





你安全地使用化妆品了吗?Do you practice cosmetics safety?

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-6-8 08:09| 查看数: 1990| 评论数: 5|

Do you practice cosmetics safety?

Do you use your cosmetics responsibly? In other words, no sharing and keeping those containers(n.容器) closed tightly when not in use? I hope so -- you never know where that bacterial infection is going to come from.

Sharing cosmetics -- from lipstick(n.口红) to mascara(n.睫毛膏) -- can spread bacteria from person to person very easily. While most women don't share their cosmetics, many do. Unless you know where that lip or face has been, you're putting yourself at risk of infection by opening up your makeup case to someone else.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests these tips:

-Never allow other people to borrow your makeup(n.化妆品), which can spread bacteria and other germs.

-When trying on makeup at a store, always use a new applicator(n.涂抹的工具、涂药器), or ask the salesperson to clean it with alcohol(n.酒精) before using.

- To prevent bacterial growth, keep your makeup closed tightly, and store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing makeup to sun and other forms of direct light and heat.

- If you have an eye infection(n.感染), stop using makeup until the irritation(n.发炎) clears. Discard(v.丢弃) any makeup you used when you had the infection.

-Throw away old makeup, and any makeup that turns color or develops an odor(n.气味).

- Try not to inhale(v.吸入) powders or aerosol(n.气态悬浮物,尘粒,喷雾剂) products, which can irritate(v.使发炎,使疼痛) or damage the lungs.




- 不要允许其他人借用你的化妆品,这样能传播细菌以及其他的菌种。

- 在店里想要试用化妆品的时候,最好用新的涂抹工具,或者在使用前要求售货员用酒精清洁一下。

- 为了防止细菌滋生,拧紧你的化妆品盖,储存在阴凉、干燥的地方。避免化妆品曝光在太阳光或者其他形式的直射光和热下。

- 如果眼部受到了感染,不要使用化妆品直到皮肤炎症完全消失。当有感染的时候,请停止使用那些化妆品。

- 丢掉过期化妆品和变色或者产生异味的化妆品。

- 避免吸入粉末及喷雾产品,吸入会对肺部造成刺激或者损伤。


Quickie 发表于 2010-6-9 07:53:02
[1_28]this topic does not apply for normal male humanbeings


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
katy006688 + 10 赠送红包


niubility 发表于 2010-6-9 08:00:37

I am here,but it does nothing with me.
淡淡的才好 发表于 2010-6-9 15:50:06
For most people ,makeup has become their ordinarily necessitie when being compared with something else.Largely speaking ,cosmetics includesnot only in lipstick,mascara,powder,but in those of whatever can also be described as makeup items,from skin protection,cream,lotion,to hair using ones,like shampoo..If being asked how to use them safely and responsibly,the exact issue may not has been taken seriously by many people,and unfortunately,perhaps out of their mind.Speakingto cosmetic irritation,I had an irritating experience several years ago which tortured me very much. The set of cosmetic I boughtwas very popular but quite expensive at that time.Without any skin test--as from my increditable mistake ,I couldn't help my waiting and used them the next morning.The reaction ofitch and hypersusceptibility immerged my face,my skin....Clearly realized that I must have been infectioned by this awful set of cosmetic,I promptly mademy hurry to see the doctor...The warning came thereby,and from then and on,keeping this lesson in my mind ,whenever I make my attemp to buy a new brand,I would make a necessary test,and furthermore ,seldom did I try the sample on my lip,face,just on the skin of my arm,and before this ,I must ask the sales person to sterilize the exact ones I tried...

Anyway ,cosmetic used safely and responsibly is the essence in which not makingour ordinary life beautiful buthealthy as well.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


vofeima 发表于 2010-6-9 16:17:33
i purchase cosmetic in the speciality counter.Cosmetics for the identity of different people.Need to use a variety of professional cosmetics.Especially in the service industry, employees need to attract customers based on the makeup.

I see a lot of imported goods store,A new class of cosmetic skin cleansing emulsion, pearl protein whitening moisturizing cream, pearl white balance oil control water.玫琳凯Skin Care.

Present in too many cosmetics Laos


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


yuanlinlin310 发表于 2010-6-11 06:55:41
i do not use ,for i have no ideas with it
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