






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-4-2 20:46| 查看数: 2117| 评论数: 7|

香港渝振控股集团有限公司董事局主席陈振东表示发行500元大额人民币现钞时机已成熟的一个提议,关于500元面额人民币的话题,成为网络热议焦点。 63004_1268716473IiZ1.jpg


The CPPCC might be over, but people are still debating some of the more outrageous proposals considered by the committee. And the most recent issue to put Chinese netizen's into the typing tizzy is a proposal (reported via ChinaSMACK and Netease) to increase the largest renminbi denomination from RMB 100 to RMB 500.

The report, submitted by CPPCC national committee member, and chairman of the board at Hong Kong Yu Zhen Holding Group Co Ltd, Chen Zhendong (陈振东), alleges that RMB 100 bills are no longer sufficient considering the rapid growth of the economy.

Chen is quoted as saying, "Cash denominations are too small for the significant increasing cash transactions in the society, which is a waste of time for the financial institution and the people."

Upping the largest bill will also be a cost saving mechanism allowing banks to refill their ATMs less frequently and the government to print less money.

Anyone who's ever tried to put a deposit on an apartment knows the uneasy feeling of rolling up to the contract meeting with a backpack full of cash, but if this was to ever go through, we're fearful of its unintended consequences on Shanghai transportation. Shanghai cabbies find it difficult enough to break RMB 100 bills, so we can only imagine the expletives we'd hear when we dig out a RMB 500 bill.

Other concerns brought up by netizen: issues of RMB counterfeiting (if you get a fake RMB 500 bill you lose much more than with a RMB 100 bill), robbery and the need for labor intensive jobs (there are enough people to refill the ATM machines frequently, so why cut jobs?).



速途网注意到,甚至有人煞有介事的设计出500元面额人民币的图案放在网上。对于这件事,银行业的从业人员称"根本没听说这回事"。一位互联网媒体人士对速途网分析,500元人民币的话题引互联网强烈关注,一方面是跟这次两会上陈振东的一个提议有关,更重要的是,或与当下宏观经济形势的通胀预期相关,强烈的通胀预期使网民们更愿意相信这个传言是真的,实际上并没有政策依据。"500元面额人民币的传说,也许恰恰反应了网民们对宏观经济非常关注吧 "。


david 发表于 2010-4-3 19:21:58
kathy 发表于 2010-4-3 22:41:07
jmdai88 发表于 2011-6-12 15:59:25
children 发表于 2011-6-20 14:15:09
nothing to say
david201009 发表于 2011-6-20 14:53:02
it is so cute
linzhi888518 发表于 2012-2-26 15:31:45
sunshine-boy 发表于 2013-10-19 09:05:45
waiting for ahalfcentury, maybe it's possible ,
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