






发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-5-11 09:18| 查看数: 1223| 评论数: 1|



  A former gravedigger has built a 100mph single-seater car using a 7ft-long steel coffin for the body. Phil Bissett, 62, bought the unusual handmade coffin for £98 on internet auction site eBay and has dubbed his new creation 'Holy Smoke'. The tattoo artist from Harold Hill, near Romford in Essex, normally customises hearses in his spare time。

  "It was padded inside and I've left the handles on it so people can see it's a coffin." Bissett transformed the 75kg steel coffin into a car by using the engine of his daughter's 1972 VW and parts from a dumper truck, a beach buggy and an old Ford car and even wheel spinners made out of grave vases。

  The number-plate of the bone shaker is DIGG in honour of Mr Bissett's former occupation. The casket has been spray painted with the words Holy Smoke drifting across a graveyard scene and the words Rust in Peace across the lid. Along the sides Mr Bissett had painted 'I put the fun in funerals' and 'I see dead people' and on the petrol tank it says 'Embalming fluid only'。

  Mr Bissett said: "It's got a 1300cc engine so it can go up to 100mph. It's fully road legal. It's got an MOT, it's tax exempt because the engine is from 1972 and for fully comp insurance it was only £86. I love it. I wouldn't mind being taken to the church in it when my time comes."

  "The first time I took it out one bloke nearly fell off the kerb and into the gutter when he saw it," he said. "Another was madly trying to take pictures from his Hummer and almost crashed into the back another car. People react funnily to this, my wife won't go near it."

  据英国《每日邮报》5月8日报道,英国一掘墓人用一口7英尺(约2.1米)长的钢制棺材改装成一辆时速100英里(约160公里)的单座汽车。现年 62岁的老汉菲尔-比赛特在eBay拍卖网站上以98英镑的超低价格,从一家殡仪馆购买了一口7英尺长、75公斤重的钢制棺材,并将其改装成一辆“棺材汽车”。据了解,菲尔-比赛特是英国艾塞克斯郡哈罗德山市的一名纹身艺术家和前掘墓人,平时经常在业余时间为各种葬礼定制灵车。






KK 发表于 2015-7-12 07:27:16
Thank you for your sharing.
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