





What do you fear most in the still of night?夜深人静时你最怕什么?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-4-1 08:42| 查看数: 5108| 评论数: 12|


Deep in to the night, you have to face darkness, face yourself, and your inner heart, far away from fury, and crowd. Will night bring you loneliness, silence and fear besides calm? What will you do, recollect the past, evaluate yourself or divert your attention? Or will you wait for the shining of first twilight? Share your feeling in the still of night?


katy 发表于 2010-4-1 08:45:37
Well, in deed, contrary to it, I prefer to stay alone in the still of night, because, we working in noise city on the daytime. So, the noise is enough for us, after tried and noise time, we need more quiet. The serenity can enable us feel comfortable, because he never disturb us when whatever you doing in the night. Actually, the night is our one best of friends. If you have something want to talk, so, you can find him. He can hear what you said and he never argue with you, just listen, and never tell anybody.


The dark night enable us can hear our voice of breath, you know, the voice of breath is rhythm, so, listen our breath in the night, it seem that listen to the music that you are singing.


The night is kind of beautiful and weird things! The night make you like and scared him.


Cause he is quiet , we like it. Cause he will disappear soon before the daytime coming, so, we afraid that.


In one word, the night can bring many benefits to us, let’s together to enjoy it!

anro 发表于 2010-4-1 09:10:33
I will go to bed at night. I afraidisolate.
梦儿 发表于 2010-4-1 09:41:56
I fear most is cranky
Linda-Yin 发表于 2010-4-1 10:27:27
The night is kind of beautiful things! I like to stay alone in the still of night.
awinghe 发表于 2010-4-1 14:25:28
the same feel with 2F
niniwaiwai 发表于 2010-4-1 19:23:05
I've got one bad habit recently,ican't fall asleep without reading novel ,watching films or doing something else before sleeping time.It's too bad to feel tired when i wake up in the morning. This habit has a very bad influence on my skin and my energy.I'm trying to stop it
niniwaiwai 发表于 2010-4-1 19:26:12
By the way, this is my first time speak in this forum. I hope I can be a good friend of you guys and improve my English at the same time
susanwongch 发表于 2010-4-2 09:15:14
i agree with the 2F
馨菲 发表于 2010-4-2 12:21:33
I afraid the dark night,I will go to bed.
beta312 发表于 2010-4-2 13:21:22
yuanlinlin310 发表于 2010-4-18 22:12:36
i do not want it stop for when daytime come ,i will go to work it is only my spare time ,sleeping ,have a good sleeping do not cosidering the other things
kevincen 发表于 2015-5-15 20:59:49
to see
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