





Scare Me Half to Death吓我半死(搞笑)转

发布者: smile_lee | 发布时间: 2006-8-31 09:23| 查看数: 9846| 评论数: 2|

<p><font color="#008000">A despondent woman was walking along the beach when she saw a bottle on the sand. <br/>一位神情沮丧的女人走在海边,突然她看见了沙滩上有一个瓶子. <br/><br/>She picked it up and pulled out cork.Whoosh! A big puff of smoke appeared. <br/>她拾起瓶子,拔掉软木塞.嗤,一股烟雾冒了出来, <br/><br/>You have released me from my prison,the genie told her.To show my thanks,I grant you three wishes,But take care,for with each wish,your mate will receive double of what ever you request. <br/>你刚刚把我从监狱里放了出来,妖怪跟她说,为了表示我的感谢,我答应你三个愿望.但是你要小心,你的每一个愿望你的配偶都会得到同样的双倍. <br/><br/>Why?.the woman asked ,That bum lift me with another woman. <br/>为什么?女人问道,那个游手好闲的家伙离开我和另一个女人跑了. <br/><br/>That is how it is written,replied the genie. <br/>诺言就是这样写的,妖怪回答道. <br/><br/>The woman shrugged and then asked for a milion dollars.There was a flash of light,and a million dollars appeared at her feet,At the same instant,in a far-off place,her wayward husband looked down to see twice that amount at his feet, <br/>女人耸耸肩,然后要了一百万美元,光束一闪,一百万美元出现在她的脚下,与此同时,在一个遥远的地方,她那位刚愎自用的丈夫低下头一看,发现脚边有两百美元. <br/><br/>And your second wish? <br/>你的第二个愿望是什么? <br/><br/>Genie,I want the world's most expensive diamond mecklace.Another flash of light,and the woman was holding the precious treasure.And,in the distant place,her husband was looking for a gem broker to buy his latest bonanza. <br/>妖怪,我要世界上最昂贵的钻石项链,又是一道光一闪,女人的手中握着珍贵的宝物.同时,在遥远的地方,她丈夫正在寻找宝石经纪人来购买他最近获得的幸运. <br/><br/>Genie,is it really true that my husband has two million dollars and more jewels than I do,and that he gets double of whatever I wish for? <br/>妖怪,我丈夫有两百万美元和比我多的珠宝,他得到我愿望的双份,这是真的吗? <br/><br/>The genie said it was indeed true. <br/>妖怪说,确实是真的 <br/><br/>Okey,genie,I'm ready for my last wish,the woman said,scare me half to death. <br/>好吧,妖怪,我现在准备好了我的最后一个愿望,女人说,吓我半死</font>


海伦 发表于 2006-9-1 16:29:47
no words...............
jingshu 发表于 2006-9-8 19:32:06
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