





Are you an easily satisfied man? 你是个知足常乐的人吗?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-28 11:48| 查看数: 2390| 评论数: 5|

在现实生活中,也的确有不少人经常用“随遇而安”和 “知足常乐”作为自己与世无争的座右铭,希望自己安安稳稳,希望他人不要前来打扰,平平宁宁地走完一生。问问他们为什么这样,得到的回答是:“何必呢?不争,也不错,生活得蛮不错。”

In real life, there are many people whose moderate motto is “feel at ease at any circumstance” and “enough is as good as a feast.” with a wish that they will lead a quiet life and go through the whole life peacefully without any disturbance. When being asked why, they will answer “What is that for?Everything is fine without any struggle.”


What is your answer? Are you an easily satisfied man?


katy 发表于 2010-3-28 11:49:30
first, I do not thinkmost of people are easily satisfied with what they have during nowadays . most of us are struggleing for their life ,their dream ,they have never drop any chance to promote in company


certainly ,I'm not an person easily satisfied with whatI have at present .


the beginning when I step into the society ,my target is to find a job first ,no matter what kind of it is ,high salary or low salary ,teacher or some other sales-man ,I do not care anymore ,afterall I do not have any experience at any world .eventhough ,I low my standard to find my first job ,it's still a hard process .but I accept it no matter how hard it is !because I can take all of this ,what all I do today are for tomorrow !


I keep the motto in mind : you will gain what you grow .and the rainbow are always after heavy rain !我时刻记着格言:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;以及彩虹总在风雨后!
anran11 发表于 2010-3-28 12:11:03
I'm not an person easilysatisfiedwith whatIhaveatpresent! Ithinkapersonwill have chase,if not ,the life is notmeaning!
yuanlinlin310 发表于 2010-3-28 18:51:55
hapiness is the most important ,but i am not a meeting girl

everything we want ,we should to cater it and do our best of it
梦儿 发表于 2010-3-29 10:37:45
Our goal should be to work hard for the Society of contentment, we must always joy is one of our goals,
小猫女子 发表于 2011-5-12 17:08:34
Absoultly,i am not!
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