






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-7-5 14:14| 查看数: 1074| 评论数: 0|


A DREAM of Red Mansions, the 2010 version, has finally been unveiled. Although it can now only be seen on some local TV channels, it's receiving lots of praise from viewers.


The remake gives us a feeling of being "young" and "idolized". Many cast members were born in the late 1980s and 90s.Will it attract a younger audience? What is young people's take on the remake of such a classic? Does the love described in the novel seem "out-of-date" to them?

名著“偶像化” 'Idolized' classic


The casting of the new show was barely any different from the casting for a modern TV show. When the finalists appeared together and we got a look at them, what many people thought was: They look like idols.


While the new actors are doing their best to stamp their personalities on their roles and make people forget the older version, director Li and art director Timmy Yip also have a new approach for the show. They want to make the new TV series as beautiful as possible, hence all the attention to costumes and scenery.


Love affairs between the teenagers depicted in the story are considered as "misleading" to the young. This maybe one reason why it's often said that young people shouldn't read a book like A Dream of Red Mansions. But as the new TV series will be shown to more teenagers, they will see a lot of their "peers" being confused and even lost in love.


Also, director Li Shaohong and a team of 20 Redologists claim they tried to make sure that every detail in the 50 episodes is accurate. The emotions in A Dream of Red Mansions can be difficult to grasp at.


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