






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-13 23:50| 查看数: 1073| 评论数: 1|


  Demi Moore的12月《W》杂志封面PS事件现在终于可以平息了;在一则新广告片中,Emma Watson的一条腿竟然消失了。

  Photoshop focus on Demi Moore's December cover for W Magazine will finally die down, thanks to new ads that leave Emma Watson without a leg to stand on.


  Demi Moore, 因主演《人鬼情未了》而一举成名,她登上了《W》杂志12月刊的封面,照片中她那比大腿还要纤细几英寸的臀部,看上去小得很不自然。网络上盛传她的臀部是经过“修饰”的。Demi Moore坚决否认了这一传言,甚至在Twitter个人首页上和造谣者展开了“口水战”。但是知名摄影师Anthony Citrano却坚持认为 Demi Moore没有对影迷们说真话。他还下了5000美金(合34145元)的赌注,表示要是能证明照片是未经修饰的,他就愿赌服输。

  Demi Moore, the Ghost star, appears on the December cover of W magazine with her hip looking abnormally small, just a few inches smaller than her thigh. Online gossip has it that it’s an airbrushed hip. Moore firmly denied the rumor, even scolding gossipers in her Twitter. But the noted photographer Anthony Citrano is adamant in saying that Moore has not been completely honest with fans. He’s offered a $5,000(34,145yuan) wager for her to prove the picture is “original”.


  这张Emma的照片,来自一组由著名摄影师Mario Testino为Burberry拍摄的2010年春夏时装大片,照片中这位因《哈利波特》电影而崭露头角的年轻演员同弟弟Alex身着Burberry最新款服装,对着镜头摆出各种姿势,但Emma的部分肢体却消失了,此外我们确信Emma的身体并无意外。

  This Emma’s photo, from the Burberry SS2010 shoot by famed photographer Mario Testino, shows the "Harry Potter" starlet posing with her brother Alex in Burberry's new clothes...but missing a body part we're pretty sure she still has!



  In the photo, Watson's right leg appears to take a mysterious turn before disappearing altogether, perhaps the result of a post-photo shoot editing session gone terribly awry. There's the possibility that Watson's leg is fully obscured by her brother's, but that would likely mean she's standing on a box or posing with one leg up (which might explain why she's got her arm wrapped around him for support).


  在没有看到全部的原始图片之前,我们永远都不会知道真相,但至少这条消失的腿在同组的其他照片中又再次出现了。 Without seeing the entire/original shot, we'll never know, but at least the missing limb reappears in this additional photo for the campaign.


  目前,参与拍摄活动的人员并未就此事发表评论。但与Demi Moore PS风波中大家极力否认图片被修饰过不同,艾玛消失的腿似乎很难再有解释的余地。

  Nobody involved in the photo shoot has yet to comment. But unlike the Demi Moore incident, in which all parties vigorously denied any touch-ups, Emma's missing limb seems like it will be considerably harder to explain away.



  Maybe this time, everyone can just laugh it off -- after all, even skilled photo re-touchers make mistakes now and then. We're just glad Emma's okay.


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