






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-26 22:49| 查看数: 1498| 评论数: 1|

plank mill 厚轧板机

  plank drag 木板刮路器

  plank sawing machine 锯木板机

  plankton microscope 浮游生物显微镜

  plano milling and boring machine 龙门铣镗床

  plano-concave lens 平凹透镜

  plano-concave mirror 平凹双面反光镜

  plano-convex lens 平凸透镜

  plano-convex mirror 平凸双面反光镜

  planographic ink 平版印刷油墨

  planographic press 平版印刷机

  planogrinder 龙门磨床

  planometer 平面规

  planomiller 龙门刨式铣床

  planomilling machine 龙门铣床

  plansifter 平面筛

  plant fiber cloth 植物纤维布

  plant fibre board 植物纤维板

  plant fibre 植物纤维

  plant growth regulator 植物生长调节剂

  plant growth retardant 植物生长阻滞剂

  plant rubber 天然橡胶

  plant stand with two levels 高低花架

  Plantain seed 车前子

  planter 种植机

  planting machine 种植机

  plantlet uprising machine 起苗机

  Plantvax 氧化萎锈灵

  plasma analyzer 等离子体分析仪

  plasma arc cutting machine 等离子电弧切割机

  plasma arc furnace 等离子电弧炉

  plasma arc welder 等离子弧焊机

  plasma desmearer 等离子体去污机

  plasma diagnostic instrument 等离子体诊断仪

  plasma direct reading spectrometer 等离子体直读光谱仪

  plasma frequency meter 等离子体频率计

  plasma generator 等离子发生器

  plasma gun 等离子喷枪

  plasma injector 等离子体注入器

  plasma laser 等离子激光器

  plasma oscillation analyzer 等离子体振荡分析仪

  plasma probe 等离子体探测器

  plasma pump laser 等离子泵激光器

  plasma pump 等离子泵

  plasma quantometer 等离子体光量计

  plasma scalper 血浆解剖刀

  plasma welding torch 等离子焊炬

  plasma-arc cutter 等离子电弧切割机

  plasmatron 等离子体发生器

  plasminogen 纤溶酶原

  plasmoquine 扑疟奎啉

  Plastalloy 普拉斯塔洛依塑料模具钢

  plastelast 弹性塑料

  plaster bandage 石膏绷带

  plaster cement 石膏水泥

  plaster decorative board 石膏装饰板

  plaster knife 石膏切刀

  plaster of paris 熟石膏粉

  plaster pot 灰泥盆

  plaster powder 石膏粉

  plaster relief sculpture decorating plate 石膏浮雕装饰板

  plaster saw 石膏锯

  plaster shears 石膏剪

  plaster spatula hammer 石膏调抹锤

  plaster spatula 石膏抹刀

  plaster spreader 石膏摊开器

  plaster stone 生石膏

  plaster trowel 抹泥刀

  plaster 熟石膏

  Plaster's brass 普拉斯特阳极黄铜

  plaster-of-paris bandage 石膏绷带

  plastering trowel 抹泥刀

  plastic packer 塑料包装机

  plastic abrasive 塑料磨料

  plastic adhesive tape 塑料胶带

  plastic air bubble machine 塑料气泡机

  plastic and gunny mixed spun bag 麻塑交织袋

  plastic and spongy sandals 塑料微孔拖鞋

  plastic apron 塑料围裙

  plastic articles 塑料制品

  plastic bag feeding and sealing plant 塑料袋进料封口机

  plastic bag making machine 塑料制袋机

  plastic bag 塑料袋

  plastic ball 塑料球

  plastic balloon 塑料气球

  plastic base paper 塑料涂布原纸

  plastic basin 塑料面盆

  plastic beaded curtain 塑料珠帘

  plastic bearing shell 塑料轴瓦

  plastic bearing 塑料轴承

  plastic belt 塑料皮带

  plastic bottle 塑料瓶

  plastic box 塑料箱

  plastic breaker 塑料破碎机

  plastic bronze 塑性高铅轴承青铜

  plastic brush 塑料刷

  plastic button 塑料钮扣

  plastic cable extruder 塑料电缆挤出机

  plastic calender 塑料压延机

  plastic can 塑料罐

  plastic cap 塑料盖

  plastic capacitor 塑料电容器

  plastic carpet 塑料地毯

  plastic case 塑料箱

  plastic chair 塑料椅

  plastic chamber pot 全塑尿壶

  plastic checker 塑料棋子

  plastic chopstick 塑料筷子

  plastic cistern 塑料水箱

  plastic cladding optical fiber 塑料包层光纤

  plastic clay grinding mill 塑性粘土碾磨机

  plastic clay 橡皮泥

  plastic cloth 塑料布

  plastic clothes-horse 塑料晾衣架

  plastic clothes-line 塑料晾衣绳

  plastic coal 塑性煤

  plastic coated cloth 涂塑布

  plastic coated curtain rod 包塑料窗帘杆

  plastic coated fibre 涂塑料纤维

  plastic coated gloves 涂塑手套

  plastic coated hex iron wire netting 涂塑六角铁丝网

  plastic coated hose 包塑软管

  plastic coated iron wire netting 涂塑铁丝网

  plastic coated metal hose 包塑金属软管

  plastic coated paper 塑料涂布纸

  plastic coated playing card 涂塑扑克牌

  plastic coated silica fiber 塑料涂覆石英纤维

  plastic coated steel sheet 塑料涂层钢板

  plastic coated wire rope 包塑料钢丝绳

  plastic coating adhesive 塑胶模粘剂

  plastic coating technology for steel tube 钢管涂塑工艺

  plastic colloidal cloth 塑料胶布

  plastic comb 塑料梳

  plastic compound bag 塑料编织袋

  plastic connector 塑料连接器

  plastic container 塑料容器

  plastic cord 塑料线

  plastic corrosion-resistant pump 塑料耐腐蚀泵

  plastic corrugated pipe with double thin wall 双层薄壁塑料波纹管

  plastic corrugated pipe 塑料波纹管

  plastic covered steel cord 包塑钢线

  plastic cracking machine 塑料破碎机

  plastic crusher 塑料破碎机

  plastic cup 塑料杯

  plastic cutter 塑料切割机

  plastic delivery hose 塑料输水管

  plastic detonating cord 塑料导爆索

  plastic detonating tube 塑料导爆管

  plastic door frame 塑料门框

  plastic drapery 塑料帘

  plastic drum 塑料桶

  plastic dye laser 塑料染料激光器

  plastic easy openning tin 塑料易拉罐

  plastic electric blower 塑料电吹风

  plastic electric hair dryer 塑料电干发器

  plastic electric wire 塑料电线

  plastic eraser 塑料橡皮

  plastic extruder 塑料挤出器

  plastic extruding machine 塑料挤出机

  plastic extruding press 塑料挤压机

  plastic extruding-moulding press 塑料挤压成形机

  plastic fan 塑料风扇

  plastic feeding extruder 塑料喂料挤压机

  plastic fiber connector 塑料纤维连接器

  plastic fiber for textile use 纺织用塑料纤维

  plastic fibre brush 塑料纤维刷

  plastic filling instrument 塑料充填器

  plastic film bag sealer 塑料薄膜袋封口机

  plastic film bag-making machine 塑料薄膜袋制造机

  plastic film blasting machine 塑料吹膜机

  plastic film blowing and bag making line 塑料吹膜制袋生产线

  plastic film blowing machine 塑料吹膜机

  plastic film capacitor 塑料膜电容器

  plastic film continuous sealing machine 塑料薄膜连续封口机

  plastic film extruder 塑料薄膜挤出机

  plastic film for wrapping 包装用塑料薄膜

  plastic film paper 塑料薄膜纸

  plastic film printing ink 塑料膜印刷油墨

  plastic film raincoat 塑料薄膜雨衣

  plastic film tape 塑料薄膜带

  plastic film 塑料薄膜

  plastic filter 塑料滤光器

  plastic finishing chip 塑料抛磨块

  plastic finishing machine 塑料抛光机

  plastic flashlight 塑料电筒

  plastic flat ruler 塑料直尺

  plastic flexible disc 软塑料磁盘

  plastic flexible tube extruder 塑料软管挤出机

  plastic floor tile 塑料地砖

  plastic flower in pot 塑料盆景

  plastic flower 塑料花

  plastic foam bath mat 泡沫塑料浴垫

  plastic foam life raft 泡沫塑料救生筏

  plastic foam lifebuoy 泡沫塑料救生圈

  plastic foam lifejacket 泡沫塑料救生衣

  plastic foam 泡沫塑料

  plastic four-roll calender 塑料四辊压延机

  plastic framing strip 塑料框条

  plastic fruit tree 塑料果树

  plastic full-auto sealing and cutting machine 塑料全自动封剪机

  plastic funnel 塑料漏斗

  plastic furniture 塑料家具

  plastic gear 塑料齿轮

  plastic gloves 塑料手套

  plastic grain cutting machine 塑料切粒机

  plastic granulator 塑料造粒机

  plastic grinder 塑料磨粉机

  plastic handle screwdriver set 塑柄套装螺丝刀

  plastic helmet 塑料头盔

  plastic HF preheater 塑料高频预热器

  plastic hose 塑料软管

  plastic ice cube tray 方形冰块塑料盘

  plastic injected die 塑料注模

  plastic injector for temporary use 一次性塑料注射器

  plastic injector 塑料注射器

  plastic insulated armored power cable 塑料绝缘铠装电力电缆

  plastic insulated cable 塑料绝缘电缆

  plastic insulated copper wire 塑料绝缘铜芯电线

  plastic insulated radio frequency cable 塑料绝缘射频电缆

  plastic insulated signal cable 塑料绝缘信号电缆

  plastic insulated wire 塑料绝缘电线

  plastic insulating tape 塑料绝缘胶带

  plastic jacket gasket 塑料短衣垫片

  plastic jacket 塑料短衣

  plastic jetting-moulding machine 塑料注射成型机

  plastic key chain 塑料钥匙链

  plastic kibbler 塑料磨碎机

  plastic laminate 层压塑料

  plastic laminated sheet 塑料贴面板

  plastic lamp holder 塑胶灯座

  plastic lamp shade 塑胶灯罩

  plastic laser 塑料激光器

  plastic lens 塑料透镜

  plastic lining 塑料衬里

  plastic machinery 塑料机械

  plastic making machine 塑性成型机

  plastic mangler 塑料轧光机

  plastic mangler-calender 塑料轧光机

  plastic mattress cover 塑料床垫套

  plastic metal 高锡轴承合金

  plastic mixing mill 炼塑机

  plastic molded ferrule connector 塑模套管连接器

  plastic molding hydraulic press 塑料成型液压机

  plastic molding press 塑料成型机

  plastic mould 塑料模

  plastic nylon 塑料尼龙

  plastic optical fiber 塑料光纤

  plastic overlay 塑料贴面

  plastic package lead frame 塑料封装引线柜架

  plastic paint 塑料漆

  plastic paper 塑料纸

  plastic peg 塑料衣夹

  plastic pencil box 塑料铅笔盒

  plastic pencil case with magnetic catch 塑料磁铁铅笔盒

  plastic pencil eraser 塑料橡皮

  plastic pencil sharpener 塑料卷笔刀

  plastic pipe 塑料管

  plastic plate printer 塑料板印刷机

  plastic polaristor 塑料偏振器

  plastic pollen trap 塑料脱粉器

  plastic press 塑料压力机

  plastic pressure pipe 塑料压力管

  plastic processing machine 塑料处理机

  plastic processing machinery 塑料加工机械

  plastic product hydraulic moulding press 塑料制品液压成型机

  plastic product hydraulic press 塑料制品液压机

  plastic products 塑料制品

  plastic protractor 塑料量角器

  plastic pump 塑料泵

  plastic purse 塑料钱包

  plastic raincoat 塑料雨衣

  plastic refining machine 炼塑机

  plastic refractory 塑料耐火材料

  plastic sandals for lady 女式塑料凉鞋

  plastic sandals 塑料拖鞋

  plastic scintillating fiber 塑料闪烁纤维

  plastic scintillator 塑料闪炼器

  plastic sealed micro-wave low noise diode 塑封低噪声微波二极管

  plastic sealed transistor 塑封晶体管

  plastic sealing machine 塑料密封机

  plastic sealing-packing equipment 塑料封装设备

  plastic seat cover 塑料座套

  plastic self-adhesive tape 塑料自粘胶带

  plastic set square 塑料三角尺

  plastic shampoo tray 塑胶洗发剂盘

  plastic sheet machine 塑料薄膜机

  plastic sheet packaging machine 塑料薄膜包装机

  plastic sheet 塑料薄膜

  plastic shoes 塑料鞋

  plastic shower curtain 塑料淋浴帘

  plastic shredder 塑料碎块机

  plastic shuttlecock 塑料羽毛球

  plastic slippers 塑料拖鞋

  plastic soap container 塑料皂盒

  plastic spectacle frame 塑料眼镜架

  plastic star coupler 塑料星形耦合器

  plastic stool 塑料凳

  plastic stopper 塑料塞

  plastic stretch wrap machine 塑料伸展包装机

  plastic stripper 塑料剥离器

  plastic suitcase 塑料衣箱

  plastic sun glasses 塑料太阳镜

  plastic sword 塑料剑

  plastic T-handle screwdriver T型塑料柄改锥

  plastic tablecloth 塑胶台布

  plastic tanker 塑料槽车

  plastic tape coil 塑料带盘

  plastic tape 塑料带

  plastic tea cup 塑胶茶杯

  plastic thermistor 塑料热敏电阻器

  plastic tileboard 塑胶砖板

  plastic toggle 塑料乒乓开关

  plastic tooth brush 塑料牙刷

  plastic toy 塑料玩具

  plastic traffic light 塑胶交通灯

  plastic tray 塑料盘

  plastic tube 塑料管

  plastic two-colour injection machine 塑料双色注射机

  plastic two-roll calender 塑料双辊压延机

  plastic wallet 塑料票夹

  plastic ware for hospital 塑料医疗用具

  plastic ware 塑料制品

  plastic wash-basin 塑料脸盆

  plastic window frame 塑料窗框

  plastic wire making machine 塑料线加工机

  plastic wire 塑料线

  plastic woven bag 塑料编织袋

  plastic woven cloth 塑料编织布

  plastic yarn machine 塑料线加工机

  plastic zippered pencil case 塑料拉链文具盒

  plastic {majiang } set 塑料麻将牌

  plastic-case cartridge 塑壳子弹

  plastic-clad optical fiber 塑料包层光纤

  plastic-clad silica fiber 塑料包层石英纤维

  plastic-covered copper wire 包塑铜线

  plastic-covered distributing cable 包塑配线电缆

  plastic-covered fiber cable 塑料被覆光缆

  plastic-enclosed thyratron 塑封闸流管

  plastic-film printer 塑料薄膜印刷机

  plastic-injection mould for inner shell of cassette 盒内壳塑料注模

  plastic-injection mould for outer shell of cassette 盒外壳塑料注模

  plastic-injection moulding machine 塑料注射成型机

  plastic-laying machine 塑料薄膜覆盖机

  plastic-lined pipe 塑料衬里管

  plastic-molding machine 塑料成型机

  plastic-wire drawing and extruding machine 塑料拉丝挤出机

  plastic-wire drawing machine 塑料拉丝机

  plasticator 塑炼机

  plasticimeter 塑性计

  plasticine 橡皮泥

  plasticity testing machine 可塑度试验机

  plasticized fibre 增塑纤维

  plasticizer 增塑剂

  plasticizing agent 增塑剂

  plasticorder 塑度计

  plastics 塑料

  plastigel 塑性凝胶

  plastimeter 塑性计

  plastisol 塑料溶胶

  plastisol-based ink 塑料溶胶基油墨

  plastogel 塑性凝胶

  plastograph 塑性变形图描记器

  plastometer 塑性计

  plastron 胸饰

  plate exchanger 板式换热器

  plate air preheater 板式空气预热器

  plate and frame type filter press 板框式压滤机

  plate and tube condenser 板管式冷凝器

  plate automatic bender 板材自动弯曲机

  plate bender 弯板机

  plate bending and shearing machine 板料折弯剪切两用机

  plate bending machine 弯板机

  plate bending roll 弯曲滚板机

  plate beveller 刨版边机

  plate bolt 大帽螺栓

  plate bottom tug 平底拖船

  plate by-pass capacitor 屏极回路旁路电容器

  plate cam 平板凸轮

  plate capacitor 平行板电容器

  plate choke coil 板极扼流圈

  plate circuit breaker 板极断路器

  plate circuit detector 板极检波器

  plate clutch 圆片离合器

  plate column 板式塔

  plate condenser 平板电容器

  plate conveyer 平板输送器

  plate copying apparatus 晒版机

  plate crane 板材吊车

  plate cutting machine 切印版机

  plate cylinder 印版滚筒

  plate detector 板极检波器

  plate detergent 片状清洁剂

  plate discharger 板形放电器

  plate doubler 薄板折叠机

  plate dryer 多层干燥器

  plate dynatron oscillator 板极负阻管振荡器

  plate edge planer 板材刨边机

  plate edge planing machine 板边刨床

  plate evaporator 平板式蒸发器

  plate exchanger 板型换热器

  plate feeder 板式给料器

  plate felting machine 平板式缩绒机

  plate filter press 板式压滤机

  plate filter 板式过滤机

  plate fin cooler 散热片式冷却器

  plate flanging machine 板材弯边机

  plate flattening machine 板材矫正机

  plate follower 阳极输出器

  plate form trailer 板式拖车

  plate gauge 板规

  plate glass 平板玻璃

  plate grid 栅板

  plate grinder 磨版机

  plate grinding machine 磨版机

  plate groove exchanger 板槽式换热器

  plate hardener 平板冻结机

  plate heat exchanger 片式热交换器

  plate heat interchanger 片式换热器

  plate heater 片式加热器

  plate hinge 平板铰链

  plate jiggering machine 平盘旋坯机

  plate limiter 板极限制器

  plate liquid cooler 板式液体冷却器

  plate mill 中厚板轧机

  plate nail 道钉

  plate oil-filter 板框滤油机

  plate piler 板堆垛机

  plate press felt 平压榨毛毯

  plate processor 印版显影机

  plate punching machine 冲孔机

  plate rack 餐具架

  plate radiator 片式散热器

  plate rectification detector 屏极整流检波器

  plate rectifier 板极检波器

  plate regenerator 平板式回热器

  plate roller 滚板机

  plate rolling mill 轧板机

  plate saw 板锯

  plate screen 平板筛

  plate shearing machine 剪板机

  plate shearing press 剪板机

  plate shears 剪板机

  plate singeing machine 板式烧毛机

  plate solar heater 太阳能平板型集热器

  plate solarization set 晒版机

  plate speaker 平板喇叭

  plate spring pressure gauge 板簧压力表

  plate spring 板弹簧

  plate squaring shears 门式剪板机

  plate steel 钢板

  plate stretcher 板材拉伸矫直机

  plate supply filter 板极电源滤波器

  plate support 极片垫脚

  plate trailer 板车

  plate transformer 屏极变压器

  plate tuning oscillator 屏极调谐振荡器

  plate turnover 板材翻转机

  plate type changeover valve 板式转换阀

  plate type condenser 板式冷凝器

  plate type electrostatic dust-precipitator 板式静电收尘器

  plate type electrostatic separator 板式静电分选机

  plate type evaporator 板式蒸发器

  plate type exchanger 板式换热器

  plate type feeder 板式给料机

  plate type heat exchanger 板式换热器

  plate type pressure filter 板式压滤机

  plate type pressurized oil filter 板式加压滤油机

  plate type spring surface airless shot-blasting machine 板簧表面强化抛丸机

  plate type vibrator 板式振动器

  plate valve 板式阀

  plate vibrating compactor 板式振动压实机

  plate vibrator 板式振动器

  plate vulcanizing machine 平板硫化机

  plate vulcanizing press 平板硫化机

  plate washer 平板垫圈

  plate welded vessel 平板焊接容器

  plate with carved designs 刻花盘

  plate 盘

  plate-burning machine 烘印版机

  plate-car 平板车

  plate-cavity tuning shaft 板极谐振腔调谐轴

  plate-coupled multivibrator 板极耦合多谐振荡器

  plate-detection type vacuum tube voltmeter 板极检波真空管电压表

  plate-detection voltmeter 板极检波伏特计

  plate-fin heat exchanger 板翅式换热器

  plate-frame type oil filter 板框式滤油器

  plate-leveling machine 板材矫直机

  plate-like antenna satellite television receiving station 板状天线卫星电视接收站

  Plate-Loy 普拉特-洛伊热浸镀用铅基合金

  plate-polishing machine 板抛光机

  plate-pressing machine 平板压印机

  plate-pulsed transmitter 板极脉冲调制发射器

  plate-pulsed triode oscillator 板极脉冲调制三极管振荡器

  plate-straightening machine 板材矫直机

  plateau transformer 高原变压器

  plated adjustable turning chair 电镀活动靠背转椅

  plated hat 呢底毛皮帽

  plated wire storage 镀线存储器

  plated 鸳鸯布

  platelet laser 小片状激光器

  platen press printing machine 平压印刷机

  platen press type creasing and cutting machine 平压压痕切线机

  platen press 平压印刷机

  platen superheater 屏式过热器

  platen 压印板

  platform balance 台秤

  platform car 平板车

  platform conveyor 板式运输机

  platform drier for bagged grain 袋装谷物平台干燥机

  platform drill 台式钻机

  platform rocker 平面摇椅

  platform scale 磅秤

  platform trailer 平板拖车

  platform truck scale 汽车地磅

  platform truck 平台式运输车

  platform vibrator 板式振动器

  platform wagon with sides 带栏板的平板托车

  platform weighing machine 台秤

  platille 平纹细亚麻布

  Platilon 普拉蒂纶聚乙烯纤维

  platina 普拉蒂纳金铂合金

  platinate 铂酸盐

  Platine 普拉廷白铜

  Platinel 普拉提奈尔热电偶用铂合金

  plating bath 电镀槽

  plating feeder 添纱导纱器

  plating latchguard feeder 添纱护针舌导纱器

  plating machine 印纹机

  plating paper 印纹纸

  plating tank 电镀槽

  platinic acid 铂酸

  platinic bromide 四溴化铂

  platinic chloride 氯化铂

  platinic oxide 氧化铂

  platinic sulfide 二硫化铂

  platiniferous sand 铂砂

  Platiniridium 铂铱合金

  Platinite 普拉提奈特玻璃焊封合金

  platinium-rhodium alloy 铂铑合金

  platinized asbestos 铂石棉

  platinized carbon electrode 镀铂碳电极

  platinized silica gel 载铂硅胶

  Platino 普拉提诺金铂合金

  Platinoid solder 普拉提诺依德镍铜锌焊料

  Platinoid 普拉提诺依德铜锌镍电阻合金

  Platinor 普拉提诺尔铂金合金

  platinotron 磁控放大管

  platinous bromide 溴化亚铂

  platinous chloride 氯化亚铂

  platinum alloy 铂合金

  platinum analyzer 铂含量分析仪

  platinum asbestos 铂石棉

  platinum base alloy 铂基合金

  platinum black 铂黑

  platinum bronze 铂青铜

  platinum catalyst 铂催化剂

  platinum chain 白金链

  platinum chloride 氯化铂

  platinum crucible 铂坩埚

  platinum dichloride 二氯化铂

  platinum electrode 铂电极

  platinum foil 铂箔

  platinum paper 铂盐相纸

  platinum powder 铂粉

  platinum resistance temperature needle 铂电阻测温探针

  platinum resistance thermometer 铂电阻温度计

  platinum resistor 铂电阻

  platinum ring 白金戒指

  platinum sheet 铂片

  platinum sponge 铂海棉

  platinum steel 白金钢

  platinum sulfide 硫化铂

  platinum thermometer 铂丝温度计

  platinum wire electrode 铂丝电极

  platinum wire liquid level sensor 铂丝液位传感器

  platinum wire thermometer 铂丝温度计

  platinum wire 铂丝

  platinum 铂

  platinum-iridio 铂铱合金

  platinum-rhodium wire 铂-铑丝

  platinum-silver 铂银合金

  platinum-wound tube furnace 白金丝管式炉

  Platnam 普拉特纳姆耐蚀阀座合金

  platometer 测面仪

  platove 普拉托夫丝毛呢

  platter 大浅盘

  platycodon grandiflorum 桔梗

  Plaubelmakina 普鲁贝尔牌照相机

  plauenite 钾正长石

  plaunotol 普劳诺托

  plauracin 普劳拉星

  play balloon 玩具气球

  play set 针织童装

  play wear 运动装

  playback amplifier 放音放大器

  playback head 放音磁头

  Playboy 花花公子牌眼镜架

  playing card paper 扑克牌纸

  playing card 扑克

  playphone 玩具电话

  pleasure boat 游船

  pleasure steamer 游览船

  pleasure yacht 游艇

  pleated bosom frock 褶裥外长衣

  pleated dress 褶裥连衫裙

  pleated gown 褶裥长衫

  pleated plaid skirt 长方格百褶裙

  pleated skirt 百褶裙

  pleated-gore skirt 拚片褶裥裙

  pleater tape 百褶带

  pleating machine 打褶机

  pleating paper 皱纸

  plecton tablet 利胆通片

  plectrum 乐器拨弦片

  plenum fan 送气风扇

  pleonaste 镁铁尖晶石

  plethysmograph 体积描记器

  pleuche 金丝绒

  plexi-glass 有机玻璃

  plexicoder 错综编码器

  plexiglass base plate 有机玻璃底板

  plexiglass lens 有机玻璃透镜

  pleximeter 叩诊板

  plexor 叩诊槌

  plicose 普利科斯防雨绸

  Plictran 三环锡

  plied yarn duck 线帆布

  pliers for radio mechanics and electricians 花色钳

  pliers 钳

  plimsoll duck 鞋用帆布

  plimsolls 橡胶底帆布鞋

  pliofilm 橡胶盐酸盐透明薄膜

  pliotron 空气过滤器

  plissé crepe 泡泡纱

  plissé satin 人丝绉缎

  plissé skirt 细裥裙

  plodder 压条机

  Plondrel 灭菌磷

  plot pen 描图笔

  plot table 测绘板

  plotomat 自动绘图机

  plotter 绘图机

  plotting board 绘图板

  plotting paper 绘图纸

  plotting scale 比例尺

  plough and charge combine 刨煤装煤联合机

  plough blade mixer 犁片混合器

  plough bolt 防松螺栓

  plough coulter 犁刀

  plough share 犁铧

  plough steel 犁钢

  plough 犁

  ploughing boat 机耕船

  ploughing machine 犁田机

  plow colter 犁刀

  plow-tractor 拖拉机犁车

  plucked badger skin plate 獾绒皮褥子

  plucked goat skin plate 山羊绒皮褥子

  plucked hare skin plate 草兔绒皮褥子

  plucked instrument 弦拨乐器

  plucked milk goat skin plate 奶山羊绒皮褥子

  plucked pahmi skin plate 猸绒皮褥子

  plucked pahmi skin 猸子绒皮

  plucked raccoon neck plate 貉绒脖褥子

  plucked raccoon skin plate 貉绒皮褥子

  plucked yak skin plate 牦牛绒皮褥子

  plug adapter 插塞

  plug bush 插套

  plug cap 插头

  plug cock 旋塞

  plug compatible memory 插接兼容存储器

  plug connector 插塞式连接器

  plug cord 塞绳

  plug expander 斜轧扩径机

  plug fuse 插入式熔断器

  plug gauge 圆柱塞规

  plug hand tap 手用丝锥

  plug hat 男式帽

  plug mill 芯棒轧管机

  plug pin 插销

  plug pipe tap 塞状管丝维

  plug pump 旋塞泵

  plug reamer 塞形铰刀

  plug rod 塞杆

  plug sleeve 塞套

  plug switch 插塞开关

  plug tap 中丝锥

  plug thread gauge 螺纹塞规

  plug tobacco 口嚼烟叶

  plug type fuse 插入式熔丝

  plug type resistor 插塞式电阻器

  plug valve 塞阀

  plug 插头

  plug-and-jack type connector 插头-插孔式连接器

  plug-connected attenuator 插接式衰减器

  plug-in amplifier 插入式放大器

  plug-in bobbin 插入式线圈管

  plug-in cord 插入式塞绳

  plug-in coupling transformer 插入式耦合变压器

  plug-in inductor 插入式感应线圈

  plug-in mixed duplexer 插入式混合天线收发转换开关

  plug-in relay 插入式继电器

  plug-in strip 刀形开关

  plug-in transformer 插入式变压器

  plug-selector 塞绳式交换机

  plug-type area meter 插塞式面积流量计

  plug-type pyenometer 塞型比重计

  plugboard 插板

  plugged program computer 插入程序计算机

  plugger 填塞器

  plugging chisel 刀形凿

  plugging machine 塞瓶机

  plugging relay 防逆转继电器

  pluie 闪光呢

  plum blossom 梅花

  plum flavoured preserved kumquat 梅味桔

  plum halve in syrup 蜜李瓣

  plum in brine 咸水李子

  plum in light syrup 淡糖水李子

  plum in syrup 糖水李子

  plum jam 李子酱

  plum juice 李子汁

  plum needle 梅花针

  plum products 李制品

  plum tea 乌梅茶

  plum wine 色李酒

  plum 李子

  plumb line 铅锤线

  plumb rule 垂规

  plumb 铅锤

  plumb-bob 测锤

  plumbago crucible 石墨坩锅

  plumber's knife 管子工刀

  plumber's scraper 三角刮刀

  plumber's solder 铅锡焊料

  plumber's ticking 人字斜纹被褥布

  plumbic acid 高铅酸

  plumbic glaze 铅釉

  plumbic oxide 氧化铅

  plumbicon 氧化铅光导摄像管

  plumbiferous glaze 铅釉

  plumbing combination pliers 水管钳

  plumbing tool 水管工具

  plumbite 亚铅酸盐

  plumbo-plumbic oxide 四氧化三铅

  plumbous oxide 一氧化铅

  plumbum analyzer 铅含量分析仪

  plume velvet 缎条丝绒

  plume 羽毛

  plumetis 小花薄洋纱

  plumety 透明印花亚麻纱

  plummer block 轴台

  plummet 测锤

  plumose fibre 籽壳纤维

  plungecut semi-automatic cylindrical grinder 切入半自动外圆磨床

  plungecut semi-automatic endface cylindrical grinder 切入半自动端面外圆磨床

  plungecut semi-automatic high-speed cylindrical grinder 切入半自动高速外圆磨床

  plunger armature 活塞衔铁

  plunger chip 冲头

  plunger oil pump 柱塞式油泵

  plunger overcurrent relay 插棒式过电流继电器

  plunger press 柱塞式压力机

  plunger pump 柱塞泵

  plunger relay 插棒式继电器

  plunger rod 柱塞杆

  plunger sleeve 柱塞套

  plunger spring 柱塞弹簧

  plunger stop valve 柱塞式截止阀

  plunger tappet assembly 柱塞挺杆总成

  plunger type brake 插棒式制动器

  plunger type briquetting machine 柱塞式团矿机

  plunger type cell 插棒式电池

  plunger type extruder 活塞式挤出机

  plunger type knapsack sprayer 背负式活塞喷雾器

  plunger type line switch 插棒式寻线机

  plunger type overcurrent relay 活塞式过电流继电器

  plunger type overvoltage relay 活塞式过电压继电器

  plunger type pickling machine 柱塞式酸洗机

  plunger type relay 柱塞式继电器

  plunger type undervoltage relay 活塞式欠电压继电器

  plunger 柱塞

  plural-box shuttle-changing loom 多梭箱自动换梭织机

  Pluronic polyols 复合多元醇

  Plus de riz 敌稗

  plus screw 十字槽头螺丁

  plus-fours 短灯笼裤

  plush animal with electronic sound mechanism 带电子声响装置的长毛绒动物

  plush astrakhan 仿羔皮长毛绒

  plush bed cover 长毛绒床罩

  plush carpet 剪绒地毯

  plush loom 长毛绒织机

  plush shearing machine 长毛绒剪切机

  plush topcoat 长毛绒大衣

  plush toy doll 长毛绒玩具娃娃

  plush toy 长毛绒玩具

  plush trousers 丝绒裤

  plush velour 密绒长毛绒

  plush velveteen 长毛棉绒

  plush yarn 毛绒纱

  plush 长毛绒

  plushes 长毛绒裤

  plusminus screw 调整螺丝

  pluto 放射性检查计

  Pluton 普卢通耐高温纤维或织物

  plutonium-in-air filter paper monitor 滤纸法空气含钚量监测仪

  pluviograph 自记雨量计

  pluviometer 雨量计

  pluvioscope 雨量器

  ply glass 套料乳白玻璃

  ply yarn 合股纱线

  plying machine 合股机

  Plymouth 顺风牌汽车

  plywood cement sheet 水泥夹板

  plywood complete equipment 胶合板成套设备

  plywood door 胶合板门

  plywood equipment 胶合板设备

  plywood mill equipment 胶合板厂设备

  plywood 胶合板

  PMS 波母司牌手表

  PN bronze PN铸造青铜

  pneumatic bucket 气动抓斗

  pneumatic amplifier 气动放大器

  pneumatic and hydraulic pressure regulator 气动及水压压力调节器

  pneumatic and hydraulic temperature regulator 气动及水压温度调节器

  pneumatic atomizer 气动喷雾器

  pneumatic ball valve 气动球阀

  pneumatic ballast distributing wagon 风动分碴车

  pneumatic ballast hopper wagon 风动卸碴车

  pneumatic ballast machine 风动卸碴机

  pneumatic ballast vehicle 风动卸碴车

  pneumatic bench sand rammer 气动台式砂箱捣实机

  pneumatic bit grinder 风动磨钎机

  pneumatic brake 气压制动器

  pneumatic bumper 气压减震器

  pneumatic bundling machine 气动捆扎机

  pneumatic cactus grab 风动多爪抓岩机

  pneumatic caisson 气压沉箱

  pneumatic caulker 风动密缝凿

  pneumatic cellular fibre 含气空胞纤维

  pneumatic chipper 气錾

  pneumatic chipping hammer 风铲

  pneumatic chisel 气凿

  pneumatic chuck 气动卡盘

  pneumatic circular saw 风动圆片锯

  pneumatic clutch 气动离合器

  pneumatic collar cutting and turning machine 气动切翻领机

  pneumatic collar pressing machine 气动压领机

  pneumatic computer 气动计算机

  pneumatic concrete breaker 气动混凝土破碎机

  pneumatic concrete placer 气动混凝土浇灌机

  pneumatic control valve 气动控制阀

  pneumatic controller 气动控制器

  pneumatic conveyer 气动输送机

  pneumatic conveyor dryer 气流输送干燥器

  pneumatic cotton picker 气吸式摘棉机

  pneumatic cushion 气垫

  pneumatic cut-off winder 气压自停卷布机

  pneumatic cutter 风动剪

  pneumatic cylinder 气压缸

  pneumatic deduster 风动收尘器

  pneumatic detector 气体检测器

  pneumatic diaphragm control valve 气动薄膜控制阀

  pneumatic diaphragm pump 气动隔膜泵

  pneumatic differential pressure transducer 气动压差变送器

  pneumatic digger 风铲

  pneumatic distributor 气压输送分配器

  pneumatic drill sharpener 锻钎机

  pneumatic drill support 凿岩机气腿

  pneumatic drill 风钻

  pneumatic dryer 风力干燥机

  pneumatic electromagnetic starter 气动电磁启动器

  pneumatic electromagnetic valve 气动电磁阀

  pneumatic elevator 风动提升机

  pneumatic engraving pen 气动刻字笔

  pneumatic excavator 气动掘凿机

  pneumatic feeder 风力给料机

  pneumatic feeding drill 气动给进钻机

  pneumatic fertilizer distributor 气动式撒肥机

  pneumatic finisher 气动修整器

  pneumatic fire engine 气动灭火机

  pneumatic flour mill 气动磨粉机

  pneumatic forging hammer 压缩气锤

  pneumatic grab 风动抓岩机

  pneumatic grass cutter 风动割草机

  pneumatic grinder 风动砂轮机

  pneumatic grinding machine 风动研磨机

  pneumatic gun 气枪

  pneumatic hammer 空气锤

  pneumatic hand rivet 气动铆抢

  pneumatic heart-lung resuscitator 气动心肺复苏器

  pneumatic high speed grinding bead 气动高速磨头

  pneumatic high-speed seed metering device for precision planting 气动高速精密排种器

  pneumatic impact wrench 气动扳手

  pneumatic indicating controller 气动指示调节器

  pneumatic insole tacking machine 气动式钉鞋内底机

  pneumatic jack 气压千斤顶

  pneumatic last removing machine 气动脱楦机

  pneumatic lift 气动升降机

  pneumatic lifting chair 气动升降椅

  pneumatic liquid level regulator 气动液面调整器

  pneumatic loom 喷气织机

  pneumatic mariograph 气动水位记录仪

  pneumatic measuring instrument 气动测量仪

  pneumatic multi-jet weaving machine 多喷嘴喷气织机

  pneumatic nailing machine 气压式打钉机

  pneumatic needle descaling gun 气动针式除鳞枪

  pneumatic paving breaker 风动式路面破碎机

  pneumatic pawl-type feeder 气动棘爪式送料装置

  pneumatic perforator 气动凿孔机

  pneumatic pick 风镐

  pneumatic pipe lift 气动举管器

  pneumatic piston positioner 气动活塞定位器

  pneumatic pleating machine 气动打摺机

  pneumatic poker 风动搅料杆

  pneumatic polishing lathe 气动抛光机床

  pneumatic press for heel 气动鞋跟模压机

  pneumatic press 气动压力机

  pneumatic pressure reducer 气动减压器

  pneumatic pressure regulator 气动压力调节器

  pneumatic pressure stabilizer 气动稳压器

  pneumatic pressure transmitter 气动压力变送器

  pneumatic printed circuit board 气动印刷线路板

  pneumatic program set station 气动程序给定器

  pneumatic pump 气压泵

  pneumatic pumping unit 气动抽吸机

  pneumatic punch 气动打孔机

  pneumatic ratio controller 气动比率控制器

  pneumatic reclaimer 气动再生机

  pneumatic relay 气动继电器

  pneumatic reversible drill 双向风钻

  pneumatic ribbon type receiver indicator 气动色带式接收机指示器

  pneumatic rifle 气枪

  pneumatic riveter 气动铆钉枪

  pneumatic riveting hammer 气压铆钉锤

  pneumatic riveting machine 气动铆钉机

  pneumatic rock drill 风动凿岩机

  pneumatic sand rammer 气动砂捣碎机

  pneumatic scarifier 气动翻路机

  pneumatic screw driver 气动螺丝起子

  pneumatic screw press 气动螺旋压机

  pneumatic scrubber 气动洗涤机

  pneumatic separator 风力分选机

  pneumatic sequential heel nailing machine 气动钉跟机

  pneumatic shock absorber 气力减震器

  pneumatic shockless jolt-squeeze moulding machine 气动无冲击震实造型机

  pneumatic shoe padding machine 气动鞋垫机

  pneumatic shot blasting machine 气动喷丸清理机

  pneumatic shovel 风铲

  pneumatic sole stamping machine 气动鞋底打印机

  pneumatic spade 风镐

  pneumatic splint 充气夹板

  pneumatic square root extractor 气动开平方器

  pneumatic starting valve 压缩空气起动阀

  pneumatic stirrer 风动搅拌器

  pneumatic supporter assembly 气腿总成

  pneumatic supporter rubber cup 气腿胶碗

  pneumatic tamper 风动捣固机

  pneumatic temperature regulator 气动温度调节器

  pneumatic temperature transmitter 气动温度变送器

  pneumatic thickener 气动增稠器

  pneumatic tipping mine-car 气动翻矿车

  pneumatic tire 充气轮胎

  pneumatic tongs 气动钳

  pneumatic tool 风动工具

  pneumatic tractor 气动牵引车

  pneumatic transmitter 气动变送器

  pneumatic trough 集气槽

  pneumatic tube 气压输送管

  pneumatic turbine dental drill 气动涡轮牙钻

  pneumatic tyre expander 气压张胎器

  pneumatic tyre 充气轮胎

  pneumatic tyred roller 气胎压路机

  pneumatic tyred tractor 气胎拖拉机

  pneumatic unit combination instrument 气动单元组合仪表

  pneumatic unloader 气吸机

  pneumatic valve positioner 气动阀位控制器

  pneumatic valve 气动阀

  pneumatic vibrator 气动振动器

  pneumatic vibratory knockout 气动落砂器

  pneumatic watchcase lathe 气动表壳车床

  pneumatic wrench 气动扳手

  pneumatic-driven pavement breaker 风动式路面破碎机

  pneumatic-rapier machine 喷气剑杆织机

  pneumatic-to-current converter 气-电转换器

  pneumatically-operated switch 气动开关

  pneumatically-released pilot valve 气动操纵导阀

  pneumatometer 肺活量计

  pneumavalve 气动阀

  pneumeractor 测量石油产品量的记录仪

  pneumo-oxygenator 持续输氧器

  pneumograph 呼吸描记器

  pneumohydraulic automatic guiding servo system 自动导向气液伺服装置

  pneumometer 呼吸量测定器

  pneumoscope 呼吸描记器

  pneumotach unit 呼吸速度描记器

  pneumotachometer 呼吸速度描记器

  pneumothorax puncture outfit 胸腔穿刺器

  pneumotometer 肺压计

  pneupress tank 气压柜

  Po-san 混芴酯

  Pobeda 胜利牌手表

  pochonne double cloth 波琼提花丝毛呢

  pochote fibre 波乔特纤维

  pocket AC clip-on voltammeter 袖珍钳型交流电压表

  pocket ammeter 袖珍式安培计

  pocket borer 轻便小型钻机

  pocket calculator 袖珍计算器

  pocket chess 袖珍象棋

  pocket chronometer 精密计时怀表

  pocket clip-on meter 袖珍钳型电表

  pocket compass 袖珍罗盘

  pocket computer 袖珍计数机

  pocket conveyor 袋式输送器

  pocket digital luxmeter 袖珍数字式照度计

  pocket divider with sheath 带套袖珍两脚规

  pocket drill 轻便小型钻机

  pocket earth drill 轻便土钻

  pocket electronic computer 袖珍电子计算机

  pocket electronic translator 袖珍式电子翻译机

  pocket elevator 斗式提升机

  pocket feeder 星形给料器

  pocket filling and sealing packager 袋充填封口包装机

  pocket first-aid pump for fluid infusion and blood transfusion 袖珍急救输液输血泵

  pocket handkerchief of paper 纸制小手帕

  pocket hard disk drive 袖珍硬盘驱动器

  pocket insulation tester 袖珍绝缘试验器

  pocket ironing machine 烫口袋机

  pocket knife 小折刀

  pocket magnetometer 袖珍式磁力仪

  pocket magnifier 袖珍放大镜

  pocket medical refractiometer 袖珍医用折射计

  pocket meter 袖珍测试计

  pocket mirror with plastic decoration 塑料装饰小镜子

  pocket mirror 小镜

  pocket modem 袖珍式调制解调器

  pocket multimeter 袖珍万用电表

  pocket pager 袖珍式寻呼机

  pocket polarimeter 袖珍偏振计

  pocket radio set 袖珍收音机

  pocket radio 袖珍收音机

  pocket radiometer 袖珍辐射仪

  pocket receiver 袖珍接收机

  pocket recorder 袖珍录音机

  pocket ruler 折尺

  pocket scissors 小折剪

  pocket slide rule 袖珍滑尺

  pocket telephone 便携式电话机

  pocket tester 袖珍测试器

  pocket therapeutic apparatus 袖珍治疗仪

  pocket transit 袖珍经纬仪

  pocket TV set 袖珍电视机

  pocket type air sampling instrument 袖珍空气取样仪

  pocket viewer 袖珍观察器

  pocket voltmeter 袖珍伏特计

  pocket warmer 袖珍暖炉

  pocket welting machine 袋口踏边机

  pocket-sized apparatus for treating cervical vertebra related illnesse 袖珍式颈椎相关病治疗仪

  pocket-sized color television set 袖珍式彩色电视机

  pocket-sized radiation dosimeter 袖珍式辐射剂量仪

  pocket-sized seismograph 袖珍式地震仪

  pocket-sized tube cutter 袖珍式细管割刀

  pocketing 袋布

  pocketscope 轻便示波器

  pod of Chinese scholartree 槐角

  Podocarpus macrophyllus 罗汉松

  podometer 步数器

  Pohung 普亨牌手表

  poid meter 重量计

  point counter tube 点端式计数管

  point counter 点端式计数器

  point electrode 点焊焊条

  point focusing monochromator 点聚焦单色器

  point lace 针绣花边

  point micrometer 点测头千分尺

  point net 机制针绣花边

  point pickaxe 尖扁镐

  point plat 针绣扁平花纹花边

  point plotter 点绘图仪

  point projection microscope 点投影显微镜

  point relay 点继电器

  point steel hammer 尖钢锤

  point-contact diode 点接触型二极管

  point-contact photocell 点接触型光电管

  point-contact rectifier 点接触型整流器

  point-contact triode 点接触型晶体三极管

  point-contact varactor 点接触型变容二极管

  point-diffraction interferometer 点衍射干涉仪

  point-to-point radio equipment 点对点无线电设备

  pointed drill 尖钻

  pointed end tie 尖头领带

  pointed file 尖锉

  pointed hammer 尖头锤

  pointed knife 尖刀

  pointed shoes 尖头鞋

  pointed shovel 尖头铲

  pointer and reflecting galvanometer 指针及反射式检流计

  pointer counter 指针式计数器

  pointer counterbalance 指针平衡锤

  pointer frequency meter 指针式频率计

  pointer galvanometerr 指针式检流计

  pointer gauge 指针表

  pointer instrument 指针式仪表

  pointer register 指针式计量器

  pointer type indicator 指针式指示器

  pointer 指针

  pointing machine 锻尖机

  pointing trowel 勾缝刀

  pointpenetration static-electro therapy apparatus 透穴静电治疗机

  Poiret twill 普瓦勒特轧别丁

  poison 毒剂

  poker vibrator 插入式振捣器

  poker 火钳

  pokrovatz carpet 博克罗伐兹地毯

  polar coordinate recorder 极坐标记录仪

  polar coordinate type potentiometer 极坐标式电位差计

  Polar dye 普拉染料

  polar indicator 极性指示器

  polar planimeter 定极面积仪

  polar relay 极化继电器

  polar satellite launch vehicle 极性卫星运载火箭

  polar stick relay 极性保持继电器

  polar telescope 天极仪

  polar-biased relay 偏极继电器

  polar-light microscope 极光显微镜

  polarimeter 极化计

  polarimetric sensor 偏振式传感器

  polarimetric stress sensor 偏振型应力传感器

  polarin 波拉林马海毛鬈绒呢

  polariscope 偏光镜

  polarising beam splitter 偏振光分束器

  polarity coincidence correlator 极性重合相关器

  polarity directional relay 极化方向继电器

  polarity finder 极性测定器

  polarity indicator 极性指示器

  polarity inverting amplifier 极性反转放大器

  polarity relay 极性继电器

  polarity splitter 极性分离器

  polarity switch 极性开关

  polarity-reversing switch 极性转换开关

  polarization adjuster 偏振调节器

  polarization analyzer 检偏振镜

  polarization beam splitter 偏振射束分裂器

  polarization changer 极化变换器

  polarization colorimeter 偏光比色计

  polarization compensator 极化补偿器

  polarization coupler 偏振耦合器

  polarization junction laser 偏振结型激光器

  polarization maintaining optical fibre 保偏光纤

  polarization microscope 偏光显微镜

  polarization modulator 偏振调制器

  polarization photometer 偏振光度计

  polarization rotator 偏振旋转器

  polarization sensor 偏振传感器

  polarization separator 极化分离器

  polarization spectrofluorimeter 偏振分光荧光计

  polarization splitter fiber coupler 偏振分束光纤耦合器

  polarization splitting directional coupler 偏振分路定向耦合器

  polarization switch 极化开关

  polarization tube 偏振管

  polarization-diversity optical receiver 偏振分集光接收机

  polarization-holding single-mode optical fiber 偏保单模光纤

  polarization-independent acoustically-tunable optical filter 无偏振依赖性声调滤光器

  polarization-maintaining coupler 保偏耦合器

  polarization-maintaining fiber coupler 保偏光纤耦合器

  polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber 保偏单模光纤

  polarization-optical time domain reflectometry 偏振光时域反射计

  polarization-preserving coupler 保偏耦合器

  polarization-preserving fiber 保偏光纤

  polarization-preserving single mode fiber 保偏单模光纤

  polarization-preserving single-mode coupler 保偏单模耦合器

  polarized ammeter 极化安培计

  polarized disk 偏振镜

  polarized electrolytic capacitor 极化电解电容器

  polarized light microscope 偏光显微镜

  polarized magnetic amplifier 极化磁放大器

  polarized plug 极化插头

  polarized reed switch 极化簧片开关

  polarized relay 极化继电器

  polarized sounder 极化音响机

  polarized telephone bell 偏极电话铃

  polarized type receptacle 极化插座

  polarizer 偏光镜

  polarizing coupler 偏振耦合器

  polarizing filter 极化滤波器

  polarizing fluorometer 偏振荧光计

  polarizing interferometer 偏振干涉仪

  polarizing light microscope 偏光显微镜

  polarizing microscope 偏光显微镜

  polarizing monochromator 偏振单色镜

  polarizing prism 偏振棱镜

  polarizing radiometer 偏振辐射计

  polarizing spectrophotometer 偏振分光光度计

  polarizing winding 极化绕组

  polarizing-filter analyzer 偏振滤光分析器

  polarograph paper 极谱记录纸

  polarograph 极谱仪

  polarographic analyzer 极谱分析仪

  polarographic cell 极谱电池

  polaroid analyzer 偏振片式分析器

  Polaroid camera 波拉罗伊德照相机

  polaroid filter 偏振滤光镜

  Polaroid 宝丽来一次成像相机

  polaroscope 偏振光镜

  poldine metilsulfate 泊尔定甲硫酸盐

  pole brace 电杆

  pole carrier 杆式货物挂车

  pole change motor 换极电动机

  pole change type AC generator 换极式交流发电机

  pole changer 换极器

  pole changing motor 变极电动机

  pole changing switch 换极开关

  pole climber 脚扣

  pole core 磁极铁心

  pole derrick 起重扒杆

  pole drill 浅孔冲击钻

  pole erecting truck 立杆工程车

  pole finder 极性测定器

  pole indicator 极性指示器

  pole paper 极谱纸

  pole plate 极板

  pole prunning saw 长杆修树枝锯

  pole shoe spreader 极靴撑

  pole shoes 极靴

  pole trailer 长货挂车

  pole transformer 杆式变压器

  pole type switch 杆式开关

  pole type transformer 杆式变压器

  pole-changing multi-speed 3-phase asynchronous motor 变极多速三相异步电动机

  pole-changing relay 换极继电器

  pole-control focus lamp 杆控聚光灯

  pole-reverser 换向器

  pole-vault stand 撑杆跳高架

  polemite 波勒迈特羽纱

  polemoscope 望远镜

  Poliafil 波莱菲尔尼龙长丝及鬃丝

  police car 警车

  police van 警车

  policeman uniform 警服

  polidocanol 聚多卡醇

  polihexanide 聚己双胍

  poliomyelitis vaccine 脊髓灰质炎疫苗

  Polish carpet rug 波兰地毯

  polish 抛光剂

  polished aluminum surface reflector 抛光铝面反射器

  polished bolt 抛光螺栓

  polished broach 抛光拉刀

  polished bulged cooking pot 抛光柿形锅

  polished chrominum surface reflector 抛光铬面反射器

  polished clamp 抛光夹

  polished cloth 抛光布

  polished glass 抛光玻璃

  polished kettle 抛光水壶

  polished plate glass 抛光板玻璃

  polished pressure cooker 抛光压力锅

  polished straight cooking pot 抛光直身锅

  polished wired glass 抛光夹丝玻璃

  polished yarn 抛光纱线

  polisher with microprocessor 微机抛光机

  polisher 抛光机

  polishing agent for mono-crystalline silicon 单晶硅抛光剂

  polishing agent 抛光剂

  polishing and burnishing machine 抛磨机

  polishing calender 抛光轧光机

  polishing chip 抛磨块

  polishing compound 抛光剂

  polishing cream 擦亮乳膏

  polishing disk 抛光盘

  polishing felt 抛光毡

  polishing filter 增泽过滤器

  polishing gloves 抛光手套

  polishing iron 铁磨光器

  polishing lathe 抛光车床

  polishing machine 抛光机

  polishing oil 擦光油

  polishing paper 抛光纸

  polishing paste 抛光膏

  polishing powder 抛光粉

  polishing preparation 抛光制剂

  polishing roll 抛光辊

  polishing rouge 擦亮铁丹

  polishing solution 抛光液

  polishing stone 磨光石

  polishing varnish 打光清漆

  polishing wax 打光蜡

  polishing wheel 抛光轮

  polishing woolen felt 研磨毛毡

  Polital 波利塔尔聚乙烯纤维

  politef 聚四氟乙烯

  Politen-Omni 波利滕-奥姆尼聚乙烯纤维

  polka dot dress 圆点花纹服

  polka dot frock 圆点花纹长外衣

  polka gauze 织绣点子纱罗

  polka jacket 紧身短茄克

  polka 紧身短茄克

  pollen beauty soap 花粉香皂

  pollen cream 花粉膏

  pollen jelly 花粉浆

  pollen liquid cream 花粉霜

  pollen pini 松花粉

  pollen 花粉

  pollinator 受花粉器

  Pollock cotton 波洛克棉

  pollution analyzer 污染分析仪

  pollution monitor 污染监控仪

  polo ball 马球

  polo cap 马球帽

  Polo cloth 马球牌双面厚绒呢

  polo coat 马球外套

  polo pyjamas 合为一套的睡衣

  polo shirt 开领短袖衬衫

  polo 马球

  Polo 坡洛牌汽车

  Polon 波纶聚丙烯短纤维

  polonaise lining 交织里子绸

  polonaise 连衫花式裙

  Polonez 波罗乃兹牌汽车

  polonium 钋

  poloxalene 泊洛沙林

  poloxamer 泊洛沙姆

  Polski-Fiat 波兰-菲亚特牌汽车

  Poltal 波尔塔尔复杂铝合金

  poly alkylene glycol 聚亚烷基二醇

  poly cycle engine 多冲程发动机

  poly divinyl acetylene 聚二乙烯乙炔

  poly high frequency therapy unit 多用高频治疗机

  poly IC 聚肌胞

  Poly Macrame 波利马克拉姆聚丙烯和聚乙烯薄膜纤维

  poly-aminoester elastic fiber 聚酰胺酯弹性纤维

  poly-aminoester foamed plastics 聚酰胺酯泡沫塑料

  poly-aminoester rubber 聚酰胺酯橡胶

  Poly-back 烯烃纤维

  poly-bis-benzimidazo-benzophenan-throlinedione fibre 聚双-苯并咪唑-苯并菲绕啉二酮纤维

  poly-change speed motor 多速电动机

  poly-channel amplifier 多路放大器

  poly-disc tiller 多圆盘犁

  poly-lithium silicate 聚硅酸锂

  poly-m-benzamide fibre 聚间苯甲酰胺纤维

  poly-p-benzamide fibre 聚对苯甲酰胺纤维

  poly-wire tyre 合成纤维钢丝轮胎

  polyacetal 聚甲醛

  polyacetaldehyde 聚乙醛

  polyacetylenic ester 聚乙炔酯

  polyacetylvinylamine 聚乙酰氨基乙烯

  polyacid 缩多酸

  polyacrylamide clear agent 澄清剂

  polyacrylamide resin 聚丙烯酰胺树脂

  polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺

  polyacrylate rubber 聚丙烯酸酯橡胶

  polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸酯

  polyacrylic acid resin 聚丙烯酸树脂

  polyacrylic acid 聚丙烯酸

  polyacrylic ester 聚丙烯酸酯

  polyacrylic fibre 聚丙烯酸纤维

  polyacrylic plastics 聚丙烯酸类塑料

  polyacrylic resin 聚丙烯酸树脂

  polyacrylonitrile fibre 聚丙烯腈纤维

  polyacrylonitrile staple fibre spun yarn 腈纶纱

  polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯腈

  polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibre 聚丙烯腈基碳纤维

  polyacryloxalamidrazone fibre 聚草酰双脒腙纤维

  polyaldehyde 聚醛

  polyalkane 聚链烷

  polyalkene anti-fouling paint 聚烯烃防污漆

  polyalkylbenzene 多烷基苯

  polyallylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸烯丙酯

  polyaluminium chloride 聚氯化铝

  polyamide bolting cloth 聚酰胺筛网

  polyamide fabric 聚酰胺布

  polyamide fibre socks 锦纶丝袜

  polyamide fibre 聚酰胺纤维

  polyamide filament sewing thread 锦纶缝纫线

  polyamide monofilament hosiery 锦纶单丝袜

  polyamide monofilament 聚酰胺单丝

  polyamide multifilament hosiery 锦纶复丝袜

  polyamide multifilament 锦纶复丝

  polyamide plastics 聚酰胺塑料

  polyamide resin 聚酰胺树脂

  polyamide silk stockings 聚酰胺长丝袜

  polyamide staple fibre spun yarn 锦纶纱

  polyamide transparent sewing thread 锦纶透明缝纫线

  polyamide tufted carpet 聚酰胺绒头地毯

  polyamide yarn 聚酰胺纤维纱

  polyamide 聚酰胺

  polyamide-coated glass fibre 聚酰胺涂层的玻璃纤维

  polyamide-imide fibre 聚酰胺亚胺纤维

  polyamide-imide resin 聚酰胺酰亚胺树脂

  polyamide-imide 聚酰胺-酰亚胺

  polyamidoester fibre 聚酰胺酯纤维

  polyamine fibre 聚胺纤维

  polyamine methylene resin 聚氨甲烯树脂

  polyamine 聚胺

  polyaminostyrene 聚氨苯乙烯

  polyaralkyl-phenolic molding compound 聚酚醚模压塑料

  Polyart 高密度聚乙烯合成纸

  polyaryl sulfone 聚芳基砜

  polyase 聚合酶

  polyatomic acid 多元酸

  polyatomic alcohol 多元醇

  polyatomic phenol 多元酚

  polyatron 多阳极计数放电管

  polyazanaphthlene 多氮杂萘

  polyazine fibre 聚吖嗪纤维

  polyazomethine fibre 聚甲亚胺纤维

  polybasic acid 多元酸

  polybasic alcohol 多元醇

  polybasic carboxylic acid 多元羧酸

  polybasic ester 多元酸的酯

  polybenzarsol 聚苯胂酸

  polybenzimidazole fibre 聚苯并咪唑纤维

  polybenzimidazoleamide fibre 聚苯并咪唑酰胺纤维[/td][/tr]




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