复式拉线机

  complex multiply register 复式乘法寄存器

  complex photographic material 复合感光材料

  complex reactor 复式反应器

  complex softening agent 复式柔软剂

  complex supercharger 复式增压器

  complex {dan shen} tablet 复方丹参片

  complex {yin huang} liquid 复方银黄口服液

  complexion soap 美肤皂

  complexone 氨羧络合试剂

  compo bronze 粉冶青铜

  compo raw weasel skin 江北黄狼皮

  component assembly machine 零件装配机

  component caption machine 分量字幕机

  component nuclear precession magnetometer 分量核子旋进磁力仪

  component preparation machine 零件制备机

  component proton precession magnetometer 分量质子旋进式磁力仪

  component wire 芯线

  composer 排版机

  composing frame 排字架

  composing machine 排字机

  composing stick 排字盘

  composite fibre 复合纤维

  composite barrier rectifier 复合阻挡层整流器

  composite board 复合纸板

  composite boiler 混合式锅炉

  composite cable 复合电缆

  composite catalyst 复合催化剂

  composite ceramic cutting tool 复合陶瓷刀具

  composite cold storage 组合式冷库

  composite conductor 复合导体

  composite cubic boron nitride turning tool 立方氮化硼复合车刀

  composite dye 拼合染料

  composite electrode 组合焊条

  composite filament 复合丝

  composite filter 混合滤波器

  composite glaze 复合釉

  composite ground wire with optical fiber 带光纤的复合地线

  composite material 复合材料

  composite nozzle 复合喷嘴

  composite optical communication conductor 光通信复合导线

  composite paper 复合纸

  composite phase refractory 多相耐火材料

  composite power cable with optical fiber 电力复合光缆

  composite ringer 双信号振铃

  composite rod laser 复合棒激光器

  composite ruby laser 复合红宝石激光器

  composite steel 复合钢

  composite submarine cable 复合海底电缆

  composite synthetic fibre 复合合成纤维

  composite telecommunication cable 综合通信电缆

  composite tubular mast 多节套管天线杆

  composite wave filter 复合滤波器

  composite wire 双金属丝

  composite yarn 复合纱

  composited tube 复合管

  composition analysis instrument 成分分析仪器

  composition board 组合板

  composition brass 杂铜

  composition bronze 复合青铜

  composition cloth 防水帆布

  composition fibre 复合纤维

  composition leather shoes 合成革鞋

  composition metal 复合金属

  compositron 高速显字管

  compote 高脚盘

  compound acrylic fibre produced by dimethyl sulfoxide one-step process 三甲亚砜一步法生产复合腈纶

  compound alternator 复激交流发电机

  compound antenna mast 复接天线杆

  compound automatic air switch 复合自动空气开关

  compound brush 金属碳混合电刷

  compound cable 复合电缆

  compound calculation amplifier 复合运算放大器

  compound catenary 复链吊架

  compound center drill without jacket 不带护套复合中心钻

  compound choline chloride injection 复方氯化胆碱注射液

  compound cloth 多层织物

  compound codonopsis tablet 复方党参片

  compound coil 复绕线圈

  compound compressor 多级压缩机

  compound crystalline cubic boron nitride cutter 立方氮化硼复合聚晶刀具

  compound diode 复合二极管

  compound dredger 混合挖泥机

  compound dynamo 复激发电机

  compound engine 复式发动机

  compound essence 合成香料

  compound extractor 复式萃取器

  compound fabric 复合织物

  compound feed stuff 混合饲料

  compound fertilizer 复合肥料

  compound film capacitor 复合膜电容器

  compound filter 混合滤波器

  compound flow turbine 双流式涡轮机

  compound gauge 真空压力计

  compound generator 复激发电机

  compound hepatitis-treating infusion 复方肝炎冲剂

  compound impulse turbine 复式冲力涡轮机

  compound infusion of honeysuckle flower 复方金银花冲剂

  compound infusion of isatis root 复方板蓝根冲剂

  compound injection of red sage root 复方丹参注射液

  compound knitting machine 复式粗针织机

  compound lens 复合透镜

  compound loudspeaker 复式扬声器

  compound machine 复电机

  compound magnet 复合磁铁

  compound meter 复合流量计

  compound microscope 复式显微镜

  compound mill 多仓磨

  compound mixture of liquorice 复方甘草合剂

  compound motor 复激电动机

  compound needle machine 复合针经编机

  compound neomycin eardrop 复方新霉素滴耳剂

  compound of glauber-salt and liquorice 玄明粉

  compound oral liquid of isatis leaf 复方大青叶口服液

  compound planetary gearset 复式行星齿轮组

  compound plate evaporator 复合板蒸发器

  compound powder of snake-bile and fritillary bulb 复方蛇胆川贝散

  compound pulley 复滑车

  compound pump 双缸泵

  compound rectifying column 复合精馏塔

  compound regenerative oven 复合再生炉

  compound relay 复合继电器

  compound rope machine 复股制绳机

  compound salvia miltiorrhiza tablet 复方丹参片

  compound salvia tablet 复方丹参片

  compound scanner 混合扫描器

  compound self-excited diesel generator set 复式自激柴油发电机组

  compound semifluid extract of red sage root 复方丹参膏

  compound sieve plate 复筛板

  compound silencer 复合式消声器

  compound slide rest 联合车刀架

  compound soap powder 复合皂粉

  compound soap 复合皂

  compound sodium chloride injection 复方氯化钠注射液

  compound steam engine 复式蒸汽机

  compound steel 复合钢

  compound swinging type jaw crusher 复合摆动型腭式破碎机

  compound tablet of red sage root 复方丹参片

  compound tablet of {Sichuan} fritillary bulb 复方川贝精片

  compound temperature relay 复合热动继电器

  compound theophyline 复方茶碱

  compound throttling refrigerator 双级节流制冷器

  compound tincture of camphor 复方樟脑酊

  compound turbine 复式涡轮机

  compound turbo jet 双级涡轮喷气机

  compound twister 复捻机

  compound winding 复励绕组

  compound wound generator 复励发电机

  compound yarn 股线

  compound {hoshouwu} tablet 复方何首乌片

  compound-glass optical fiber 复合玻璃光纤

  compound-semiconductor photodiode 复合半导体光电二极管

  compound-twist silk thread 复捻丝线

  compound-wound dynamo 复激发电机

  compound-wound motor 复激电动机

  compounder-extruder 混炼压出机

  compounding paper machine 混合型造纸机

  compregnated wood 胶压木材

  comprehensive observation instrument 综合观测仪

  comprehensive operation table for obstetrics 妇产科综合手术台

  comprehensive test instrument 综合测试仪

  compressed air accumulator 压缩空气储蓄罐

  compressed air breaker 压缩空气断路器

  compressed asbestos fibre jointing for cold and hot water 冷热水用石棉胶板

  compressed asbestos fibre jointing sheet 石棉胶板

  compressed asbestos fibre jointing with steel wire 夹金属丝网石棉胶板

  compressed asbestos fibre jointing 石棉胶板

  compressed asbestos sheet 夹胶石棉板

  compressed ashestos fibre 压缩石棉纤维

  compressed asphalt roaster 压制沥青烘烤机

  compressed gas condenser 压缩气体电容器

  compressed gas cylinder 压缩气瓶

  compressed gas machine 气体压缩机

  compressed gas 压缩气体

  compressed jute 紧包黄麻

  compressed wood 胶合木材

  compressed-air capacitor 压缩空气电容器

  compressed-air condenser 压缩空气电容器

  compressed-air distributor 压缩空气分配器

  compressed-air drill 风钻

  compressed-air driven roller covering machine 压缩空气驱动的套皮辊机

  compressed-air driven waste processing machine 压缩空气驱动的废物处理机

  compressed-air engine 压缩空气发动机

  compressed-air filter 压缩空气过滤器

  compressed-air gun for the extrusion of mastics 玛碲脂挤压压缩气枪

  compressed-air hammer 风铆锤

  compressed-air hose 压缩空气软管

  compressed-air jet 压缩空气喷射器

  compressed-air mixer 压缩空气式拌和机

  compressed-air pipe 压缩空气管

  compressed-air press 气动压力机

  compressed-air ram 压缩空气冲压机

  compressed-air sampler 压气式取样器

  compressed-air sprayer 气压喷射器

  compressed-air starter 压缩空气起动机

  compressed-air steel cylinder 气体压缩钢瓶

  compressed-air stirrer 压缩空气搅拌器

  compressed-air tamper 气压夯

  compressed-air type shaper 压缩空气定型机

  compressed-iron-core coil 铁粉芯线圈

  compressed-nitrogen condenser 压缩氮气电容器

  compressing machine 压缩机

  compression bar 压杆

  compression capacitor 压缩电容器

  compression chord 受压弦杆

  compression chuck 松紧夹头

  compression condenser 压缩电容器

  compression coupling 压紧联轴节

  compression diagonal 受压斜杆

  compression die 压模

  compression dynamomoter 压力测力计

  compression engine 压缩机

  compression grease cup 加压润滑油杯

  compression ignition engine 压缩点火发动机

  compression indicator 压缩指示器

  compression manometer 压缩式真空计

  compression moulding press 压力成型机

  compression pump 压气泵

  compression ring 压缩环

  compression rivet squeezer 铆钉挤压器

  compression rivet 压紧铆钉

  compression sprayer 压缩喷雾器

  compression spring 压缩弹簧

  compression tap 压缩龙头

  compression tester 压缩试验器


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