






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-4-22 22:52| 查看数: 900| 评论数: 1|

Seismic activity on the Chinese mainland will remain at an average level despite a recent spate of disastrous earthquakes worldwide, the China Earthquake Administration said. 中国地震局表示,尽管近期世界各地频频发生强震,但我国大陆地震活动处于平均地震活动水平。

So far this year, the mainland has been hit with four earthquakes of at least magnitude 5, which is strong enough to cause considerable damage. 2010年以来,我国大陆共发生4次5级以上的地震,如此强烈的地震已造成相当大的损失。

In addition, a magnitude-6.4 earthquake struck the border area between China and Russia on Feb 18. 此外,2月18日中、俄边界发生6.4级地震。

These activities show a normal release of energy, and no destructive earthquake will occur on the mainland for a while, the Beijing Times quoted an unidentified expert of the administration as saying on Tuesday. 周二,《京华时报》援引地震局某专家的话说,这些地壳活动是一种正常的能量释放,大陆暂时不会发生破坏性地震。

China, one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, experiences an average 145 magnitude-4 earthquakes on the mainland annually. 作为世界上地震多发国家之一,中国大陆地区每年平均发生145次4级地震。

The administration also said there were about 20 magnitude-5 earthquakes and three or four magnitude-6 earthquakes a year. 地震局还补充到,每年中国大陆还会发生20次5级地震以及3~4次6级地震。

Earthquakes of magnitude 7, which are capable of causing widespread heavy damage, occur about twice every three years, according to data provided by the administration. 根据地震局所提供的数据显示,中国大陆平均每三年会发生两次7级地震,这一震级的地震足以造成大面积、严重的损坏。

Experts also rejected the idea that an upswing of mega-earthquakes in the rest of the world would spill over into the mainland. 对于“世界其他地区强震发生次数增加,将会波及到大陆”这一说法,有关专家予以否认。

Judging from either frequency or magnitude, the world has entered a period of active earthquakes, according to seismic data collected since 1900, Sun Shikuang, chief forecaster with China Earthquake Networks Center, told the Beijing-based China Youth Daily on Tuesday. 中国地震台网中心首席预报员孙士軦,在接受中国青年报采访时表示,“综合1900年以来的地震数据,无论从地震频率还是地震强度上看,都可以说现在全球进入了地震多发期。”

In January, a magnitude-7.3 earthquake hit Haiti, killing more than 200,000 people. A magnitude-8.8 earthquake on Feb 27 in Chile left roughly 800 dead. Earlier this month, two earthquakes with magnitudes above six rocked Turkey and the island of Taiwan. 今年一月,海地发生7.3级地震,死亡人数超过20万人。2月27日,智利发生8.8级地震,约有800人死亡。本月的早些时候,土耳其及中国台湾分别发生6级以上地震。

But even if the upward trend continues, a majority of the coming earthquakes will take place on the Pacific Rim, the area around the edge of the Pacific Ocean, according to a statement published by the earthquake administration. 国家地震局发表声明称,即使强震较多的现象可能还会持续,但大多数地震将发生在环太平洋地震带。

China's mainland is not located on the rim. 中国大陆并不处于这一地震多发区域。

However, the recent spate of destructive earthquakes worldwide has pushed Chinese experts to watch the Earth's movements more closely. 但鉴于近期世界各地强震频发,中国地震专家们已开始更密切地关注地壳运动。


1975 年2月4日,辽宁海城发生7.3级地震。极震区面积为760平方公里。这次地震发生在人口稠密、工业发达的地区,是该区有史以来最大的地震。由于我国地震部门对这次地震作出预报,当地政府及时采取了有力的防震措施,使地震灾害大大减轻,除房屋建筑和其他工程结构遭受到不同程度的破坏和损失外,地震时大多数人都撤离了房屋,人员伤亡极大地减少,仅有1300多人死亡,占全地区人口的0.016%。在世界历史上成功地预报七级以上大震尚属首次。伤亡人员多为老、弱、病、残、儿童和不听指挥的人。地震造成财产损失总计约8.1亿元。据推测,如无预报,人员伤亡将达到15万人左右,经济损失将超过50亿元。 1976年7月28日凌晨3点42分,河北省唐山市发生7.8级地震,灾后统计超过24万人丧生。与之形成鲜明对比的是,距离唐山115公里的青龙县,由于实现了地震预防,认真执行了周恩来总理提倡的“群测群防、专群结合、土洋结合”的防震抗震方针。虽然全县房屋倒塌7300多间,但全县直接死于地震灾害的只有1人。


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