






发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-4-10 08:46| 查看数: 1260| 评论数: 0|



  Nokia, which announced the rollout of its free music downloading service, Comes with Music, in China Thursday, has been given the blessing of its record-label partners to offer it free of digital-rights management technology for the first time. In other words, Chinese users will be able to share the Mp3 files and use them on any device.

  诺基亚(Nokia)周四在中国宣布推出免费音乐下载服务“乐随享”(Comes with Music)。该公司获得了唱片公司合作伙伴的同意,首次提供没有数字版权管理技术的音乐下载服务。换句话说,中国用户将能够分享Mp3文件,并可以在任何手机上使用。

  Free music downloads are a pretty big leap for the music industry, but this isn't the first time the labels have tried it in China, where piracy is considered to be at its worst. Mp3s downloaded from Top100.cn, Google's Chinese music partner, are also unrestricted.


  What Nokia has that Top100.cn doesn't yet have is a catalogue of 9 million tracks, which the company says it is constantly adding to. The process of coding the music files so that they are easily searchable in the right language is time consuming, and though Top100.cn has the rights to offer about 5 million tracks, only about a third of those tracks are available to users so far.


  The future of Top100.cn's service has been thrown into question because of Google's ongoing spat with the Chinese government. The company has other partners, but Google drives much of the traffic to the service and helps the company broker some of its biggest advertising deals. Still, users downloaded or streamed at least 8 million tracks a day from Top100.cn's service as of late last month, according to the company's CEO, Gary Chen.


  Nokia is offering a pretty sweet deal to users, but that's assuming users are willing to pay $187 or more for a cell phone just to access free music, which is $187 more than they need to pay for legal free music now. Though Chinese users have shown a willingness to pay even more for a feature-packed, trendy cellphone (and there are plenty of them on the market now), they don't take the same attitude toward music, an area in which (as some industry executives in China have said) 'nothing beats free.'


  Another risk for the company is the regulation of digital music by the Chinese government, which requires distributors to seek approval for all songs made available in China. It's unclear whether that requirement is being enforced, or what the punishment will be for companies who don't comply, but Nokia said it is working with a Chinese partner, Huadong Feitian, which it said has taken care of the necessary licensing and approvals.


  Meanwhile, it's unclear what benefits Nokia hopes for from the music service beyond a boost in handset sales. The company said the service generates revenue from handset sales, but did not disclose what the breakdown of its revenue share with records labels are. When asked about revenue sources at the Comes with Music launch in Beijing, the company said it was in talks to cross-promote it with ring tone services, but declined to give other examples.


  Without that information, it seems the cut for record labels and artists will come from the sales of 8 Nokia handsets in a market of dozens of smartphones. IDC has estimated that smartphone sales will reach 35 million per year by 2013, which is significant but implies a ceiling for how much revenue can be generated from the Comes with Music program. Meanwhile, Top100.cn's riskier model offers record labels a share of a small but unlimited amount of advertising revenue, as well as market information from a broad audience.


  Liz Schimel, Nokia's global head of music, said at a launch event Thursday that Nokia hopes the ease of use of its Comes with Music program and users' desire to download straight to their handsets will drive users to its service.

  诺基亚全球音乐负责人施梅尔(Liz Schimel)周四在发布会上说,诺基亚希望“乐随享”的方便使用和用户往手机上直接下载音乐的愿望会推动用户使用这项服务。

  Loretta Chao


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