





Who are the busiest in the Arbor Day? 植树节谁最忙?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-23 15:10| 查看数: 2586| 评论数: 3|


Following is the caricature posted online recently:


Arbor Day means to popularize the benefits of forestation, mobilize people to plant tress, stimulate their passion to protecting trees as well as the forests, teach them the knowledge about the forests, strengthen the virescence of China and aim to preserve the forest resources and improve the ecological environment.



But now, Arbor Day becomes the busy work for the humble labors and the meaningless show for the so-called leaders. Since the Arbor Day with All Attended be an empty talk, who would be the busiest?


katy 发表于 2010-3-23 15:11:38
Planting trees, and planting hopes


Only a shovel of dirt and the job is done! Making a cheeky post in front of the dazzling flashes, he will deliver a very important speech, making headlines on tomorrow’s newspaper. Then, happiness goes to everybody —leaders get merits to promote, the journalists get reports to printand readers get time to kill. Did we miss something?Yes, trees, the leading role! Where are they, and how will they become?Who cares!!

只是一铲土,大功告成!在闪光灯前装腔作势地摆个姿势,再发表一通重要的演说,上明天报纸的头条。这样每个人都很开心——领导取得了功绩;记者交了差;读者有了时间来读报打发时间。但我们遗忘了什么吗?是的,树,故事的主角。他们在哪里,他们将会怎样? 但有谁在乎!

Maybe they will be tortured and withered under the scorching summer sun, leaving a patch of land where the story gets started again on the next Arbor Day.


It’s no doubt that everyone is aware of the importance of tree planting. As for our planet, malnourished due to the excessive exploitation, a tree planted is as vital asa cell revived on our body. However, what we can see is not the expansion of the green land. Miserably, more steel and concrete forests are thriving in our world. Sometimes, even a little patch of green is temporarily paved under the guise of urbanization, easily wiped out if it is sold to a real estate tycoon.


When we enjoy more and more trees seemingly with us in our community; we should know it gives no benefit to our earth as it is like a kind of transplant surgery, moving trees from the countryside to the city.


What do we really need? We need the green that can live with us and our next generations for ever.

It depends on the real action taken by everyone. The desert is engulfing our world, but that fellow is still considering how much his imagine can be glorified after the Arbor Day’s show.How ridiculous!


Please remember, we are not just planting trees. Indeed, we are planting more hopes for our future.

Sailingfish2008 发表于 2014-8-14 14:16:13
Arbor Day 植树节; popularize vt. 使推广,普有,流行 ; forestation 造林, mobilize vt,动员 ;virescence n, 绿化,绿色 preserve vt, 保护ecological adj,生态学的

humble adj,卑贱的 labor n, 劳工

shovel n,铁铲dazzling flashes ,耀眼的闪光灯 get merits to promote 取得功绩,

torture vt, 折磨withered adj, 枯萎的 scorching adj, 灼热的

malnourished adj,营养不良的 exploitation n,开发,开采,revive vt,复活 . Miserably, adv 悲惨地 thrive v, 兴旺,繁荣 paved vt,铺 guise n, 伪装urbanization n, 都市化,

seemingly adv表面上地transplant surgery 移植手术,

engulf vt,吞入,卷入glorified adj,美其名的,变荣耀的 ridiculous adj,荒谬的,可笑的
kevincen 发表于 2015-3-18 08:18:26
arbor day
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