






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-9-10 22:38| 查看数: 69650| 评论数: 76|


kite_flying 发表于 2006-9-12 22:51:51
1) It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes ______ round shape into a teardrop shape.
[A] of the drop [B] the drop’s [C] drop of [D] drops their
2) The winner [A] photograph was of [B] an old barn(仓库) window covered with [C] a [D] delicate, lacy frost(带花边的霜).
3) At [A] birth, the [B] head of a bady is extremely large in [C] relation to a [D] rest of the body.

上面三题为练习题, 1  为选择题,2、3判断哪个错了,正确的词是什么

1)B 2)a winner's 3)b a baby's head

kite_flying 发表于 2006-9-12 22:52:47
david 发表于 2006-9-13 09:48:35

lesson 2 的标准答案

1) B为正确答案。“It”是形式主语。“that…”引导的是主从句。主从句的谓语是“changesinto…”“把……变成……”。其中“…into…”的前后应是对应的平行结构。很明显AD都不行,不能把“changes”误作名词。C改变了“…into…”的平行关系。只有B既能与前边的动词“changes”衔接,又能保持“…into…”的平行关系。

2) A错。 改为winners

3) D错。 改为the




david 发表于 2006-9-13 09:49:52

lesson 3   冠 词     
1. 可数名词在表泛指时,要加不定冠词“a/an”表示“一个”,“每一”相当于one或表示某一
2. a用在辅音音素(即音标中的辅音而不是辅音字母)之前,如a European scientist。an用在元音音素(音标中的元音而不是指元音字母)之前,如an X?ray examination
3. 跟汉语一样,并列的两个单数名词表示一个概念,第二个名词前的不定冠词a可以省去,以避免重复
1. 一般来说,普通名词有特指和泛指,如果特指,就要加定冠词;如果泛指,可数名词前加不定冠词,或用其复数形式
2. 定冠词the主要和名词连用,表示某些特定的人或事物
3. 由of引起的限定性短语(作定语)所修饰的词前加the
4. 表示身体的某一部位,用the代替物主代词my, our, your, his, her等
5. 表示江河海洋,海峡海湾,山脉和群岛及有些湖泊之前用the
6. 定冠词the加姓氏的复数,表示某某一家人,如果做主语,谓语动词要用复数
7. 当一个抽象名词,不表示一般的概念而是表示某一特定的内容时加定冠词the
8. 由普通名词和一些其他词构成的专有名词前加the
the People's Republic of China
1. ____rose  is____beautiful flower.
2.Mr. Smith always smokes____cigarette with ____cup of coffee.
3.____door of____garage is broken.
4.____donkeys are ____ stupid animals.
5.____bread is made from ____ flour,and ____flour is made from ____wheat.
6.She is ____good musician;she plays ____piano beautifully.
7.Thousands of ____visitors go to ____Great Wall every ____day.
8.When he was enghteen,he joined ____navy.
9.He sent me ____letter and ____postcard;____letter didn't arrive.
10.Li is not at ____office;I think he's gone____home.
11.Is there ____telephone here?
12.She is studying ____English and ____French.
13.I bought ____pen and some paper,but I left____pen  in ____shop.
14.____machine is made of ____steel and ____copper.
15.____honesty is ____best policy.
16.____coal is 60 dollars ____ton at the moment.
17.I stay at ____home last night and listened to ____radio.
18.We went to Paris and saw ____Palace of  Versailles.
19.He goes back to ____ country to see his people once ____year.
20.____Liu's are going to ____cinema.

 请在空格中填冠词或定冠词,如果不用填则填 “X”(直接写答案就可以了,不用全部复制)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-13 10:58:59编辑过]
babyblue16 发表于 2006-9-13 10:24:55
1. __/__rose  is__/__beautiful flower.
2.Mr. Smith always smokes__the__cigarette with ___a_cup of coffee.
3.___the_door of__the__garage is broken.
4.___the_donkeys are ____ stupid animals.
5.___the_bread is made from _/___ flour,and _the___flour is made from _/___wheat.
6.She is __a__good musician;she plays _the___piano beautifully.
7.Thousands of __/__visitors go to __the__Great Wall every __/__day.
8.When he was enghteen,he joined __the__navy.
9.He sent me _a___letter and ___a_postcard;__the__letter didn't arrive.
10.Li is not at _the___office;I think he's gone__/__home.
11.Is there __a__telephone here?
12.She is studying _/___English and /____French.
13.I bought __a__pen and some paper,but I left__the__pen  in _the___shop.
14.__the__machine is made of ___/_steel and _/___copper.
15.__/__honesty is __/__best policy.
16.___the_coal is 60 dollars __a__ton at the moment.
17.I stay at _/___home last night and listened to __the__radio.
18.We went to Paris and saw __the__Palace of  Versailles.
19.He goes back to __the__ country to see his people once _a___year.
20.__the__Liu's are going to _the___cinema
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-13 10:27:02编辑过]
smile_lee 发表于 2006-9-13 13:38:18
1. __the__rose  is_a___beautiful flower.
2.Mr. Smith always smokes__a__cigarette with _a___cup of coffee.
3._The___door of__a__garage is broken.
4.__The__donkeys are ___a_ stupid animals.
5.__The__bread is made from _the___ flour,and the____flour is made from __the__wheat.
6.She is _a___good musician;she plays ___the_piano beautifully.
7.Thousands of the____visitors go to _the___Great Wall every __a__day.
8.When he was enghteen,he joined __the__navy.
9.He sent me _a___letter and _a___postcard;___the_letter didn't arrive.
10.Li is not at __the__office;I think he's gone____home.
11.Is there _a___telephone here?
12.She is studying ____English and ____French.
13.I bought _a___pen and some paper,but I left__the__pen  in _the___shop.
14.__the__machine is made of ___the_steel and _the___copper.
15.__the__honesty is _a___best policy.
16.___the_coal is 60 dollars __a__ton at the moment.
17.I stay at ____home last night and listened to ___the_radio.
18.We went to Paris and saw __the__Palace of  Versailles.
19.He goes back to ____ country to see his people once _a___year.
20.__The__Liu's are going to ___the_cinema.
pureting 发表于 2006-9-13 13:58:47

1. the  a

2. the  a

3. the the

4. the  X

5. X  X  X  X

6. a  X

7. the  X  X

8. the

9. a  X  the

10. the  X

11. a

12. X   X

13. a  the  the

14. the  X  X

15.  X  the

16. X  a

17. X  the

18. the

19. the  a

20. the  X

kite_flying 发表于 2006-9-13 21:21:01
1. _A_rose  is__a_beautiful flower.
2.Mr. Smith always smokes____cigarette with __a__cup of coffee.
3._The___door of_the___garage is broken.
4.____donkeys are ____ stupid animals.
5.____bread is made from ____ flour,and ____flour is made from ____wheat.
6.She is ___a_good musician;she plays ____piano beautifully.
7.Thousands of ____visitors go to _the___Great Wall every ____day.
8.When he was enghteen,he joined __the__navy.
9.He sent me __a__letter and __a__postcard;__the__letter didn't arrive.
10.Li is not at _an___office;I think he's gone____home.
11.Is there __a__telephone here?
12.She is studying ____English and ____French.
13.I bought __a__pen and some paper,but I left_the___pen  in __the__shop.
14.____machine is made of ____steel and ____copper.
15._An___honesty is _the___best policy.
16.__A__coal is 60 dollars ___a_ton at the moment.
17.I stay at ____home last night and listened to _the___radio.
18.We went to Paris and saw ___the_Palace of  Versailles.
19.He goes back to ____ country to see his people once __a__year.
20._The___Liu's are going to ____cinema.
zjy32 发表于 2006-9-13 22:42:44

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange experience.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral waters.

3.I went to the doctor for advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an item of important information

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sitting, for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation were not numerous that night, but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultry are dear in the city

8.The board of directors are shaking heads at the chairman’s speech.

9.The merchandise have arrived undamaged.

bsxt 发表于 2006-9-14 09:55:37
1. the rose  is__a__beautiful flower.
2.Mr. Smith always smokes__x__cigarette with __a__cup of coffee.
3.__the __door of__the__garage is broken.
4.__x__donkeys are __x__ stupid animals.
5.__x__bread is made from ___x_ flour,and __x__flour is made from __x__wheat.
6.She is __a__good musician;she plays __the __piano beautifully.
7.Thousands of __x__visitors go to __the__Great Wall every __x__day.
8.When he was enghteen,he joined __the__navy.
9.He sent me __a__letter and __a__postcard;_the___letter didn't arrive.
10.Li is not at __the__office;I think he's gone__x__home.
11.Is there __a__telephone here?
12.She is studying __x__English and __x__French.
13.I bought __a__pen and some paper,but I left__the__pen  in __the__shop.
14.__the__machine is made of __x__steel and __x__copper.
15.__x__honesty is _the___best policy.
16.__x__coal is 60 dollars __a__ton at the moment.
17.I stay at __x__home last night and listened to __the__radio.
18.We went to Paris and saw __the__Palace of  Versailles.
19.He goes back to __the__ country to see his people once ___a_year.
20.___x_Liu's are going to __a__cinema.
tea 发表于 2006-9-14 10:05:02

lesson 3   冠 词     
1.the a
2.\ a
3.the the
4.\  \
5.\  \  \  \
6.a \
7.\  the  \
8. the
9.a \ the
10.the \
12.\ \
13.a the the
14.\ \ \
15.\ the
16.the a
17.\ the
19.the a
20.The \

christlulu 发表于 2006-9-14 11:47:15


1.the( a),a     2.a,a        3.the,the        4.x,x        5.x,x,x,x       6.a,the

7.x,the,x     8.the     9.a,a,the        10.the,x       11.a         12.x,x     13.a,the,the

14.the,x,x    15.x,the      16.x,a     17.x,the        18.x,the       19.the,a      20.the,the

christlulu 发表于 2006-9-14 12:00:27

lesson 4   数 词    

  一、数词的分类: 数词分为序数词(one, two, three, four)、基数词(first, second, third, fourth)和分数词(one third, two thirds, four fifths)。表示单一的数词与单数名词连用,但有些数词和名词连用,表示复数时仍用单数形式

  four dozen eggs(四十八个鸡蛋) two score people (四十个人) three hundred years(三百年) a few thousand horses (好几千匹马) eight million pounds (八百万英磅)

  注意:被这些数词修饰的名词一定是复数,反过来,如果被修饰的名词是复数,那么就用数词的单数形式,如 a(one) thousand years


  二、关于“千”“百”“百万”的数词: 如果“hundred”、“thousand”和“million”前边没有表示数字和其他限定词修饰时(如“a few”、“one”、“ ten”等),则可用复数形式,表示不定数,后面再加“of+名词”:hundreds of (数以百计的)thousands and thousands of (成千上万的)millions of (数以百万计的)

  三、关于连字符连接的数词: 在连字符连接的“数词+普通名词+形容词”中,“数词”和“普通名词”都要用单数形式

  a three?year?old girl, a three?mile?long walk


  He is in his late twenties. 他快30了。


  六、百分数: 表示百分比的percent用单数,如ninty percent(90%)

christlulu 发表于 2006-9-15 14:19:44
david 发表于 2006-9-17 11:19:10

lesson 4 和lesson 5都没有课后练习。但语法点大家要好好看看。

lesson 5   形容词和副词(一)
内 容 提 要
构 成 法 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级
① 一般单音节词末尾加?er 和 ?est strong stronger strongest
② 单音节词如果以?e结尾,只加?r 和?st strange stranger strangest
③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母,
须先双写这个辅音字母,再加?er和?est sad
hot sadder
hotter saddest
④ 少数以?y,?er(或?ure),?ow,?ble结尾的双音节词,
只加?r和?st) angry
noble angrier
nobler angrest
⑤ 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和most different more
different most

1. 三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most
只能说 more beautiful而不能说beautifuller; 只能说the most beautiful而不能说beautifullest。
但是,以形容前缀?un结尾的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy,untidy,我们可以说:unhappier→unhappiest, untidier→untidiest
2. 由?ING分词和?ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如know→known)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级
more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等。
3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式
absolute fatal main right universal
chief final naked simulta- utter
entire foremost perfect neous vital
eternal  inevitable  possible  sufficient  whole
excellent infinite primary supreme wooden

well   better    best
ill    worse    worst
much   more    most
few   less    least
far   farther    farthest
      further    furthest
一般 副词
hard→harder →hardest
fast→faster →fastest
late→later →latest
early→earlier →earliest
特殊 副词
well →better →best
much →more →most
badly →worse →worst
little →less →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀?ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加?er或?est,如
quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly
[注]: early中的?ly不是后缀,故可以把?y变?i再加?er和?est

christlulu 发表于 2006-9-17 18:43:23
david 发表于 2006-9-17 19:38:35
Rita娜 发表于 2006-9-18 09:20:34
where are  the materials?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-18 9:20:52编辑过]

david 发表于 2006-9-18 10:30:16

lesson 6   形容词和副词(二)
内 容 提 要——形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法
1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰
2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as
1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING结构和?ED结构,有时也可省去than。
2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致
1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)
2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the
1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as    .
[A] to run for fifteen minutes
[B] running for fifteen minutes
[C] you run for fifteen minutes
[D] fifteen?minute walking
2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while [A] not quite as curious than [B] the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence [C] and memory retention(记忆力) in solving [D] a problem.
3) Alaska is twice [A] as larger [B] as [C] the next largest [D] state, Texas.
4) Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions    a politician.
[A] such  [B] more  [C] as  [D] than
5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter.
[A] that  [B] so  [C] this  [D] as
6) Natural mica(云母) of [A] a superior [B] quality is cheapest [C] to obtain than synthetic [D] mica.
7) She is older than .
[A] any other girl in the group  [B] any girl in the group
[C] all girls in the group     [D] you and me as well as the group
8) Josephine McCrackin joined [A] the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late [B] , remained [C] active in journalistic [D] work.
9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than   .
[A] ours   [B] with us   [C] for ours it had   [D] it did for us
10) Sound travels   air.
[A] faster through water than through [B] faster than through water and
[C] through water faster and[D] where it is faster through water than through
11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand’s pupils, followed [A] the style of his teacher so implicitly that [B] his paintings [C] are sometimes confused with his master [D] .
12) The more [A] fearsome of all the [B] animals in [C] the Western [D] Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.
13) Of all economic [A] problems, inflation continues to be [B] a [C] most significant in its daily impact on [D] people and business.
14)     ,the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.
[A] All the activities  [B] The activities
[C] Of all the activities   [D] It is the activities


david 发表于 2006-9-20 11:21:06

lesson 6 答案

1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as    .
[A] to run for fifteen minutes
[B] running for fifteen minutes
[C] you run for fifteen minutes
[D] fifteen?minute walking
2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while [A] not quite as curious than [B] the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence [C] and memory retention(记忆力) in solving [D] a problem.
解析:B错。改为 as ,和前面的as和形容词原形curious 一起构成同程度比较。
3) Alaska is twice [A] as larger [B] as [C] the next largest [D] state, Texas.
解析:B错。 改为as large。
4) Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions    a politician.
[A] such  [B] more  [C] as  [D] than
解析:C对。动词rival(胜过、匹敌)前后是两个相比较的成分achievements(成果)和 contributions(贡献),由于前面的名词后出现了短语 as an architect,故空白处也应用as,使前后对比成分一致。
5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter.
[A] that  [B] so  [C] this  [D] as
6) Natural mica(云母) of [A] a superior [B] quality is cheapest [C] to obtain than synthetic [D] mica.
7) She is older than .
[A] any other girl in the group  [B] any girl in the group
[C] all girls in the group     [D] you and me as well as the group
8) Josephine McCrackin joined [A] the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late [B] , remained [C] active in journalistic [D] work.
9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than   .
[A] ours   [B] with us   [C] for ours it had   [D] it did for us
10) Sound travels   air.
[A] faster through water than through [B] faster than through water and
[C] through water faster and[D] where it is faster through water than through
11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand’s pupils, followed [A] the style of his teacher so implicitly that [B] his paintings [C] are sometimes confused with his master [D] .
解析:D错。 改为his master’s。
12) The more [A] fearsome of all the [B] animals in [C] the Western [D] Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.
解析:A错。 改为most。
13) Of all economic [A] problems, inflation continues to be [B] a [C] most significant in its daily impact on [D] people and business.
解析:C错。改为the, significant是多音节形容词,在此处应用最高级形式(在前面加 the most),注意句中的“of all… ”。
14)     ,the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.
[A] All the activities  [B] The activities
[C] Of all the activities   [D] It is the activities
解析:C为正确答案。本句空白处缺状语,A和B全为名词短语,不符合条件;D为句子,和空白后面的句子没有任何联系,故亦应排除。只有C正确,和后面的最高级the most familiar前后呼应。

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