






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-4-18 19:33| 查看数: 1238| 评论数: 1|

The findings of an international group of experts, to be presented at the annual conference today of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, should make it easier for doctors to predict which women may need special care and attention during pregnancy.

Premature babies can survive from as early as 22 weeks' gestation, but they are on the border of viability. Every extra week of life in the womb increases chances of survival and improves prospects of long-term health without significant disability.

Dr Robbert van Oppenraaij from the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at Erasmus University medical centre in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and colleagues from the UK, Denmark and Spain reviewed 75 studies carried out between 1980 and 2008, looking at the impact of complications in early pregnancy.

They found that women who experienced complications either early in their current pregnancy or who had had a miscarriage or other problem in a previous pregnancy were more at risk of going into labour prematurely or experiencing other difficulties in later weeks.

Women who had experienced one or more miscarriages had nearly double the risk in their next pregnancy of giving birth prematurely. Those who had suffered three or more miscarriages were at even greater risk.

Termination of a previous pregnancy, for any reason, also increased the risk of premature birth in a subsequent pregnancy.

A whole range of problems in the first three months of a pregnancy were predictive of later complications:

• Vaginal bleeding increased the risk of pre-eclampsia or dangerously high blood pressure in the woman, as well as raising the chances that the baby would be born prematurely and under-weight.

• The survivor of a vanishing twin pregnancy (where one twin miscarries very early on) was more likely to be born prematurely, had three times the normal risk of very low birth weight and was more than three times more likely to die around the time of birth.

• Women who suffered from extreme early morning sickness were three times more likely to give birth prematurely and the baby was nearly three times more likely to be of low weight.

Identifying these women as at high risk of problem births would help to ensure their babies have the best chance of survival through careful monitoring of the baby's development, said Van Oppenraaij. More studies are needed to confirm the findings, he said.

Events and complications in early pregnancy can be extremely distressing for women, Van Oppenraaij said. For the clinician it is important to interpret the symptoms and to understand not only the short-term consequences, but also the long-term consequences of these early pregnancy complications. This is especially important for reassuring and supporting the couple at a difficult time.




荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学医学中心妇产科医生Robbert van Oppenraaij和他来自英国、丹麦和西班牙的同事一同复阅了1980到2008年间进行的研究,尝试找出早期妊娠并发症的影响。








Van Oppenraaij医生指出,鉴定出这些极有可能出现问题的孕妇有助于通过对她们婴儿生长的仔细监控提高婴儿的存活率。同时,他也提出他们需要做更多的研究来证实这项发现。

Van Oppenraaij医生说,对孕妇来说,一些妊娠早期的并发症和其他症状确实很难熬。但对医生来说,解释这些症状和了解这些妊娠早期的并发症带来的结果,不仅仅是短期的,还有长期的结果,也异常重要。因为,它们是那些处于困难时期的夫妇获得安抚和支撑的源泉。


小拉leave 发表于 2015-6-4 17:48:16
Thank you for your sharing.
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