





《BBC 每周商业》(Business Weekly)[压缩包]

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2010-4-1 15:50| 查看数: 1698| 评论数: 0|

[url=商业.bizweekly_19.March.10.rar (11.9 MB)][商业].bizweekly_19.March.10.rar[/url]11.9MB
[url=BBC.每周商业.bizweekly_26.March.10.rar (12.24 MB)][BBC.每周商业].bizweekly_26.March.10.rar[/url]12.2MB
[url=BBC.每周商业.bizdaily.15-19.March.10.rar (41.1 MB)][BBC.每周商业].bizdaily.15-19.March.10.rar[/url]41.1MB
中文名: BBC 每周商业

英文名: Business Weekly

资源格式: 压缩包

发行时间: 2010年3月19日

地区: 英国

对白语言: 英语

文字语言: 英文


你将得到一周中商业,经济,工作岗位,技术和管理等方面的对话。适合一些对外国经济对话类节目感兴趣或想通过听力提高下专业经济类词汇的人群 本人没考BEC不知道此节目对BEC考试有没有帮助 每周更新 此帖会随之更新新一周的内容

英文简介:Everything you need to know from the world of work and money. The key interviews, reports and thoughts of the week. Presented by Lesley Curwen and Steve Evans this weekend round up of the best of Business Daily gives you the big thinkers and big names in just 30 minutes. Covering business, economics, workplace technology and management theory。


以上内容来自BBC Podcasts,仅供广大网友参考学习。

Fri, 19 Mar 10:Trouble and strife

Duration:27 mins

Business Weekly gets gloomy this week. The troubles of the Spanish economy, the troubles of African corruption and the troubles of the Middle East. Except that the Palestinian stock market is booming. What's going on? A silver lining. Maybe its not so gloomy after all.

Fri, 26 Mar 10:China and Zimbabwe

Duration:27 mins

America is getting tough with China. It argues that Beijing is keeping its currency artificially low with the result that the rest of the world has higher unemployment. Steve Evans talks to C. Fred Bergsten, the director of the Petersen Institute for International Economics. Lesley Curwen talks to Jim Rogers, who used to be the partner of another legendary financier, George Soros. And a new property redistribution law in Zimbabwe: Is it fair? Is it economically wise? Plus, he wears a baseball cap sideways and low slung pants, the rapping economics Professor Dan Hamermesh, tells us how he entertains his young students with his end of term, version of a rap.


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