





Health: 女性服用避孕药可延年益寿?

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-4-1 18:53| 查看数: 1027| 评论数: 0|


Women who have taken the contraceptive pill can expect to live longer than those who have not, according to a survey.

Pill-takers are less likely to die from any cause, including all types of cancer and heart disease, the study found.

However, some of the effects may only be true for women who have taken older-style pills rather than the newer drugs on the market now.

The results of the study on more than 46,000 women is being published on the British Medical Journal website. It reveals a slightly higher risk of dying among the under-45s who stopped using the pill five to nine years ago.

This risk, however, diminished as women got older and was not apparent in those with more distant use.The effects in younger women were also mainly seen in those who smoked, had high blood pressure or were otherwise at risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, the benefits in older women outweighed the smaller excess risks among younger women.

The results are from the Royal College of GPs Oral Contraception Study, one of the world's largest investigations into the health effects of the Pill.


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